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Meng Xiaolin, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC of the Tibet Autonomous Region: Give full play to the advantages of the CPPCC and build a strong sense of the Chinese national community

November 12, 2023 15:56 | Source: People's Political Consultative Conference Network Share to:  

In the seventy-two years, Tibet has experienced tremendous changes from darkness to light, from backwardness to progress, from poverty to prosperity, from autocracy to democracy, and from isolation to openness. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on strengthening and improving national work, the CPPCC of the Tibet Autonomous Region has focused on the center, served the overall situation, and adhered to the main line and strategic task of building a strong sense of the Chinese national community throughout the CPPCC work process, in order to strive to create a model area of national unity and progress We will strive to ensure that national unity and progress take the lead in the country and work tirelessly.

△ Meng Xiaolin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC of the Tibet Autonomous Region, received an exclusive interview with the CPPCC Chairman Face to face program on the CPPCC News and CPPCC website

Recently, Meng Xiaolin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC of the Tibet Autonomous Region, visited the People's Political Consultative Conference Daily, the CPPCC website, and shared the experience and practices of the CPPCC of the Tibet Autonomous Region in building a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation and promoting long-term stability and high-quality development in Tibet.

Consciously be the builder, defender and defender of national unity

Moderator: Building a strong sense of the Chinese national community is the main line of all work in ethnic areas. How does the CPPCC of the Tibet Autonomous Region give play to the main role of CPPCC members, implement the Party's ethnic theory and policies, and create a strong atmosphere of national unity and progress?

Meng Xiaolin: The CPPCC of Tibet Autonomous Region gives full play to the role of CPPCC members in the creation of a model area of national unity and progress, takes the lead in learning and implementing the regulations and plans for the establishment of a model area of national unity and progress in the autonomous region, takes the lead in carrying out the promotion and popularization of the national common language, takes the lead in carrying out the action of community national unity and family building, and promotes the ideals, beliefs, emotions A high degree of cultural unity, consciously being the builder, defender and defender of national unity.

The CPPCC of the autonomous region attaches great importance to giving full play to the active role of religious community members in the in-depth educational practice of "abiding by the four standards, striving to be an advanced monk and nun" and the education of "national awareness, civic awareness, and legal awareness", and educating and guiding religious community members to effectively enhance their political awareness of supporting the people's leaders, and their ideological awareness of safeguarding the reunification of the motherland We should strengthen the sense of action of national unity, promote the adaptation of Tibetan Buddhism to the socialist society, educate and guide believers to treat religion rationally, dilute the negative impact of religion, and live a happy life in this life.

 △ From October 16 to 17, Meng Xiaolin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC of the Tibet Autonomous Region, went to the contact point, Seni District, Naqu City, to investigate grass-roots party building and industrial development.

△ From October 16 to 17, Meng Xiaolin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC of the Tibet Autonomous Region, went to the contact point, Seni District, Naqu City, to investigate grass-roots party building and industrial development.

Moderator: Focusing on the "four major events" of stability, development, ecology and strengthening the border is the historical mission entrusted to Tibet by General Secretary Xi Jinping, based on the great changes in the world that have not occurred in a century, and the important task of the times entrusted to Tibet by the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. What did the CPPCC of the Tibet Autonomous Region do?

Meng Xiaolin: The 10th Party Congress of the Autonomous Region has targeted, carried and specified the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, scientifically planned the grand blueprint of building a new socialist modern Tibet that is united, prosperous, civilized, harmonious and beautiful, anchored the "four major events" and realized the "four guarantees", and proposed to focus on promoting the "four creation" and strive to achieve the "four ahead" Strategic deployment. The CPPCC of the autonomous region focuses on the "four major events" and the "four creation". Based on the nature of the CPPCC, grasp the particularity of the work of the CPPCC of Tibet, play the "three important" role, improve the level of "two-way force", earnestly shoulder the political responsibility of "implementation and cohesion", and further demonstrate the responsibility in implementing the decision-making and deployment of the party committee of the autonomous region, We will further play our dominant role in boosting border control and stabilizing Tibet, and contribute the wisdom and strength of the CPPCC to the efforts to create "three zones and one highland".

Moderator: It is an inevitable requirement to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to build a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation. In the work of the CPPCC, how to grasp the history, theory, value, and practical logic, and how to learn, understand, do, and build a strong sense of the Chinese national community?

Meng Xiaolin: First, we should deeply understand the important discourse of promoting patriotism. Based on the function orientation of the CPPCC as the broadest patriotic united front organization, we should strengthen the responsibility of carrying out the work of the united front, adhere to the two themes of unity and democracy, strengthen ideological and political guidance, widely gather consensus, and constantly improve the working chain of CPPCC members at all levels to lead the masses in different sectors, Educate and guide the members and the people in the sectors they contact to study history in depth.

 △ From October 16 to 17, Meng Xiaolin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC of the Tibet Autonomous Region, went to the contact point, Seni District, Naqu City, to investigate grass-roots party building and industrial development.

△ From October 16 to 17, Meng Xiaolin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC of the Tibet Autonomous Region, went to the contact point, Seni District, Naqu City, to investigate grass-roots party building and industrial development.

Second, we should deeply understand the important statement of the pluralistic integration of the Chinese nation. Educate and guide members and people in different sectors to correctly understand the relationship between Tibet and the family of the motherland, deeply understand that safeguarding the reunification of the motherland and strengthening national unity are the highest interests of all ethnic groups, and are the basis for achieving long-term stability and high-quality development in Tibet; Deeply understand that the big family of the motherland is the strong backing for Tibet to move towards a better future. Let the "three inseparable" thought and the "unity and stability is a blessing, division and turmoil is a disaster" truth deeply rooted in the hearts of the masses, and constantly enhance the sense of pride, self-confidence and cohesion as a member of the Chinese nation.

Third, we should deeply understand the important statement of building a common spiritual home for all ethnic groups. Give full play to the advantages of the CPPCC's strong inclusiveness and wide range of contacts, help the inheritance, protection, innovation and integration of the cultures of all ethnic groups, cultivate and practice the core socialist values, guide the people of all ethnic groups to establish a correct view of the country, history, nationality, culture, religion, and constantly enhance the people of all ethnic groups to the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China Identification of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Fourth, we should deeply understand the important discourse of exchanges, exchanges and integration among ethnic groups. The CPPCC, as a special consultative body, should run consultative democracy through the whole process of performing its functions, adhere to the two-way efforts of promoting democracy and promoting unity, linking up with each other, making suggestions and contributions to government and building consensus, make contributions to promoting exchanges and exchanges among ethnic groups, promote two-way economic, cultural and personnel exchanges between Tibet and the mainland, and promote extensive, comprehensive and in-depth exchanges among ethnic groups, Build an embedded community environment so that all ethnic groups can better live, learn, work and enjoy together, and constantly enhance their sense of belonging and identity to the Chinese nation.

Tell the "Committee Story" and "Tibet Story"

Moderator: What consultation platforms have been set up by the CPPCC in Tibet Autonomous Region to effectively build a strong sense of the Chinese national community through all aspects of the work of the CPPCC in the new era? What topics will be discussed?

Meng Xiaolin: Building a strong sense of the community of the Chinese nation is not only the main line of our national work, but also the strategic task of the Tibetan work, which is related to the overall situation, the fundamental and the long-term. The Party Committee of the Autonomous Region fully implemented the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work in Tibet and the Party's strategy for governing Tibet in the new era, adhered to building a strong sense of the Chinese national community as the strategic task of the work in Tibet, and proposed the strategic task of "creating a national model area for national unity and progress, and striving to achieve national unity and progress at the forefront of the country".

 △ In August 2023, Meng Xiaolin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC of Tibet Autonomous Region, led an investigation team of the Economic, Population, Resources and Environment Committee of the CPPCC of Tibet Autonomous Region to carry out a study tour in Guangxi, Sichuan and Yunnan around "accelerating the development of hydropower resources and promoting the development of clean energy".

△ In August 2023, Meng Xiaolin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC of Tibet Autonomous Region, led an investigation team of the Economic, Population, Resources and Environment Committee of the CPPCC of Tibet Autonomous Region to carry out a study tour in Guangxi, Sichuan and Yunnan around "accelerating the development of hydropower resources and promoting the development of clean energy".

Persisting in "learning theory", guided by the study of the theoretical learning center group of the CPPCC party group, and supported by eight Xi Jinping learning panels on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, we organized CPPCC members and government party members and cadres to learn from the original, learn from each other, and combine practice to achieve the unity of learning, thinking, knowledge, trust, and practice.

"Make friends" with heart and feelings, adhere to the principle of "walking with one heart, learning from each other", and take the activity of "walking into the committee -- talking about the party's kindness, listening to the voice of the heart, doing practical things, and gathering people's hearts" as the carrier, continue to carry out "making friends" activities at all levels, such as party members and non party members, CPPCC cadres and CPPCC members, members and members, members and people from different sectors, to truly walk into work, life Go into the heart, make friends widely, be good at making friends, really make friends, make real friends, and constantly cultivate and strengthen the "make friends" performance brand of the CPPCC Tibet Committee.

"Telling stories" in a tangible way, taking telling "committee members' stories" and "Tibetan stories" as an important measure to strengthen ideological and political guidance and widely gather consensus, and planning to launch a batch of "committee members' stories" and "Tibetan stories" that are grounded, warm, earthy, and smelling of Zanba. Through "small and beautiful" stories and vivid cases, In a language that the masses can understand and a way that they can remember, the good policies and good voices of the Party are quietly spread across the snow covered plateau, and the common aspiration of snow covered children to "build a beautiful and happy Tibet and realize the great rejuvenation dream" is sung.

With the establishment of the National Model Area for National Unity and Progress as the carrier and starting point, with the goal and guidance of striving to achieve national unity and progress at the forefront of the country, and relying on the performance platforms such as the CPPCC Plenary Session, Standing Committee meetings, thematic consultations, sector symposiums, and inspection and research, we will achieve the organic unity of strengthening ideological and theoretical armed forces and implementing common goals, Create a national model area of national unity and progress with high-quality performance services.

Give full play to the advantages of the CPPCC, Further strengthen the awareness of the Chinese national community

Host: Next, how will the CPPCC of the autonomous region further strengthen the awareness of the Chinese nation community and promote the construction of the Chinese nation community?

Meng Xiaolin: The CPPCC of the Tibet Autonomous Region will run through all aspects of the work of the CPPCC in the new era by strengthening national unity and building a strong sense of the Chinese national community. Based on the functional orientation of the CPPCC as the broadest patriotic united front organization, it will give full play to the special advantages of the CPPCC in Tibet, and take strengthening ideological and political guidance and broad consensus building as the central link in the performance of duties, We should firmly grasp the requirements of the times of solidarity and struggle, take maintaining social stability and promoting long-term stability as the premise, take building a strong sense of the Chinese national community as the main line, and take promoting the sinicization of Tibetan Buddhism as the direction, build a consultation platform focusing on ideological guidance, and carry out in-depth education activities to build a strong sense of the Chinese national community and "national awareness, civic awareness, and legal awareness".

 △ In August 2023, Meng Xiaolin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC of Tibet Autonomous Region, led an investigation team of the Economic, Population, Resources and Environment Committee of the CPPCC of Tibet Autonomous Region to carry out a study tour in Guangxi, Sichuan and Yunnan around "accelerating the development of hydropower resources and promoting the development of clean energy".

△ In August 2023, Meng Xiaolin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC of Tibet Autonomous Region, led an investigation team of the Economic, Population, Resources and Environment Committee of the CPPCC of Tibet Autonomous Region to carry out a study tour in Guangxi, Sichuan and Yunnan around "accelerating the development of hydropower resources and promoting the development of clean energy".

We will continue to carry out in-depth activities such as "learning theory, telling stories, making friends, and doing practical things", further adhere to improving the working mechanism of committee members to connect with the masses in different sectors, give full play to the advantages of committee members to be grassroots oriented and close to the masses, spread the good policies and voice of the Party throughout the snow covered plateau, guide the masses of all ethnic groups and all sectors to unswervingly listen to the Party's words, follow the Party, and assist the Party and the government to improve their confidence Coordinate relations, straighten out emotions and resolve conflicts. We should run consultative democracy through the whole process of performing our functions, adhere to the two-way efforts of promoting democracy and promoting unity, linking up with each other, providing advice and supporting the government, and building consensus, focus on promoting exchanges, exchanges, integration, consultation and deliberation among ethnic groups, focus on the implementation of the Party's ethnic policies, and carry out democratic supervision, and actively promote the creation of a model area of ethnic unity and progress.

Planner: Tan Mingyue

Supervisor: Li Muyuan

Coordinator: Song Baogang, Zhou Jiajia, Kang Liang

Hosted by: Han Yue

Reporter: Li Jing, Xie Yingtian, Fuliang

Camera: Wang Kai, Xu Kanghui

Later stage: Xinxin

Editor: Hong Lin

Reviewed by: Zhou Jiajia

Editor: Li Minjie