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The CPPCC in Tongliang District, Chongqing launched a special reading activity of "reading and using farmer's books well"

Read the book of rural revitalization in the field

News from our newspaper (Correspondent, Wen Bo reporter, Ling Yun): "It has been a long time to cultivate and pass on the family, and poetry and books will continue to grow from generation to generation." Compared with the strong reading atmosphere in the city, what books are farmers who work on the land reading? Who do you read with? How to read? Recently, the CPPCC Tongliang District of Chongqing organized some members to go to Longhu Village, Weilong Town, and read around the table with the cadres and villagers of the town and village to explore the true meaning of "farming and reading culture" of beautiful rural construction and industrial prosperity.

"Villagers love to read in the farmer's bookstore, but people generally report that there are fewer books about agricultural technology and landscaping." Xia Song, the first secretary of Longhu Village, took the lead in making a speech, which was immediately seconded by Luo Xianping, the village branch secretary, who said that he hopes to have more books about planting rice and corn, so that the village's collective economic projects can benefit and the industry can be revitalized hopefully.

Everyone's question is very real: "How to prune peach trees? How to apply fertilizer after fruit bearing?" "How to prevent and control diseases and pests in the growth stage of maize?" "How to raise seedlings and manage sorghum?"

"The pruning of peach trees during the growing period is very important. In summer, the fruit can be sweet and juicy only if the strength is retained and the weakness is eliminated." Shi Zhu, a member from the District Animal Husbandry Center, actively shared his experience in work. Members from the agricultural sector also went to the battle to "write prescriptions", answering questions and doubts for villagers on the spot, and presented agricultural books. Tu Weisheng, deputy director of the Publicity Department of the District Party Committee, said that this year, we will increase efforts to continue the distribution of rural bookstores and increase books on agricultural technology, garden management and other aspects.

"As far as I know, Longhu Village has been shortlisted for the municipal Bashu beautiful courtyard demonstration project for two consecutive years. As a demonstration village for the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism, we should not only read agricultural technology books, but also books on rural style civilization and folk etiquette!" Li Zujian, the head of the District Committee of CPPCC Agriculture and Rural Affairs, hopes to cultivate rural style and folk customs through reading, so that rural tourism will flourish and the masses will have money to pay.

How to make the villagers study with high quality and efficiency? Zhang Qian, the assistant to the village director, suggested that relying on the position of the farmer's bookstore, more activities should be carried out, such as popular science publicity and exhibition, agricultural technology experts' lectures, and the selection of the most beautiful courtyard, so as to guide the villagers to read good books.

"The purpose of reading and learning is to guide practice. CPPCC members should give full play to their sector and industry advantages, combine the construction of beautiful Chongqing, high standard farmland construction, rural governance and other work, and make good use of rural bookstores with the villagers." Wang Defu, vice chairman of the CPPCC Tongliang District, said. "Yes! We should not only study in the farmhouse, but also in the field." The committee members and villagers agreed to work together to read the book of rural revitalization deeply, thoroughly and well.  

Editor: Li Minjie