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Let dialect culture glow new vitality

During his inspection of Tianjin, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "the purpose of inheriting and developing urban culture and fostering and nourishing urban civilization is to show the cultural characteristics and ethos of the city by cultivating cultural people, benefiting the people, embellishing the city and promoting industry through culture". As a language variety with regional characteristics, dialect is an important link for people's language exchange and emotional communication in a region, and also an important carrier for carrying Chinese culture, reflecting Chinese characteristics, telling Chinese stories and building Chinese self-confidence in the new era.

With the cultural person, reshape the dialect cultural identity. The holder of dialect culture is the most important force for the protection and inheritance of dialect culture. To reshape cultural identity is to make individuals have a sense of belonging to their own dialect culture and cultural community at the cognitive, emotional and behavioral levels. Therefore, the cultural education for dialects is particularly important, such as setting up dialect cultural interest courses in primary and secondary schools, and offering elective courses in universities, including the basic characteristics of dialects, folk songs, operas, stories, folk customs, etc. We can also carry out various forms of campus dialect cultural activities, so that young people can feel the unique charm of dialect culture imperceptibly, and let dialect culture glow with new vitality.

Create regional folk art ecology by benefiting people with culture. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized "benefiting the people with culture" and "improving the public cultural service system", which further requires us to innovate and carry out the project of benefiting the people with culture, adhere to the high-quality cultural supply to better meet the people's high-quality spiritual and cultural needs, and further improve the city's cultural taste. Dialects have bred popular folk art forms such as Tianjin Crosstalk, Beijing Rhyme Drum, Suzhou Pingtan, etc. The regional characteristics of folk art have been passed down from generation to generation, and have unique historical and cultural values and artistic values. To continue to create a good local quyi creation ecology, we can rely on traditional media and Internet platforms to jointly create a strong media communication matrix and a media integration platform, create high-quality quyi columns through diversified communication methods, expand the influence of local quyi, and further meet the growing spiritual and cultural needs of the masses.

Run the city with culture, inherit and carry forward dialect culture. Chinese modernization cannot be separated from the inheritance and promotion of excellent traditional culture, and urban development cannot be separated from the infiltration and cultivation of traditional culture. Dialect culture also needs to be inherited and protected, such as the dialect voice archiving project carried out by Zhejiang Provincial Archives and Tianjin Municipal Archives, A series of research results and books on Tianjin dialect published by relevant folk groups and some folk custom experts in Tianjin have become the positive elements and dependence of the revitalization of urban dialect culture. These successful cases have also played a good exemplary role for the development of dialect culture protection nationwide. To inherit and carry forward dialect culture, we should not only rely on the strong assistance of the government, but also fully tap and make good use of the folk forces, give play to the enthusiasm, creativity and profound and rich intellectual elements of the people, and pool all efforts into the great cause of revitalizing urban dialect culture.

Develop the industry with culture and polish the classic cultural brand. Culture is an important fulcrum to promote high-quality urban development. In the context of building tourism with culture, highlighting culture with tourism, and promoting the integrated development of culture and tourism, dialects can become an advantageous resource to promote the development of cultural tourism industry and create tourism business cards. We can try to develop special tourist areas with dialects as the main communication platform, bring novelty to tourists with the unique flavor of dialects, or design and develop special tourist commodities based on dialects.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed that "cultural confidence is a more fundamental, broader and deeper confidence, a more fundamental, deeper and more lasting force". Language is an important carrier of culture. Each language contains unique cultural wisdom and plays an irreplaceable role in promoting cultural exchanges and mutual learning, protecting and inheriting cultural diversity. We should do well in promoting cultural inheritance and development, inherit the historical context of the city, and keep the dialect alive in the long river of time.

(The author Fang Yun is a member of Tianjin CPPCC and chairman of Jinnan District CPPCC)

Editor: Lu Yajing