
Xiong'an's first batch of 54 industrial policies achieved the goal of "free application and instant access", with a subsidy of more than 20 million yuan in the first quarter


   People's Daily Online, Xiong'an, April 11 (Reporter Li Xueqing, Li Zhaomin) Xiong'an New Area today released the industrial policy "free application and enjoy" work measures, including the first 54 "free application and enjoy" policy declaration list. The site of the press conference on the industrial policy of Xiong'an New Area "Free Application and Enjoy". Photographed by Li Zhaomin, reporter of People's Daily Online The list of 54 "free application and instant access" policies in Xiong'an New Area focuses on four major work systems, including technical support system, capital supervision system, policy update system, and smart and convenient system, including 22 in the field of industry and information technology, 21 in the field of commerce, 6 in the field of science and technology, 2 in the field of development and reform, 2 in the field of foreign trade, and 1 in the field of relief, It can reach enterprises of different types, industries and development stages.

The planned land area exceeds 952 hectares. Hebei Province agrees to establish a provincial high-tech zone in Xiong'an

   People's Daily Online, Xiong'an, January 11 (reporter He Meixuan) The reporter learned from the website of the People's Government of Hebei Province that the People's Government of Hebei Province has agreed to establish a provincial high-tech industrial development zone in Xiong'an New Area, which is called Hebei Xiong'an High tech Industrial Development Zone ("Xiong'an High tech Zone" for short). According to the Reply of the People's Government of Hebei Province on Approving the Establishment of Hebei Xiong'an High tech Industrial Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as the "Reply"), the total planned land area of Xiong'an High tech Zone is 952.7463 hectares, with four boundaries: the planned road N11 in the east, the planned road E33 in the south, the planned roads N53, N24 and N100 in the west, and the planned roads E63, E64 and E1 in the north (the specific scope is subject to the coordinates). The Reply requires that Xiong'an High tech Zone should firmly grasp the positioning of Beijing as a non capital function relief and centralized carrier, focus on the development goals of forming a new image, building new functions, developing new industries, focusing on new talents, and building new mechanisms, vigorously gather various innovative resource elements, and strive to build a "1+3" modern industrial system led by the aerospace information industry, We will accelerate scientific and technological innovation, open innovation, and institutional innovation, and strive to build an innovation driven development demonstration zone and a high-quality development pilot zone.

Xiong'an New Area issues agricultural related awards and subsidies in digital RMB for the first time

   Xiong'an New Area issues agricultural related awards and subsidies in digital RMB for the first time It marks the successful implementation of the application scenario of digital RMB in the agricultural and rural areas in Xiong'an New Area, injecting new momentum into the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy in the New Area Recently, Xiong'an New Area successfully issued the province's first digital RMB award and subsidy for agriculture of 1.25 million yuan, which marks the successful implementation of the application of digital RMB in the agricultural and rural areas of Xiong'an New Area, injecting new momentum into the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy of the New Area. In recent years, Xiong'an New Area has vigorously supported agricultural development, and issued Twelve Policies and Measures on Solid Promotion of Agricultural Economic Development, Rules for Implementation of Awards and Subsidies for Key Leading Enterprises in Agricultural Industrialization in Xiong'an New Area of Hebei Province (Trial), Rules for Implementation of Awards and Subsidies for New Agricultural Business Entities in Xiong'an New Area of Hebei Province (Trial), and "Two Products and One Standard" in Xiong'an New Area of Hebei Province Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Awards and Subsidies for Agricultural Products (for Trial Implementation) and a series of real gold and silver support policies, focusing on supporting agricultural enterprises and new agricultural business entities. This time, Xiong'an New Area Public Service Bureau, through Bank of Communications Xiong'an Branch, awarded 250000 yuan to each provincial key leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization in the form of digital RMB, 200000 yuan to each new area level key leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization, and 100000 yuan to each enterprise that has obtained green agricultural product certification.

Give more autonomy to policies and systems Hebei introduced 15 measures to support Xiong'an talent work

   Xiong'an, People's Daily Online, December 1 (Reporter Liu Shihao) Recently, the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Hebei Province issued the Fifteen Policies and Measures to Support the Talent Work in Xiong'an New District, which is the first supporting policy document for talent work issued by the human resources and social security department since the establishment of Xiong'an New District. The Measures give Xiong'an New Area more autonomy in talent policy and system, support Xiong'an New Area to improve its construction level on the talent cultivation platform, and give Xiong'an New Area institutionalized special support in talent introduction services. According to the Measures, Xiong'an New Area can independently set up a post doctoral innovation practice base to strengthen the training of young postdoctoral scientific and technological talents; High level talent funding project review can be carried out; The intermediate and senior professional titles obtained in other provinces and cities shall be independently recognized; On the basis of the existing policies and regulations, the proportion of professional and technical intermediate and senior posts in public institutions in Xiong'an New Area can be appropriately increased.

Here comes the full text! Xiong'an New Area Releases the "Sixteen Rules for Talent Recruitment"

   CPC Hebei Xiong'an New Area Working Committee Hebei Xiong'an New Area Management Committee Several Measures on Building a New High Place and a Hot Place for Entrepreneurship to Gather New Talents In order to thoroughly implement the important guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the construction of Xiong'an New Area with high standards and quality, earnestly implement the strategy of strengthening the development of talents, gather talents from all over the world to do a good job in the millennium plan and national events, make Xiong'an New Area an innovation highland and entrepreneurial hot spot in the new era, and provide strong talent intellectual support for the construction of the future city of "inexpressible aspiration", The following measures are formulated: 1. Vigorously attract the world's top talents. Focusing on the new generation of information technology, modern life science and biotechnology, new materials, as well as aerospace information, green energy, financial technology and other key development industries, actively introduce top scientists to work in Xiong'an, give 20-50 million yuan of scientific research funds and 3 million yuan of living subsidies, and reward a set of housing no less than 200 square meters. 2. Implement "special post and special salary" for high-end talents.

"Special post and special salary", 100 million yuan subsidy, talent "headcount pool" Xiong'an released 16 new talent policies

 The picture shows the press conference. Photographed by Li Xueqing, reporter of People's Daily Online

   People's Daily Online, Xiong'an, November 7 (Reporter Li Xueqing) Xiong'an New Area today released the "Several Measures on Building a New High and Gathering New Talents in a Hot Place for Entrepreneurship", and launched 16 policies and measures (hereinafter referred to as the "16 Xiongcai"), focusing on talent gathering, platform construction Support in mechanism innovation and environment building. The "16 Talents" clearly states that focusing on the new generation of information technology, modern life science and biotechnology, new materials, aerospace information, green energy, financial technology and other key industries, we will actively introduce top scientists to work in Xiong'an, give 20 million to 50 million yuan of research funds and 3 million yuan of living subsidies, and reward a set of housing no less than 200 square meters. At the same time, in new technology fields such as aerospace information, satellite Internet, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things, create or provide innovative application scenarios for innovative talents in science and technology enterprises, universities, and scientific research institutes, and give each project a reward of 2 million to 10 million yuan for successful implementation and transformation.




