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Puyang CPPCC: Exploring the "CPPCC's Action" in Promoting Modernization through Integrity and Innovation

March 18, 2024 14:43 | Source: People's Political Consultative Conference Network Share to:  

Puyang, a city with "beautiful water, beautiful people and beautiful career", is known as "the capital of China" because Zhuan Xu, one of the five emperors in ancient times, built his capital here, Yao was buried here, and Shun was born here. The 6400 year old "No.1 Dragon in China" was unearthed in 1987, which is also known as the "Dragon Capital of China". This famous cultural city in the Central Plains has a thousand year history of Chinese culture and the dragon vein, the cross old street, and the firework houses, bearing a long memory of Chinese culture everywhere. At the same time, this city, which was built and prospered because of oil, has just passed the 40th anniversary of the founding of the city, and continues to grow.

 △ Xu Huiqian, Chairman of the CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee, went to Fan County to investigate and guide the work of the CPPCC

△ Xu Huiqian, Chairman of the CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee, went to Fan County to investigate and guide the work of the CPPCC

In recent years, the CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee has continuously promoted the effective integration of party building and the performance of the CPPCC, and the seamless connection between the CPPCC consultation and grassroots consultation, with the focus on strengthening the party building, and practiced the people's democracy in the whole process with rich performance practices, contributing the wisdom and strength of the CPPCC to the economic and social development of Puyang City. Recently, Xu Huiqian, Chairman of the CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee, visited the CPPCC Daily and the CPPCC website "Face to face" column, telling about the "CPPCC's actions" in the brilliant chapter of Puyang in the new era, which helped Puyang to achieve high-quality transformation and development.

Build a pattern of "big party building" and stimulate "new momentum"

Host: The CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee has made great efforts to solve the "two weaknesses" that restrict the work of the CPPCC by strengthening the party building, and has achieved good results. In particular, the practice of building a "big party building" pattern is impressive. Can you talk about it specifically?

Xu Huiqian After entering the new era, the party building pattern of Puyang CPPCC was put forward according to the requirements of the CPC Central Committee, the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee on strengthening the party building of the CPPCC and the needs of the situation development, as well as the tasks and problems faced by the CPPCC. Under the unified leadership of the Party Committee, the propaganda, organization, discipline inspection and other relevant departments are integrated into the development of the CPPCC's party building, and the functions of the CPPCC's performance of duties and the development of party building are organically combined to solve some difficulties and problems in the process of performing their duties. At the same time, the functions of the CPPCC are extended from the city level to the county level, to towns and even villages, To truly transform the major party building from the original CPPCC to a pattern of sharing responsibilities, discussing work, doing practical things and solving problems under the unified leadership of the Party Committee. At the same time, Puyang Municipal Party Committee also included the work of the county and district party committees in the annual comprehensive assessment of the CPPCC party building, and included it in the work report and review of the party secretary. The annual supervision, inspection and assessment provided strong support for strengthening the CPPCC party building.

Host: How to effectively solve the "two weaknesses" of the grass-roots CPPCC? The CPPCC in Puyang City effectively solved this problem with the party building as the guide, the system construction as the starting point, and the mechanism construction as the guarantee. Can you give us some information about this?

Xu Huiqian The solution to the "two weaknesses" is inseparable from the attention and support of Party committees at all levels. Puyang City attaches great importance to this work. First of all, we need to solve the two weak problems of the city and the county. In terms of funding guarantee and personnel, Puyang Municipal Party Committee attaches great importance to this work and has focused on strengthening it in recent years. We also included the problem of the number of county and district CPPCC members, personnel, funds and institutions as an important part of the municipal party committee's assessment of the work of county and district party committees supporting the CPPCC into the assessment of the party committees, effectively solving the problem of "one people committee". At the same time, we also extended our eyes to towns and streets, and 97 towns and streets in the city have established committee work offices. Next, we will explore this at the village and street community level to make the CPPCC system more grounded and extend to the most basic level.

 △ Xu Huiqian, Chairman of the CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee, visited Taiqian County for research

△ Xu Huiqian, Chairman of the CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee, visited Taiqian County for research

To sum up, the way to solve the "two weaknesses" is "to be tall and tall".

"High" means implementing the convener system of township (sub district) CPPCC work with high standards. The convener system was implemented in 97 villages and towns in all counties and districts of Puyang City, so that the work of the CPPCC in all villages and towns (streets) in the city was fully covered, and the work of the CPPCC in villages and towns was "grasped".

"Big" means to vigorously promote basic infrastructure construction. With the "big party building" as the starting point, all departments worked together to solve the "two weaknesses" problem. The Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee led the supervision and implementation, added the CPPCC Literature and History Museum, the Democratic Consultation Guidance Center and other institutions, increased the staffing and staffing, effectively solved the "one member committee" phenomenon of the county and district CPPCC, and alleviated the problems of staff shortage and weak work.

"Top" means to fully promote the work of the CPPCC at the grass-roots level. In accordance with the standard of "Six Haves and Three Modernizations", we vigorously promoted the standardized construction of CPPCC work offices in towns (sub districts) throughout the city, consolidated the foundation for performance of duties, and the CPPCC work took on a new look.

"1+3+N" Consultation Platform Boosts Grassroots Social Governance

Host: How does the CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee play its role as a special consultative organization to promote grassroots social governance?

Xu Huiqian: The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that it is necessary to "improve various institutionalized consultation platforms and promote the extensive and multi-level institutionalized development of consultative democracy". In this regard, the CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee has given full play to the role of a special consultative organization to explore the establishment of a "1+3+N" consultative platform.

"1" is a big negotiation platform of "open consultation". "3", including three "micro" consultation sub platforms of "Puxi Association Rural Affairs Conference", "Chairman's Micro negotiation" and "Longdu Minsheng Hui", helps the CPPCC work "go global", go to the market, go to the field, go to enterprises, and help solve practical difficulties. "N" refers to the "N" standardized grass root deliberation platforms built by the county and district CPPCC committees, member studios, township (sub district) CPPCC work offices in accordance with the goal of "one high-quality product, one committee, one feature, one room, one exclusive", so that the contents of the special consultation institutions are more abundant, more dynamic, and more diversified carriers.

 △ The CPPCC in Puyang carried out a supervisory investigation on the river leader system and river regulation

△ The CPPCC in Puyang carried out a supervisory investigation on the river leader system and river regulation

In actual work, according to the characteristics of negotiation platforms at different levels, three goals were defined:

First, strengthen "big" negotiations. We will unify the special political standing committee meetings, special consultative meetings, counterpart consultations, proposal handling consultations, and sector consultations on the "Kaicheng Consultation" platform, so as to do a good job in the big topic with the big platform. For example, taking the resilient city construction as the topic of the special political standing committee meeting, we carried out forward-looking research. The Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee personally participated in the consultation of the meeting, and the results of the consultation were reported to the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal People's Government, which facilitated the Secretary and Mayor to serve as the two leaders, and vigorously promoted the construction of Puyang resilient city.

The second is to refine "micro" negotiation. We have done a good job in three micro negotiation platforms, namely, "Pu Association Agricultural Affairs Meeting", "Chairman's Micro negotiation", and "Longdu Minsheng Hui", to promote the extension of consultative democracy to the grass-roots level. For example, as Puyang is a traditional agricultural city, we will focus on the goal of building a strong modern agricultural city in Puyang, put topics such as high-quality and efficient agricultural development, high standard farmland construction, and digital rural construction on the negotiation platform of the "Puyang Association Agricultural Affairs Meeting", move the negotiation site into the field, let members, experts, and the masses discuss face to face, and gather wisdom, devise good strategies Promote development.

Third, "live" cloud negotiation. According to the unified deployment of the Henan Provincial CPPCC, we have deeply promoted the construction of "smart CPPCC", established an information work platform covering municipal and county CPPCC organizations and township CPPCC work offices, and enabled the CPPCC to work digitally. Through the "Smart CPPCC", the "Innovative Puyang Construction", "Urban Flood Control and Drainage System Construction", "After class Delay Service" and other topics were negotiated online, and members, experts, and relevant departments negotiated face-to-face through the network, achieving good results.

Strengthening the Function of CPPCC's Democratic Supervision and Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Democratic Supervision

Host: What exploration has the CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee made and what achievements have been made in democratic supervision?

Xu Huiqian: In December 2022, Puyang Municipal Party Committee issued Several Measures on Further Strengthening and Improving the People's Political Consultative Conference's Democratic Supervision in the New Era to further clarify the supervision theme, supervision tasks and supervision principles, and clarify the norms of democratic supervision from the policy, leading the CPPCC system in Henan Province.

From the specific operation level, four types of supervision methods are defined: first, "inquiry supervision". After the topic is determined, the specific implementation process, results, and the feelings of the grass-roots people after landing can be "inquired" at any time to grasp the process through convenient ways such as forum, telephone and letter; The second is "investigative supervision", which regards investigation and inspection as an important way of democratic supervision, highlighting problem orientation and promoting problem solving; The third is "follow-up supervision", which implements cross year continuous supervision, tracking and efficiency on some major supervisory issues; Fourth, "collaborative supervision", established a collaborative supervision mechanism with the two courts of justice and procuratorial organs and inspection agencies, formed a supervision pattern of joint linkage, joint construction and sharing, and further improved the quality and efficiency of democratic supervision.

 △ Xu Huiqian, Chairman of the CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee, led a team to investigate the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin

△ Xu Huiqian, Chairman of the CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee, led a team to investigate the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin

In 2023, Puyang issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Cooperation between the CPPCC Democratic Supervision and the Public Interest Litigation Procuratorial Supervision, establishing five cooperative supervision mechanisms to further improve the standardization and rule of law of public interest protection. As the first city in Henan Province to issue opinions, Puyang City has given full play to the advantages of the CPPCC People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which has a wide range of contacts and diverse social strata, and can listen to opinions from all walks of life, so that the effectiveness of supervision can play a role at all levels of all strata. This work has been fully recognized by the CPPCC Provincial Committee and the Municipal Committee, and also highly recognized by the provincial procuratorate.

Realistic member contact service

The "last kilometer" of the sector masses

Moderator: What specific work has the CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee done in strengthening members' contact with the masses in different sectors?

Xu Huiqian: The CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee fully implemented the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the newly revised Constitution of the CPPCC, and constantly strengthened the work of members to contact the masses in different sectors. We have issued the Measures for the CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee Members to Contact and Serve the Masses in the Sectors to organize and guide the CPPCC members to actively go deep into the masses in the sectors, publicize the Party's principles and policies, understand the ideological situation of the masses, reflect the opinions of the masses, and guide the masses in the sectors to listen to the Party's words, feel the Party's gratitude, and follow the Party.

On the one hand, give play to the role of grass-roots consultation platform. With the township (sub district) CPPCC work office and the activity room of "please come to discuss", 327 consultation and discussion activities were carried out in the year, and 471 members went to the grass-roots level to carry out visits, seminars and other activities, promoting the resolution of 312 problems.

On the other hand, the functional Party branch and the "home of committee members" will be built in the sector. We have sunk more than 1390 county (district) CPPCC members and municipal CPPCC members living in the county (district) to villages and towns, requiring CPPCC members to go to grassroots contact points and have extensive exchanges and contacts with the masses within the specified time. Actively carry out consultation and supervision, help and relief, teaching and learning assistance and other services for the convenience of the people.

 △ Xu Huiqian, Chairman of the CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee, visited Puyang County to investigate the preparations for the 2022 Puyang Zhang Family Name Cultural Festival

△ Xu Huiqian, Chairman of the CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee, visited Puyang County to investigate the preparations for the 2022 Puyang Zhang Family Name Cultural Festival

With the help of the smart CPPCC platform, through websites, news media and other channels, we have also unblocked the communication between members and the masses in the sectors. For two consecutive years, we have taken the work of members connecting with the masses in the sectors as an important part of the quantitative assessment of CPPCC members' performance of duties, and earnestly walked the "last mile" of members contacting and serving the masses in the sectors.

Host: Puyang CPPCC actively promoted the construction of "Shuxiang CPPCC" and achieved good results. Could you give us some details?

Xu Huiqian: Learning is a fine tradition of the CPPCC. The CPPCC Puyang Municipal Committee took the CPPCC Calligraphy as an important part of its overall work, arranged and deployed at the CPPCC Plenary Session at the beginning of the year, and constantly innovated the activity mechanism, enriched the learning carrier, and actively promoted the construction of the CPPCC Calligraphy.

On the one hand, we set up a number of "members' reading groups", set up a "CPPCC lecture hall", and talked about the development difficulties and people's livelihood hot spots. For example, under the guidance of "the CPPCC chairman talks about party lessons", enhance the influence of learning; With the theme of "ability and style building", we will carry out a big learning and discussion; Take the training of new CPPCC members and conveners of CPPCC work as the carrier to promote full coverage of learning and further improve the quality and ability of members.

On the other hand, a reading post station was established. In 2022, a total of 14 "Shuxiang Runpu" reading posts were established. The Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee specially awarded the reading post station with a gift book. At present, the first batch of post stations are being evaluated, experience is summarized, deficiencies are found, and the second batch is ready to start. At the same time, we encourage members to go to the podium, transfer the voice of the Party and CPPCC knowledge to enterprises, universities and party schools, and lead the construction of "scholarly Puyang" with "scholarly CPPCC".

At present, the construction of the "Calligraphy CPPCC" is both vivid and effective, which not only realizes the atmosphere of the members' reading activities getting stronger, but also effectively drives the masses of all walks of life to read through different channels, making the atmosphere of "Calligraphy" more and more strong in Puyang City.

Chief planner: Tan Mingyue

Director system: Li Muyuan

Supervised by: Song Baogang, Kang Liang, Han Yue

Guide: Song Baogang, Zhou Tong

Host: Liu Jiazheng

Camera: Lai Renjie Man Dahu

Reporter: Hong Lin

Later stage: Xinxin

Editor: Hong Lin

Reviewed by: Zhou Jiajia

Editor: Li Minjie