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The General Administration of Financial Supervision: the "sleep insurance policy" of life insurance has been cleared effectively

May 16, 2024 06:06 | Source: Xinhua News Agency Share to:  

Reporters learned from the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration on May 15 that since September 2023, when the special work of cleaning up the "sleep insurance policies" of life insurance was carried out nationwide, a total of 7.327 million policies have been effectively reminded, involving insurance benefits (cash value) of 45.706 billion yuan; A total of 1.8049 million insurance policies have been received by consumers, involving insurance benefits (cash value) of 10.954 billion yuan, effectively safeguarding consumers' property interests and rights protection.


The picture shows the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin

It is reported that since the start of the clean-up work, all life insurance companies have taken multiple measures to find policy stakeholders, comprehensively using SMS notification, pushing official WeChat and APP messages, business site publicity, telephone notification, delivery letters, face-to-face visits and other ways to remind consumers to pay attention to the policy status, receive relevant rights and interests, and make up for the lack of protection. In view of the inaccurate, missing or changed communication address and contact information of consumers, the insurance company took the initiative to make door-to-door visits to find the "lost" policy owner in many ways, to ensure that every right and protection was implemented, and strive to achieve the "granular return" of policy rights.

In order to help consumers actively inquire about their own "sleep insurance policies" and realize the "two-way rush" between insurance companies and consumers, the State Administration of Financial Supervision has guided the construction of a unified one-stop information inquiry platform for "sleep insurance policies" in the industry, providing convenient, safe and efficient information inquiry services for financial consumers, while significantly improving the "sleep insurance policies" Quality and efficiency of cleaning work.

The State Administration of Financial Supervision said that in the next step, it will continue to guide and urge the insurance industry to take the initiative, promote the special work of clearing "sleep insurance policies" in depth, effectively protect the people's "pockets", and constantly improve the sense of gain and satisfaction of financial consumers. (Reporter Li Yanxia)

Edited by: Jia Yuanchang