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Miao Wei: In the future, cars will be four wheels plus one computer

20:50, February 6, 2023 | Source: People's Political Consultative Conference Network Share to:  

On February 7, the "Committee Lecture Room", "Emergency Response Bureau, New Machine Development Bureau - Review and Prospect of the Development of China's New Energy Vehicle Industry" was broadcast on the official website of the CPPCC National Committee and other platforms. Miao Wei, deputy director of the Economic Committee of the CPPCC National Committee and former minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, reviewed the development process of China's new energy vehicle industry in the program, and described the important achievements made, And look forward to the future of new energy vehicles.

The "Members' Lecture Hall" is an innovative exploration of the CPPCC National Committee to study and implement the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on strengthening and improving the work of the CPPCC and the spirit of the CPPCC Central Committee's work conference. It aims to guide the CPPCC members to make two-way efforts in terms of advice, asset management and consensus building, and help the party and the government coordinate relations, resolve doubts, straighten out emotions, and resolve conflicts, We will better play the role of positive leadership and cohesion, and better shoulder the responsibilities of the participants, practitioners and promoters of the CPPCC system.

Editor: Li Minjie

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