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The Federation of Overseas Chinese in Xindu District, Chengdu organized intangible cultural heritage to enter the campus

22:15, February 29, 2024 | Source: Overseas Chinese Website Share to:  

CHENGDU, Feb. 29 (www.oc.cn) -- Recently, a school opening ceremony with the theme of "Spring Dragon Brings Children Back to Inherit and Run Childlike Innocence" lit up the campus of Chengdu Tianyashi Primary School. Sugar painting, paper-cut, Xinfan palm knitting and other intangible cultural heritage projects appeared one by one. Teachers and students immersed in it and felt a smoky intangible cultural heritage event.


Activity site. Drawings provided by Xindu District Overseas Chinese Federation

This activity presents multi-dimensional, diversified and immersive experience scenes of intangible cultural heritage, such as intangible cultural heritage display, cultural experience, folk performing arts, parent-child entertainment, etc. Four non genetic inheritors, including Yuan Chengxiang, the first-class paper-cut artist in Sichuan Province, Liu Junying, the chairman of Qiaofan Palm Weaving Professional Cooperative and the inheritor of Xinfan Palm Weaving Intangible Cultural Heritage, Tang Xin, the representative inheritor of Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Cocoon Paper Pavilion Silk Painting, and Chen Qilin, the representative inheritor of Chengdu Sugar Painting at the provincial level, were invited to attend Large screen live broadcast and other forms comprehensively publicize the infinite charm of intangible cultural heritage culture, allowing children to experience the beauty of intangible cultural heritage in person on the first day of school.

Liu Junying, on behalf of Qiaofan Brown Weaving, sent a "Brown Weaving Dragon" specially woven for all teachers and students of Tianya Stone Primary School to the school. "It means' the dragon sends blessings', represents good fortune and good luck, and hopes that all teachers and students can take off their careers and studies in the new year." Liu Junying said.

Next, Xindu District Overseas Chinese Federation will participate in more activities such as cultural heritage on campus and in the classroom, so that the idea of inheriting and promoting excellent traditional culture will take root in the hearts of young people.

Editor: Zhu Jianhua