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Excerpt 5 of Xi Jinping's Speech at the Theoretical Seminar on the Scientific System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

Learn from Xi Jinping's economic thought and grasp the law of high-quality development

April 29, 2024 08:59 | Author: Han Baojiang | Source: People's Political Consultative Conference Network Share to:  

Xi Jinping's economic thought is the latest achievement of the sinicization and modernization of Marxist political economy. It systematically answers a series of major theoretical and practical questions about China's economic development, is an important part of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and provides scientific guidance for promoting high-quality development and promoting Chinese style modernization.

▶▶▶ Xi Jinping's economic thought reveals the law of high-quality development

Revealing the law of economic and social development is the concentrated embodiment of the scientific character of Marxist political economy. In the preface to the first edition of Das Kapital, Marx pointed out at the outset that "the ultimate purpose of this book is to reveal the laws of economic movement in modern society." As the latest achievement of the sinicization of Marxist political economy, Xi Jinping's economic thought is also concentrated in its scientific character in revealing the laws of economic development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing not only "answered a series of theoretical and practical questions about the purpose, power, mode and path of development, but also clarified our party's political position, value orientation, development mode, development path and other major political issues on development"; It also reveals the high-quality development law of China's economy in the new era, and "implementing the new development concept is the only way for China to develop and grow in the new era". In essence, the new development concept is the basic law that we should follow to "strive to solve the problem of unbalanced and insufficient development, vigorously improve the quality and efficiency of development, and better meet the growing needs of the people in economic, political, cultural, social, ecological and other aspects", so as to achieve high-quality development. Because "the people's needs for a better life are increasingly extensive, which not only puts forward higher requirements for material and cultural life, but also increasingly demands for democracy, rule of law, fairness, justice, security, environment and other aspects"; And "high-quality development is the development that can well meet the people's growing needs for a better life, is the development that reflects the new development concept, is the development that innovation becomes the first driving force, coordination becomes an endogenous feature, green becomes a universal form, openness becomes the only way, and sharing becomes the fundamental purpose".

The reason why the new development concept is "law", This is because "these five development concepts were not derived from nothing, but were formed on the basis of our profound summary of domestic and foreign development experience and lessons, and also on the basis of a profound analysis of the development trend at home and abroad, which concentrated on the deepening of our party's understanding of the laws of economic and social development, and also put forward in response to the prominent contradictions and problems in China's development".

On the one hand, the formation of the new development concept is the result of our party's deepening understanding of the ruling law of the Communist Party, the law of socialist construction, and the law of human society development from a new perspective. From the perspective of the ruling law of the Communist Party, only by adhering to the people centered development idea, adhering to the supremacy of the people, and always taking improving people's well-being, promoting people's all-round development, and moving steadily towards common prosperity as the starting point and foothold of economic development, can we clearly answer the question of "what kind of development to achieve", Only in this way can we win the support of the people. The new development concept is a scientific answer to this question. From the perspective of the law of socialist construction, only by organically integrating "people centered" and "economic construction centered", can we always firmly grasp the basic national conditions of the primary stage of socialism, firmly base ourselves on the greatest reality of the primary stage of socialism, and firmly adhere to the basic line of the Party, the lifeblood of the Party and the country, and the happiness line of the people, In this way, we will focus on economic construction and quality, so that the people will be satisfied and our cause will develop smoothly. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Fundamentally speaking, without solid development achievements, continuous improvement of people's lives, empty talk about ideals and beliefs, empty talk about the leadership of the Party, empty talk about the superiority of the socialist system, empty talk about ideological and moral construction, it is difficult for ideological work to achieve good results in the end. As long as the general trend at home and abroad has not changed fundamentally, we cannot and should not change our focus on economic development. This is the fundamental requirement of adhering to the Party's basic line for 100 years and solving all problems in contemporary China. " From the perspective of the development law of human society, the high-quality development of social productivity has always been the fundamental driving force for the development and progress of human society. The new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing is the requirement of high-quality development of social productivity in the new era. Only when we adjust or reform our relations of production and superstructure in accordance with the requirements of high-quality development of social productivity, can we truly achieve high-quality development. Therefore, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "high-quality development is the theme of China's economic and social development during the 14th Five Year Plan period and even longer, which is related to the overall situation of China's socialist modernization". This "is not just an economic requirement, but a general requirement for all aspects of economic and social development".

On the other hand, the formation of the new development concept is the result of our party's deepening understanding of the economic law of scientific development, the natural law of sustainable development, and the social law of inclusive development. Development must be scientific development following economic laws, sustainable development following natural laws, and inclusive development following social laws. To implement the new development concept, we must, in accordance with the requirements of the economic law of scientific development, promote the transformation of the economic development mode, adhere to the organic unity of development speed, quality and efficiency, "continue to promote the effective improvement of the economy in quality and reasonable growth in quantity", and achieve the development of both quality and speed. According to the requirements of the natural law of sustainable development, it is necessary to "protect the ecological environment as eyes, treat the ecological environment as life", respect nature, comply with nature, protect nature, and realize the harmonious coexistence of human and nature. In accordance with the requirements of the social law of inclusive development, it is necessary to strengthen social construction and innovate social governance, so that the achievements of reform and development will benefit all people more and more equitably, promote the common prosperity of all people, and achieve inclusive development.

▶▶▶ To realize Chinese style modernization, we must follow the law of high-quality development

In the report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly pointed out that "high-quality development is the primary task of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way." To achieve high-quality development, the primary task of realizing Chinese style modernization, we must follow the high-quality development law that meets the requirements of the new development concept.

First, we should internalize the new development concept into the organic combination of supply side structural reform and demand side management. We should use new development concepts to guide the production and supply side structural reform of business entities; We should also use new development concepts to guide residents' consumption patterns and demand side management, Further, "while moderately expanding the total demand, we should reduce capacity, inventory, leverage, cost, and weaknesses, strengthen high-quality supply from the production field, reduce ineffective supply, expand effective supply, improve the adaptability and flexibility of the supply structure, improve total factor productivity, and make the supply system better adapt to changes in the demand structure".

Second, we should internalize the new development concept into a new development pattern with domestic circulation as the main body and domestic and international double circulation promoting each other. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the implementation of the new development concept will inevitably require the construction of a new development pattern, which is due to the joint role of historical logic and realistic logic." "From the perspective of macroeconomic cycle, high-quality development should achieve a smooth cycle of production, circulation, distribution and consumption. The major proportion and spatial layout of the national economy are relatively reasonable, and economic development is relatively stable without major ups and downs." At the same time, we should internalize the new development concept into innovation driven development to achieve a high level of self-reliance and self-improvement. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the most essential feature of building a new development pattern is to achieve a high level of self-reliance and self-improvement."

Third, we should internalize the new development concept into the process of building a modern economic system. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "to promote high-quality development, it is necessary to build a modern economic system, which is the strategic goal of China's development". Therefore, it is necessary to build a modern industrial system of "innovation led and coordinated development", a modern market system of "unified opening and orderly competition", a urban and rural regional development system of "highlighting advantages, coordination and linkage", a green development system of "resource conservation and environmental friendliness", and a comprehensive open system of "diversified balance, safety and efficiency", Build an income distribution system that reflects efficiency and promotes fairness.

Fourth, we should internalize the new development concept into the process of developing new quality productivity. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the new quality productivity is an advanced productivity quality that is characterized by high technology, high efficiency and high quality, and conforms to the new development concept." Therefore, the "new quality" in the new quality productivity, the "advanced" in the advanced productivity, and the "high quality" in the high-quality development The "modernization" in the modern economic system and the modern industrial system, as well as the "new" connotation and requirements of the new development pattern, are consistent and belong to the "new development concept".

[Author Han Baojiang is a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, former director and professor of the Economics Teaching and Research Department of the Central Party School (National School of Administration)]

Edited by: Cui Shuyin