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Okinawa people march against the Japanese government to build the local military fortress

May 16, 2024 00:06 | Source: Xinhua News Agency Share to:  

Xinhua News Agency, Tokyo, May 15 (Reporter Hu Xiaoge and Guo Dan) The 15th is the 52nd anniversary of Okinawa's return to Japan. Many people in Okinawa went to the U.S. military bases in Japan and the Japanese Self Defense Forces for peaceful marches on the same day, strongly opposed the Japanese government to build Okinawa into a military fortress, and appealed to avoid making Okinawa a battlefield again.

According to the Kyodo News Agency of Japan, Okinawa people came to the front of the Schwab military camp at the Futenma base of the US military stationed in Japan in the early morning of the same day and shouted slogans such as "For 52 years, Okinawa has never changed under the oppression of the US base". Another part of Okinawa people came to Ishigaki Island, where the Japanese Land Self Defense Force was stationed, for a peaceful march, shouting slogans such as "no base, peaceful Okinawa", strongly opposed the Japanese government to build Okinawa into a military fortress, and expressed deep concern that Okinawa might once again become a battlefield.

In April 1945, the US military occupied Okinawa. On May 15, 1972, the Shih regime of Okinawa was officially handed over to the Japanese government. Okinawa Prefecture currently has about 70% of the special facilities for US troops stationed in Japan, and the Japanese government has also continued to expand the area of the Self Defense Forces stationed in Okinawa.

The US troops stationed in Japan have extraterritorial jurisdiction in Japan and are not subject to Japanese jurisdiction. For a long time, the safety accidents, aircraft noise, US crimes and other problems caused by the US military bases have seriously affected the daily life of Okinawans. The people expect Okinawa to become "an island of peace without military bases".

Edited by: Jia Yuanchang