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The coming world garden will "see the world flowers in one day"

When it is dawn, the damp soil will be covered with red petals, and there will be countless colorful flowers in the streets and alleys.

In the past May Day holiday, the 2024 Chengdu International Horticultural Exposition (hereinafter referred to as the Expo) has become the biggest highlight of Chengdu's cultural tourism market.

On April 26, the 2024 World Horticultural Exposition with the theme of "Better Habitat in Park Cities" was opened in Chengdu.

As the highest level professional international exposition in the field of flower gardening in the world, this expo will last until October 28, during which the featured flowers and plants from all over the world as well as garden and gardening boutiques will be intensively displayed, and with rich cultural activities and perfect tourist experience, the concept of green development will be conveyed, and the achievements of park city practice and ecological civilization construction will be presented to the world.

Precious grasses from five continents compete with each other in the garden

For the first time, the Expo will adopt the mode of "one main venue+four sub venues". The main venue is located in the East New Area of Chengdu, with four sub venues in Wenjiang District, Pidu District, Xinjin District and Qionglai City.

Here, you can feel the surprise of the beauty competition in the gardens of various countries.

In the Beijing Garden, it was once the standard "Golden Phoenix" vane of the royal garden, which was rebuilt for the first time in China; There are 25 special varieties of hibiscus on the Furong Island of Chengdu Garden. In 2022, the space hibiscus that will take Shenzhou 14 for space assisted breeding will bloom here. In the Botanical Museum, more than 200 tropical plants from all over the world, supported by mountains, rapids, waterfalls and other landscapes, have stereoscopically simulated tropical rainforest habitats. The Montpellier Exhibition Garden in France fully embodies the elegance and romance of French gardens

Several world organizations, such as the International Bamboo and Rattan Organization, were also invited to participate in the exhibition and built a unique bamboo and rattan garden.

The towering space intention of the "Yule Bamboo Pavilion" is similar to the European classical architectural style, demonstrating the ingenious application and unique charm of Chinese traditional bamboo in modern architectural art. Dozens of rare bamboo varieties surround the "Green Bamboo Pavilion" at four corners, creating a valuable science popularization area for rare bamboo plants

Jiang Zehui, co chairman of the board of directors of the International Organization for Bamboo and Rattan and president of the China Flower Association, said that the exhibition garden demonstrated the unique charm and cultural characteristics of bamboo in people's production, life and gardening, and contributed "bamboo wisdom" and "bamboo strength" to the realization of the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Not just a garden party

The Expo has a history of more than 60 years, covering more than 30 cities around the world. The purpose of holding the expo is not only to promote the exchange and sharing of flower garden skills among countries, but also to convey the green development concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Chengdu hands over its answer sheet——

The first is to maximize the use of existing ecological resources.

The main venue of the Expo is Jiangxi River Ecological Corridor with excellent ecological background. During the design, 80% of the terrain and landforms were retained, and the park was built with rich spatial changes due to the local conditions. The venues and landscapes were carefully arranged in the rolling hills. At the same time, nearly 28 hectares of existing forest land and more than 400 tall trees are reserved in the park, and local trees are preferred for the newly planted plants; The lake has also built an animal and plant water ecosystem, allowing the lake water to purify itself.

Secondly, "zero carbon garden" will be built in terms of building materials, energy supply form, rainwater collection, etc.

For example, the three "petals" standing in the center of the main entrance of the main venue are particularly eye-catching, and it is also a hidden "rainwater collection artifact". It is estimated that the annual amount of rainwater collected will be about 2500 tons, which can meet the daily irrigation of 2 hectares of green space in the park.

The design and construction of the main exhibition hall also skillfully use natural ventilation and lighting, so that the building can take into account the functions of sunshade in summer and heat collection in winter, reducing energy consumption for operation and maintenance. At the same time, the introduction of low temperature fresh air on the lake, more decentralized air conditioning. It is estimated that the energy saved is equivalent to the energy consumption of air conditioning of 30 ordinary families in a year.

In the opinion of Tim Blair Cliff, Secretary General of the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH), coming to the Expo can not only "satisfy the eyes", but also get inspiration from green lifestyle. On the one hand, we absorb the inspiration of plant decoration from the professional garden exhibition garden; On the other hand, enhance the sense of belonging and pride of the city, and understand the appearance of the future green city.

Valuable heritage for Chengdu citizens

International exhibitions are also held to give the city and residents a sense of gain.

In fact, since the first World Horticultural Exposition was held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands in 1960, almost every World Horticultural Exposition has left a thick "green heritage" for the city.

Chanba Ecological Area, the site of the 2011 Xi'an World Horticultural Exposition, has become a garden for leisure and entertainment of Xi'an citizens and a "green lung" for urban air purification.

This time in Chengdu, "not planning any building that cannot be used later" has become the philosophy of this expo.

It is reported that after the closing of the Expo, the main venue will become an important urban park green space in the East New Area of Chengdu. In addition, the future expo will combine with various industries to create greater social value.

Taking advantage of the east wind of the Expo, the Spring Flower Paradise, located in the Pidu District venue, has "strong sales and purchase", with sales exceeding 180 million yuan. After the Expo, it will also serve as a "flower themed cultural tourism destination", continuously releasing the vitality of eco-tourism.

Chengdu is the largest flower and nursery stock distribution center in western China, with an annual output value of about 13 billion yuan. It also has the only flower and tree commodity exchange license in China. Flower practitioners in Chengdu expect that through the "World Garden Economy", Chengdu flower industry will be promoted to thousands of households, rural industry revitalization and international market. Reporter Wang Shuo

Edited by: Qin Yun