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Contribute to the CPPCC for "Double Victory"

19:17, July 3, 2020 | Author: Chen Jianqing | Source: People's Political Consultative Conference Network
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As an important part of the national governance system, the CPPCC must strengthen the political responsibility of "implementation and cohesion" in coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and strive to transform the CPPCC system advantages into social governance effectiveness.

Strengthen ideological and political guidance, and build broad consensus in deepening learning. As the broadest patriotic united front organization, the CPPCC must integrate its thoughts and actions into the central decision-making and deployment, shoulder the political responsibility of ideological and political guidance and broad consensus building, and transform its institutional advantages into tangible governance effectiveness. After the outbreak of the epidemic, the CPPCC of Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, took strengthening learning as an effective way to strengthen the ideological and political leadership, and consolidated the ideological and political foundation through various forms of learning activities. Give full play to the advantages of the committee office's close contact with the masses, guide the committee members to speak out actively and positively, and pool the strong joint force of working together to overcome difficulties.

Strengthen the sense of responsibility and gather anti epidemic forces in propaganda and guidance. CPPCC members have political influence, economic strength, academic expertise, and social reputation. They have unique advantages in promoting the gathering of human, material, financial, and intellectual resources to the main battlefield of the epidemic. During the Spring Festival, the CPPCC Meizhou Municipal Committee issued an open letter at the first time, calling on the CPPCC organizations at all levels in the city, the participating units of the CPPCC and the CPPCC members to take immediate action and actively participate in the war of epidemic prevention and control, which was positively responded by the members. Members of the medical and health sector are in the forefront of the charge and fight to protect the health of the people and move forward with a heavy burden. Members of the business community actively donated money and materials, with a total value of more than 12 million yuan, which boosted confidence and provided security for the fight against the epidemic.

Insist on focusing on the main responsibilities and businesses, and gather the wisdom of members in the performance of duties. Meizhou CPPCC timely improved the overall thinking of this year's CPPCC work, scientifically planned and promoted the work of the CPPCC in the context of the epidemic, closely focused on doing a good job in "six stability" and implementing the task of "six guarantees", and included five epidemic related topics such as the impact of the epidemic on SMEs and the resumption of work and production into the research and inspection activities, The CPPCC has played its due role in promoting epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development as a whole.

Constantly strengthen self construction and gather the overall resultant force in innovation practice. This epidemic crisis is also a good opportunity to strengthen self construction. The CPPCC Meizhou Municipal Committee conscientiously implements the general requirements of strengthening the construction of the CPPCC in the new era, and gives full play to the role of the leading core of the CPPCC Party Group, the role of the battle fortress of the grass-roots party organizations, and the vanguard role of the Communist Party members in the CPPCC organizations. Pay attention to testing cadres in epidemic prevention and control, and quickly mobilize Party members and cadres to the frontline of epidemic prevention at the grass-roots level. Innovate the management of the members' team, give full play to the advantages of the members' studio, which is flexible, fragmented, and less crowded. Through the studio, guide and organize members to carry out learning, communication and duty performance activities, and promote the normal work of the CPPCC in the context of the epidemic. Under the condition of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, we actively explored new ways to perform our duties, gave full play to the position role of Meizhou CPPCC website, WeChat official account, members' WeChat group and other performance platforms, effectively carried out online performance activities, and opened a new era for members to "perform their duties on the palm".

(The author is the chairman of the CPPCC Meizhou City, Guangdong Province)

Editor: Zhang Jiaqi

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