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Let youth and rural revitalization "go in both directions"

19:38, May 11, 2024 | Source: People's Political Consultative Conference Network Share to:  

Hangzhou, CPPCC website, May 11 On May 9, the New Federation of Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, together with the village communities of Renhe Street, carried out a theoretical propaganda activity with the theme of "When Youth Cohesion Is Right • A New Chapter of Rural Revitalization", aiming to encourage more young people to participate in rural construction by sharing the practical experience of rural professional managers, so that youth and rural revitalization can "go in both directions".

At the activity site, Shen Xiaoyan, the professional manager of Huayuan Village, took the lead in giving a speech. With the theme of "deepening the August 8th strategy, seeking common prosperity and development", she told the story of Huayuan Village, under the guidance of the "August 8th strategy", giving full play to the advantages of the characteristic industrial village, actively exploring the development model of "branch+base+farmers" under the leadership of the party building, to "research education+leisure agriculture" Create characteristic villages for IP and fully activate the development experience of "beautiful economy". "We will continue to do a good job in the second half of the rural operation. With the help of agricultural, cultural and tourism events, we will use flowers as a medium to attract fans and make the 'flower appreciation economy' bigger and stronger." Shen Xiaoyan's words are full of confidence in the future of the countryside.

Ye Shujuan, the professional manager of Puning Village, with the title of "New Villagers in Puning", told the story of her digging deeply into rural characteristic resources, doing a good job in developing local specialties, creating a peony brand, and driving the village's collective economy to increase income. "In 2023, the sales of local specialties of Qiwei salty tea will drive more than 200 villagers to increase their income, which will add 300000 yuan to the collective income of the village, achieving good economic benefits," said Ye Shujuan.

Hu Jiafei, the professional manager of Yunhui Village, brought a wonderful sharing of "practicing the August 8th strategy and writing new answers for the times". As a participant and witness in the rural construction of Yunhui Village, Hu Jiafei told the story of the development of "green industry" brought about by the butterfly change of the village environment, and the development of "red industry" connected by deep cultural roots. "In 2023, the collective operating income of Yunhui Village will reach 12 million yuan, and the annual per capita income will reach 72000 yuan, and won the honor of being the first village in Hangzhou, and the" strong and rich "reform model village." Hu Jiafei's presentation won bursts of applause at the scene.

"We hope to stimulate more young people's enthusiasm for learning and innovative spirit and encourage them to become the new force for rural revitalization through such publicity activities," said the person in charge of the activity.

Youth is the main force of rural revitalization. This propaganda activity is a vivid practice of the United Front of Yuhang, the town street village community linkage, and the youth groups to jointly improve the quality of the grass-roots United Front work. In the future, Yuhang will continue to build a platform and provide support to enable young talents to shine on the broad rural stage and jointly paint a beautiful picture of rural revitalization. (Fan Junjie)

Editor: Zhou Jiajia