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Women entrepreneurs helped to hold high-quality economic development forum

March 16, 2024 08:29 | Source: People's Political Consultative Conference Network Share to:  

Luoyang, CPPCC website, March 16 (Reporter Wang Youqiang, Correspondent Zhang Xiaojie) The Forum of Women Entrepreneurs for High Quality Economic Development was recently held in Luoyang, Henan Province. More than 150 outstanding female entrepreneurs on both sides of the Taiwan Straits in Henan Province, female Taiwan compatriots who have settled in Henan and who have always lived there, and Taiwan compatriots who have won the "Five Good Families" participated.

This forum is a part of the 2024 "March 8th" exchange and friendship activity between representatives of women's circles on both sides of the Straits in Henan Province jointly organized by the Taiwan Affairs Office of Henan Province, the Women's Federation of Henan Province and the Taiwan Federation of Henan Province. It aims to implement the central government's decision-making and deployment on Taiwan work with practical actions, and further strengthen the communication between women's circles in Henan and Taiwan, Unite and mobilize women entrepreneurs and Taiwanese sisters in Henan and Taiwan to make greater contributions to the peace and development of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.

During the event, relevant experts and scholars interpreted the current economic situation and policies, and representatives of outstanding women entrepreneurs delivered keynote speeches around their innovation and entrepreneurship experiences. The event also held a theme forum on women's development in the field of private economy, which discussed the new path of high-quality development of private economy in the new era by telling the stories of outstanding women private entrepreneurs on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, We will further gather the broad consensus of the majority of outstanding women among private economic figures to "fight for the economy with all their strength" and stimulate the vitality of private economic development.

After the forum, representatives of women entrepreneurs also visited Henan provincial Taiwan exchange bases, provincial and municipal skillful daughter-in-law bases, community livelihood projects, modern agricultural planting bases, etc.

Editor: Wang Yifan