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Nearly 1000 masterpieces appear in eight exhibitions

14:04, May 6, 2024 | Author: Wu Chunyan, Tang Yige | Source: Guangming Daily Share to:  

From May 1, the White Goose Pond Dawan District Art Center (hereinafter referred to as the "Art Center"), which integrates the new Guangdong Art Museum, Guangdong Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum and Guangdong Literature Museum, will be open to the public free of charge.

As an integral part of the art center, the White Goose Pond area of Guangdong Art Museum also launched eight major exhibitions on the occasion of its debut, with more than 900 works by more than 700 Chinese and foreign artists on display, which is the largest art exhibition in Guangdong history.

A collection of Chinese and foreign fine arts

The opening series of exhibitions in the White Goose Pond area of Guangdong Art Museum, including "The Age of Awakening -- Inheritance and Evolution of Chinese Art in the First Half of the 20th Century", "Passion Years -- Transformation and Construction of New Chinese Art", "Rising Pearl River", "New Era Fu", "Future Touch -- Immersive Digital Art Exhibition", "City Chain: Art Experiment Exhibition in the South" "Future Garden - Contemporary Public Art Exhibition", and "Solidified Poems - Exhibition of Masterpieces from Renaissance to Baroque in Borghese Art Museum".

"As the first appearance of the opening exhibition, we brought out the" family "of Guangdong Art Museum." Wang Shaoqiang, the curator of Guangdong Art Museum, told reporters that the first seven exhibitions were based on the collection of Guangdong Art Museum for nearly 30 years, and borrowed the classics collected by units and art institutions such as the China Art Museum and the National Museum of China. Qi Baishi, Lin Fengmian, Huang Binhong, Gao Qifeng, Gao Jianfu, Chen Shuren, Pan Tianshou, Fu Baoshi, Li Keran, Guan Shanyue, Li Xiongcai, Huang Zhou and a number of fine works of modern Chinese painting masters will be exhibited together.

More than a dozen of Lin Fengmian's masterpieces were assembled and unveiled, which is rare to see. "Maiden", "Two Cranes by the River" and other works were borrowed from the Hong Kong Museum of Art and the Chinese Art Palace in Shanghai. The audience can have a glimpse of the painting ideas of this pioneer of Chinese and Western fusion of art ideas. The works of painter Pan Yuliang were exhibited in Guangdong Art Museum for the first time. Seven paintings, including Self Portrait of Holding Fan, were borrowed from Anhui Museum, showing the female painter's brushwork with oriental aesthetic style. Many representative works of Pan Tianshou, such as A Corner of Lingyan Ravine, collected by the National Art Museum of China, also appeared in the exhibition, reflecting the painting style characteristics of the painter at his peak.

In addition, this series of exhibitions specially introduced 55 paintings and Roman sculptures collected by the Italian Borghese Art Museum, including precious authentic works from Raphael and other artistic giants.

"The White Goose Pond Dawan District Art Center is a major landmark cultural project in Guangdong Province. The three pavilions jointly build an 'urban culture and art reception hall'. We hope that the exhibition will match the positioning, vision and pattern of the art center." Wang Shaoqiang said.

A group of masterpieces made their debut in Guangdong

The Lingnan School of Painting that Guangdong audiences are familiar with has also been newly presented in this exhibition. Many of Gao Jianfu's paintings, such as "Five Storeys" borrowed from the Hong Kong Museum of Art, are his rare early paintings. Guan Shanyue's 15 meter masterpiece, "The Leap Forward of Mountain Villages", can be called an epic of China's rural construction in the 1950s; The Green Great Wall fully reflects the style of Lingnan School of Painting, which is vigorous and bright in color.

Many famous works were exhibited in Guangdong for the first time. For example, the treasure of the National Art Museum of China and the Guangting Bo oil painting "Steel · Sweat", which is as famous as "Father", are the representative works of Chinese photorealistic oil paintings. Wang Shaolun's representative oil painting Xiaogang on November 24, 1978, Jin Shangyi's oil painting Dancers, Yuan Yunsheng's color manuscript Water Splashing Festival - Praise of Life and other works are the first time to be lent to Guangdong.

There are also a number of masterpieces that focus on the present and closely follow the pulse of the times. The "New Era Fu" exhibition on the third floor gathers the outstanding works of the national major historical theme art creation project, the national theme art creation project organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the China Artists Association in recent years, some outstanding works of the Guangdong reform and opening up practice theme art creation project, and the recent works of the new era theme art creation project of Guangdong Province.

Fan Dean's latest creation, "Take off the New Era", shows the urban skyscraper in the form of oil painting; Wu Weishan created the sculpture "Purple Spirit Coming from the East - Lao Zi Leaving the Pass" to show the charm of Chinese traditional culture; The research and creation of the Chinese painting "Three Thousand Red Soils" created by Wang Shaoqiang is based on the ancient method, and at the same time, it involves the methodology of contemporary constructivism to show the charm of contemporary Chinese painting.

The artistic power of the Bay Area is enthusiastic

East and West cultures collided and exchanged in this grand exhibition. Nearly 30 works of well-known artists at home and abroad are distributed in the open space of the museum, presenting cross-cultural and diversified artistic expression in various forms and perspectives.

In the "City Chain: Art Experiment Exhibition in the South", the Bay Area art community, which has been quite active in recent years, was highlighted in the exhibition. The works of Mr. Weather, a young group in Guangzhou, such as Pineapple Seed, showed the artists' thinking about the city, formed a variety of faces, and inspired the practice of art intervention in social life.

In the "Future Touch - Immersive Digital Art Exhibition", Guan Huaibin's "Mountains, Seas and Lingnan" restores the landscape cultural landscape of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and interprets the landscape experience and world view of Chinese people with the help of contemporary video and sound media; The creation of Through the Bay Area by Wang Shaoqiang's team presented an intoxicating feast of cultural images of the Bay Area; The image device "Nanguo Garden", customized and created by Fei Jun's team for the opening of the museum, combines the aesthetic style of representative works of Lingnan School of Painting collected in the museum with AI technology learning, and indirectly reflects the inheritance and development of Lingnan School of Painting's artistic concept of "compromise between China and the West, and blend ancient and modern".

(Our reporter Wu Chunyan and Tang Yige)

Editor: Wei Linhui