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The educational value of labor culture in colleges and universities

15:31, May 6, 2024 | Source: Guangming Share to:  

Labor culture is the spiritual achievement formed and accumulated in the process of labor practice, which mainly refers to the culture of establishing the status and value of labor and safeguarding the dignity and rights of workers. It is an important responsibility of colleges and universities to promote labor culture education and cultivate qualified college students.

1、 The educational value of labor culture

(1) Strengthen moral sentiment

First of all, labor culture helps college students to clarify their moral ideals. Moral education is the process of internalizing knowledge. College students must go through a process to accept the values advocated by society and transform them into their own ideas. College students have simple experience, and their moral pursuit is in an irrational idealized state. Labor culture is a bridge between ideal and reality. In time after time of labor practice, college students better combine their ideals with reality, and their life goals are clearer and clearer. Secondly, labor culture can help college students enhance their moral feelings. Through labor practice, college students feel the hardship and pleasure of labor, understand the people's livelihood and experience the society, receive enlightenment from reality, and enhance their understanding of the meaning of labor value. Finally, labor culture is conducive to college students' moral will. It is common for college students to encounter many unexpected challenges in the process of labor, which requires them to cultivate a careful and patient character, have a tenacious will, and use scientific methods to solve problems.

(2) Enhance value recognition

Cultivating and practicing core socialist values should start from childhood and schools. Model workers have the spirit of patriotism, dedication, hard work, and progress, which vividly demonstrates the basic concept of socialist core values. Learning and carrying forward the spirit of model workers will help students to further identify with the core socialist values of patriotism, dedication, integrity, friendship and so on. Through the model workers around them, college students can learn about their life and work, their spiritual character of indifference to fame and wealth, dedication, and dedication, and show the original aspiration and sense of mission of Communists, which is conducive to deepening college students' understanding and enhancing their sense of identity. The promotion of labor culture is not only of moral significance, but also of political value.

(3) Cultivate sound personality

To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, it is necessary to rely on the arduous struggle of Chinese workers from generation to generation. The Chinese Dream can not be easily accomplished by beating the gong and drum. It needs to be done year after year. It needs a batch of workers with lofty aspirations, courage to take on responsibilities and innovation to complete step by step. Colleges and universities are the cradle of cultivating highly skilled talents. By carrying forward the labor culture, they cultivate high-quality talents with ideals, responsibilities, culture and ability, and lay the talent foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Vigorously promote the spirit of labor, model labor and craftsmanship, encourage college students to master solid labor literacy, become knowledge-based, skilled and innovative workers, and provide impetus for Chinese modernization.

2、 Practice Path of Labor Culture in Colleges and Universities

(1) Renew the concept of labor education in colleges and universities

The party and government attach great importance to school labor education, which not only marks the deepening and improvement of education policies, but also the inheritance and promotion of labor spirit. The core and key of labor education is to establish a scientific view of labor history and cultivate correct labor values, and improve personal labor skills and attitudes through practice. The aim of developing moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, and labor education simultaneously is to put the goal of labor education throughout the whole moral education, ensure that college students can form correct labor concepts in labor practice, cultivate positive labor spirit, master necessary labor skills, and develop good labor habits. By participating in various labor activities such as family, school, enterprise and community, college students can grasp the meaning of labor in practice, realize the difficulty of labor, respect workers more and enhance their sense of social responsibility. This all-round labor education concept will not only help college students improve their personal ability, but also lay a solid foundation for their future contribution to society. Under the guidance of scientific labor education concept, a new generation of college students will grow up in labor and become socialist builders and successors with innovative spirit and practical ability.

(2) Create a cultural atmosphere that respects labor

It is very important to create a campus cultural atmosphere that respects labor in colleges and universities. This can not only realize the self value of workers, but also enhance their sense of happiness and gain. College students should understand the truth that "the most fundamental symbol of happiness through labor is that creative and honest labor is respected". In order to achieve this goal, students should understand that ensuring that workers feel dignity, sense of achievement and happiness, especially those who are diligent and innovative, should be fully recognized and encouraged. Such an approach can stimulate the enthusiasm of workers, "labor happiness is the highest form of happiness", so that they can work more deeply. Colleges and universities should use modern communication tools, WeChat, short video, microblog and other new media platforms and ways to spread the deeds of model workers, encourage more workers, and lead the social trend. Through these platforms, we can tell the stories of model workers, show the glory of labor and the beauty of creation, and improve the influence and attraction of model workers and craftsman spirit on campus. Colleges and universities also need to pay attention to and correct the negative statements that belittle labor and workers. By strengthening the supervision of public opinion, we can effectively clarify misunderstandings, guide college students to form correct values that respect labor, create a positive and healthy campus cultural environment, and make labor a behavior that is respected and respected by the society.

(3) Develop the habit of working independently

Zhang Jian once said: "Anyone who can do it must do it by himself and never be lazy." Growth is a life journey of gradually getting rid of dependence and pursuing self independence. In this process, labor education plays an important role. It is not only the practice of knowledge, but also spiritual self-cultivation. Labor teaches people to explore the world through personal practice, to try to shape the future with their own strength, and to understand the true meaning of harmonious coexistence with nature. Under the influence of labor education, college students can broaden their horizons and understand that labor is not only for survival, but also a way of self realization. Labor contains enormous power, which is the cornerstone of individual independence and self-improvement. In the development process of intelligent society, those repetitive and mechanical labor are gradually giving way to more creative and intelligent labor. This kind of transformation can not only improve the efficiency of labor, but also enable college students to achieve self transcendence in labor and sublimate their spirit and wisdom. In this kind of work, college students find their own position, realize their personal value through creative independent work, and contribute their own strength to social progress.

[Liu Shengliang is a professor of Guilin Medical College, and Ou Haiyan is an associate researcher and correspondence author of Guilin Medical College. This paper is the result of the Guangxi Education Science Planning Project "Research on the Practice and Education Mechanism of College Labor Education in the View of Rural Revitalization" (2022ZJY1894), "Research on the Boost Mechanism of Guangxi Rural University Students Returning to Their Homes to Start a Business" (2023ZJY1455).]

Editor: Wei Linhui