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High end Interview | Jointly Building a Bright Future of Russia China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Cooperation in the New Era -- An Interview with Russian President Putin

May 16, 2024 08:48 | Source: Xinhua Share to:  

Xinhua News Agency, Moscow, May 15 High end Interview | Jointly building a better future of Russia China comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era -- An interview with Russian President Putin

Xinhua News Agency reporter Fan Weiguo Liu Kai

In a written interview with reporters from Xinhua News Agency on the eve of his state visit to China, Russian President Putin said that Russia and China promote the prosperity and development of the two countries by expanding equal and mutually beneficial cooperation in the economic and cultural fields; By strengthening foreign policy coordination and promoting the construction of a fair multipolar world order, these determine the bright future of Russia China comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era.

Putin said that contemporary Russia China relations go beyond ideology. No matter how the political situation changes, the multi-level development of bilateral relations is a conscious strategic choice. This choice is based on the fundamental interests of the two countries, in-depth mutual trust, strong public support and sincere friendship between the two peoples. The two countries work together to safeguard sovereignty, territorial integrity and security.

"In a broader sense, we promote the prosperity and development of Russia and China by expanding equal and mutually beneficial cooperation in the economic and cultural fields; and we promote the building of a fair multipolar world order by strengthening foreign policy coordination. These all determine the bright future of our comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era," Putin said.

He said that Russia China partnership has always been based on the principles of equality and mutual trust, mutual respect for sovereignty and consideration of each other's interests. President Xi Jinping, a wise and farsighted politician, plays a decisive and unique role in the development of bilateral relations.

"President Xi Jinping and I first met in March 2010. Since then, we have often met and talked with each other. He has shown humility, friendship, honesty and pragmatism in his communication." Putin said that each meeting between the two people is not only an exchange between old friends, but also a fruitful exchange of views on the most pressing issues on the bilateral and international agenda.

Putin recalled that in 2013, President Xi Jinping, as the head of state of China, took Russia as the first country to visit. After being re elected as President of the People's Republic of China last March, President Xi Jinping's first visit was a state visit to Russia. We spent nearly five hours together, held one-on-one in-depth talks, and attended the formal activities with rich contents the next day.

"It is the unprecedented high level of partnership between the two countries that made me decide to choose China as the first country to visit after I officially became President of the Russian Federation," Putin stressed.

He said that the people of Russia and China have a long and profound tradition of friendship and cooperation, which is also one of the most important foundations of bilateral relations. Today, Russia China relations have reached the highest level in history. Even in the face of severe international situations, bilateral relations are still strengthening.

Putin pointed out that this year is a special year for both countries. October 1 will usher in the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. China is meeting this important historical moment with outstanding achievements. As a proven and reliable friend, Russia is pleased with China's achievements. Over the past three quarters of a century, the two countries have gone through a long and sometimes tortuous road, fully absorbing the historical experience of different stages of the development of bilateral relations. Today, the two countries recognize that complementary advantages are injecting strong impetus into the rapid and comprehensive development of bilateral relations.

Turning to bilateral practical economic and trade cooperation, Putin pointed out that Russia China economic and trade relations have developed rapidly, showing a sustained ability to respond to external challenges and crises. In the past five years, the trade volume between the two countries has doubled. China has become Russia's largest trading partner for 13 consecutive years. In 2023, Russia will rise to the fourth place among China's trading partners. More than 90% of the settlement between companies of the two countries is conducted in local currency.

Putin said that the two sides are continuously and systematically carrying out strategic cooperation in the field of energy, and some new major projects are under way. Russia's supply of agricultural products to the Chinese market has maintained a good momentum. Initiatives in the fields of investment and production are being implemented. The transport and logistics corridor between the two countries is steadily operating and growing.

"I am full of confidence in the grand prospect of Russia China economic relations." Putin stressed that "Russia and China will strive to carry out closer cooperation in industry and high-tech, space and peaceful use of nuclear energy, artificial intelligence, renewable energy and other innovative fields. We will also continue to create good legal and organizational conditions for this, and develop transportation and financial infrastructure."

This year and next are the Sino Russian Cultural Year. Putin believes that Russia and China have been closely linked from generation to generation, not only because the two countries have a long common border, but also because they maintain close cultural ties and personnel exchanges. Today's Russian society has a high interest in Chinese culture and art. At present, there are about 90000 students studying Chinese in Russia. The tour and exhibition of creative groups participated by Chinese artists have achieved great success. The tourist flow continued to soar, with more than 730000 Russian citizens visiting China last year.

"I know that the Chinese people are also eager to get a closer understanding of Russian literature, art and traditions. Our outstanding troupes and musicians regularly perform in China, and museums hold various exhibitions. We are very happy to continue to show Chinese friends the rich and colorful history, creation and cultural heritage of multi-ethnic Russia," Putin said.

Putin also shared his personal views on Chinese culture: "I always have a strong interest in further exploring unique and unique Chinese traditions, especially during my visit to China. I know a lot about Chinese martial arts, which are very popular in Russia. I respect Chinese philosophy. My family is also fascinated by China, and some of them are learning Chinese."

Putin spoke highly of the cooperation between Russia and China on the international stage. He pointed out that the two countries hold similar or identical positions on key issues on the international agenda. Both countries support the leading role of international law, advocate building balanced, indivisible, comprehensive and sustainable global and regional security, and play the core coordinating role of the United Nations. Both Russia and China do not accept Western attempts to impose an order based on lies, hypocrisy and fabricated rules.

At present, the BRICS countries, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other multilateral mechanisms are uniting the countries of the "Global South" in the spirit of equality, openness, transparency and inclusiveness to promote the reform of the global governance system. Putin said that with our active participation, some multilateral organizations and mechanisms independent of the West have been established and operated smoothly, and their operation is based on the principles of equality, justice, openness, respect and consideration of each other's interests.

"The SCO and the BRICS countries are convincing examples of such mutually beneficial cooperation. As the key fulcrums of the emerging multipolar world order, they have firmly established their own positions. The SCO and the BRICS countries have become authoritative international platforms for vigorous development. Within their framework, all participants are carrying out constructive cooperation in the political, security, economic and cultural fields. What is enough to prove this is that other countries are increasingly interested in the activities of SCO and BRICS, and the number of its members is increasing. " Putin said.

With the expansion of staff as a new starting point, the BRICS cooperation mechanism has entered a new era of "big BRICS cooperation". Russia holds the rotating presidency of the BRICS countries this year. Putin introduced that Russia's work as the rotating presidency of the BRICS countries is steadily advancing. Work in the three major areas of cooperation, namely, political security, economy and finance, and people to people and cultural exchanges, has been in full swing. Various departments, business circles and all sectors of society in Russia have prepared an extremely rich agenda. More than 200 events are planned to be held during the rotating presidency.

Putin said that one of the main goals of Russia's rotating presidency of the BRICS countries is to promote the organic integration of new members into the BRICS countries and actively help them to integrate into the existing cooperation mechanisms. Another key point is to continue to carry out coordination work, strengthen the authority of BRICS countries in global affairs, and enhance their ability to promote the construction of a more democratic, stable and fair system of international relations.

"BRICS cooperation adheres to the spirit of mutual respect, equal treatment and open consultation. This is why the mechanism is so attractive to the 'Global South' and 'Global East' countries. In the eyes of these countries, BRICS countries are a platform where their voices can be heard and valued," Putin said.

When evaluating China's proposals and efforts for a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis, Putin said that Russia positively evaluated China's position. China is very clear about the root causes of the Ukrainian crisis and its global geopolitical impact, which is also reflected in the 12 points of the Chinese Position on Political Settlement of the Ukrainian Crisis issued by China in February 2023. The ideas and suggestions set forth in the document demonstrate the sincere desire of our Chinese friends to contribute to stabilizing the situation.

Putin stressed that the four principles for the peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian crisis recently proposed by President Xi Jinping are an organic complement to the above-mentioned documents. The pragmatic and constructive measures proposed by China are the development of the idea that we must abandon the cold war mentality, adhere to the principle of indivisibility of security, follow the norms of international law, and abide by the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, and focus on its comprehensive and comprehensive nature and mutual relations.

Putin said that Russia has never refused to negotiate and hopes to resolve the conflict comprehensively, sustainably and impartially through peaceful means. "We are open to dialogue on Ukraine, but these negotiations must take into account the interests of all countries involved in this conflict, including Russia."

Putin also introduced the plans and objectives for national construction in the new term of office. He said that the tasks proposed in the State of the Union address delivered on February 29 this year, such as promoting the development of various regions of the country, promoting economic and social development, increasing the birth rate, providing support for families with children, and eliminating poverty and inequality, are of great practical significance. "We understand the scale of these tasks and know how to solve them. We have the solidarity will of the people, the necessary resources and potential, and the rich experience of cooperation among the state, enterprises and civil society."

Putin pointed out that Russia has now become one of the top five countries in the world in terms of purchasing power parity. Our task now is to become the fourth largest economy in the world. The most important thing is to improve the quality and efficiency of development in all fields and improve the well-being of Russian citizens.

Putin stressed that he believes Russia can achieve all its strategic plans. "In this regard, we are willing to cooperate with partners from all over the world, including our good neighbor and reliable friend China." (Participating journalists: Jiang Yulin, Chen Ting, Yellow River, Huadi, Zhao Bing, Li Ao)

Edited by: Cui Shuyin