Focus News

Open up a new world of career development with unprecedented efforts

   Reform and opening up are the most remarkable characteristics and the most magnificent atmosphere of contemporary China. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping, with great historical initiative, great political courage, and strong responsibility, has taken the helm and taken the lead in making major strategic decisions to comprehensively deepen reform at a new historical juncture, and led the whole Party, the whole army, and the people of all ethnic groups in opening up new horizons for career development with unprecedented efforts. This is a key move with epoch-making significance, but also a great revolution that concerns the future and destiny of the Party and the country, as well as the success or failure of the cause.

Take comprehensively deepening reform as the fundamental driving force for promoting Chinese style modernization

   (I) Reform and opening up is an important magic weapon for the cause of the Party and the people to catch up with the times. "If China wants to advance, it must comprehensively deepen reform and opening up." The sonorous words of General Secretary Xi Jinping are the echo of history and the clarion call of the times.

Let scientific and technological achievements come to fruition

 On June 17, the pilot test base of Xiong'an New District Science and Technology Innovation Center was photographed by UAV. Photographed by Geng Hui, reporter of Hebei Daily

   Xiong'an New Area takes various measures to create a good innovation ecology Let scientific and technological achievements come to fruition On June 17, the pilot test base of Xiong'an New District Science and Technology Innovation Center was photographed by UAV. Photographed by Geng Hui, reporter of Hebei Daily The transformation of scientific research achievements from laboratory to industrial application and into real productivity is an important support for promoting high-quality economic development. As an innovation highland, Xiong'an New Area has been working hard to stimulate scientific research and promote transformation.

"Early Bus" to the Future

   At 6:00 in the morning of June 14, a minibus set out from the gate of China Xiong'an Group to the starting area of Xiong'an New Area in front of Chaoyang. The passengers on the bus are several project contracting cadres of Xiong'an Group. They will take the "early bus" to go to the construction site of the International Trade Center project. The plan of the day is in the morning.

A simulation activity cultivates international vision

   Xiong'an New Area Held the First Simulated Comprehensive Practice Conference for Primary and Middle School Students A simulation activity cultivates international vision "Hello, we have put forward a topic on the protection of children's rights, and we hope that representatives from all countries will seriously consider and support it." Recently, the first simulated comprehensive practice conference for primary and secondary school students in Xiong'an New Area was held. At the simulated United Nations branch, students exchanged ideas on the protection of children's rights. The first comprehensive simulation practice conference for primary and secondary school students in Xiong'an New Area was guided by the Department of Education of Hebei Province, and hosted by the Public Service Bureau of Xiong'an New Area and the Youth League Committee of the Foreign Affairs University, aiming to promote the cultivation of new talents with a sense of social responsibility, international vision, innovation spirit and practical ability.

Furniture flexible intelligent manufacturing, this base has "hard work"

   Furniture flexible intelligent manufacturing, this base has "hard work" ——First line tour of project construction How long does it take to produce a wooden door? The answer of Dawn International Smart Home Shenzhou Base is 55 seconds. A few days ago, the reporter came to Liming International Smart Home (Shenzhou) Co., Ltd., located in Shenzhou Economic Development Zone, and saw that in Area A of its production base, one intelligent flexible production line was connected in series, and there were only a few inspectors in the 10000 square meter workshop. Zhang Hao, the general manager of the company, said that at present, the 14 production workshops in Zone A and Zone B that have been put into production are all "unmanned workshops", realizing that the boards do not fall to the ground and the landing is the finished product.

How many steps does it take for intelligent driving to get on the highway?

   Intelligent driving, which once only existed in science fiction films, has gradually entered real life. In Xiong'an New District, driverless intelligent Internet buses are operating on the road, and driverless distribution vehicles deliver express packages to residents. Recently, the Beijing Xiongyang Expressway (Hebei) open automatic driving test demonstration project was also officially launched.

Xiong'an knew it (June 25, 2024)

   Photographed by Hu Zhong Today is June 25, 2024, Tuesday. The weather is cloudy and sunny, 21~35 ℃. Xiong'an News 1. The Special Publicity Conference on "The Story of the Communist Party of China - Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in Xiong'an" jointly organized by the Department of Foreign Relations of the CPC Central Committee, the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee and the Party Working Committee of Xiong'an New Area will be held in Xiong'an New Area on June 27. 2. Xiong'an New Area has implemented 383 key projects, more than 4000 buildings have sprung up, and the development area covers 184 square kilometers.

The delegation led by Yali Anderson, President of Finnish Finnish Chinese Education Association, visited Xiong'an New Area for investigation and exchange

   From June 21 to 24, a delegation led by the President of Finnish Finnish Chinese Education Association, Ali Anderson, visited Xiong'an New Area for investigation and exchange. During the meeting, Wang Jiping, deputy director of Xiong'an Office of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, member of the Xiong'an New Area Party Working Committee and director of the Party Political Office, held a discussion with Anderson and his delegation. The forum was held.

Xiong'an Network Security Technology Application Competition Finals

   Xiong'an, People's Daily Online, June 24 (Reporter Wang Hong) On June 24, the 2024 Xiong'an Future City Scene Gathering "Xiong'an Network Security Technology Application Competition" with the theme of "Gathering Network Security Technologies and Escorting Smart City Construction" opened in Xiong'an New Area. Xiong'an Network Security Technology Application Contest is guided by the digital city application scenario of Xiong'an New Area. Through the centralized display and competition of innovation achievements in the field of network security in the New Area, it builds a platform for scenario application, technology trading, and capital docking, and promotes the first demonstration application of network security technologies, products, and solutions in Xiong'an New Area, Promote the deep integration of the application of advanced network security technology and the construction of digital city in Xiong'an New Area, and accelerate the development of network security industry. Based on the construction and application needs of Xiong'an Smart City, this competition focuses on building a new area network security innovation chain, ecological chain and industrial chain, focusing on the use of artificial intelligence, quantum encryption, blockchain and other new technologies, improving the network terminal security, data security, network application and service security capabilities, and setting up three tracks of Internet of Things security, digital city safe operation, and data security.

The "giant panda among birds" green headed diving duck has been breeding in Baiyangdian for three consecutive years

   Recently, the Natural Resources Bureau of Anxin County, Xiong'an New Area, together with Anxin County Photographers Association and bird care volunteers, found that there were new members of the blue headed diving duck family when they patrolled the bird habitat in Baiyangdian. In the same area, there were two female blue headed diving ducks taking their chicks to feed. In 2018, the trail of the blue headed diving duck was first observed in Baiyangdian. In July 2022, it is the first time to observe the hatching of blue headed diving ducks.

Xiong'an New Area held the (enlarged) meeting of the members of the Party Working Committee

   Xiong'an New Area held the (enlarged) meeting of the members of the Party Working Committee Deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions Adhere to high-quality development as the primary task Make overall arrangements for flood control and drought relief and work safety Promote the construction and development of Xiong'an New Area to make new progress On June 22, Xiong'an New Area held a (enlarged) meeting of the members of the Party Working Committee to convey and study the spirit of the important instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on flood control and drought relief, the spirit of the important speech made during the investigation in Qinghai, the important article "Creating a New Situation of High Quality Development in China" published in Qiushi magazine, and convey and study the spirit of the (enlarged) meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Listen to the report on flood control work of key departments in three counties and the New Area, and study the implementation opinions of the New Area. Zhang Guohua, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Xiong'an New Area, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. The meeting pointed out that the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on flood control and drought relief work should be implemented into the whole process of flood control and drought relief work in the New Area, further improve the political position, resolutely overcome the paralytic ideology, and do a good job in flood control and drought relief work without any slack, so as to ensure the safety of people's lives and property and the overall social stability.

New progress in the construction of Xiong'an headquarters of central enterprises The tower crown of Sinochem Building project has been installed


   Xiong'an, People's Daily Online, June 22 (Reporter Li Xueqing) Recently, the tower crown of China Sinochem Building project in Xiong'an New District was installed. This is another important progress since the capping of the main structure of the project on March 27. The tower crown of Sinochem Building Project has been installed.

Zhaili Township, Anxin County, Xiong'an New Area: escort "three summers" to help production


   People's Daily Online, Xiong'an, June 22. Spring competes for the day and summer competes for the time. Recently, in the wheat field of Zhaili Village, Zhaili Township, Anxin County, Xiong'an New Area, several harvesters went back and forth at full power, creating a busy harvest scene. The harvester is working in the wheat field of Zhaili Township.

Xiong'an knew it (June 22, 2024)

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   Photographed by Hu Zhong Today is Saturday, June 22, 2024. The weather is fine, 21~35 ℃. Xiong'an News 1. On June 19, a delegation led by Zhang Shouchuan, member of the Party Committee and Vice President of ICBC, visited Xiong'an New Area for investigation. Zhang Guohua, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee, secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Xiong'an New Area, held a working forum with Zhang Shouchuan and his delegation.

Sixty three works contribute to the construction of urban digital base

   Xiong'an International Next Generation Network Technology (IPv6) Application Competition Finals Open Sixty three works contribute to the construction of urban digital base On June 18, the 2024 Xiong'an City of the Future scenario Huixiong International Next Generation Network Technology (IPv6) Application Competition finals began. 63 works contribute to the construction of urban digital base. The competition was hosted by the Organizing Committee of Xiong'an Future City Scenarios, and organized by Hebei Xiong'an New Area Management Committee, China Xiong'an Group, China Power Construction Hebei Xiong'an Construction Development Co., Ltd., and Xiong'an New Area Smart City Innovation Federation.

Zhang Guohua Investigates the Construction of Xiong'an Maozhou Airport and Huandian Road Phase I Project

   Zhang Guohua emphasized when investigating the construction of Xiong'an Maozhou Airport and Huandian Road Phase I Project Accelerate the construction of important transportation infrastructure Lay a solid foundation for the high-quality development of the New Area On June 20, Zhang Guohua, member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Xiong'an New Area, visited Xiong'an Maozhou Airport and Huandian Road Phase I Project to investigate the low altitude economy and the construction progress of Huandian Road. He stressed that we should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important speech and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping when he inspected Hebei and Xiong'an New Area, earnestly implement the deployment requirements of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government, fully implement the new development concept, actively cultivate and develop new quality productivity, fully promote the construction of key projects to speed up and improve efficiency, and accelerate the construction of important transportation infrastructure, Lay a solid foundation for the high-quality development of the New Area. Zhang Guohua investigated the construction of Xiong'an Maozhou Airport and Huandian Road Phase I Project.

Zhang Guohua held a working forum with Zhang Shouchuan, Vice President of ICBC

   On June 19, a delegation led by Zhang Shouchuan, member of the Party Committee and Vice President of ICBC, visited Xiong'an New Area for investigation. Zhang Guohua, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee, secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Xiong'an New Area, held a working forum with Zhang Shouchuan and his delegation. Zhang Guohua held a working discussion with Zhang Shouchuan, Vice President of ICBC and his delegation.

Xiong'an knew it (June 21, 2024)


   Photographed by Hu Zhong Today is Friday, June 21, 2024. The weather is cloudy, 23~34 ℃. Xiong'an News 1. On June 19, Zhang Guohua, member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Xiong'an New Area, led a team to visit Beijing Language and Culture University, inspected the MEG Laboratory for Language Disorders and Brain Sciences of Beijing Language and Culture University, the Key Laboratory for Language Cognitive Science of the Ministry of Education, and the School History Museum, and had a discussion with Ni Haidong, secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Language and Culture University, and Duan Peng, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of Beijing Language and Culture University, Further deepen practical cooperation, solidly promote the implementation of major national strategies, and work together to create a new benchmark for collaborative innovation cooperation. 2. From June 18 to 20, the 2024 "Smart Youth" international youth delegation visited Xiong'an New Area, and 27 youth representatives from 21 countries and regions, including the United States, Russia, Germany, Italy, Thailand and Japan, paid exchange visits.

The meeting in Baiyangdian is not simple

   Since March this year, Xiong'an New Area Comprehensive Service Center has organized a "biweekly coordination meeting" every two weeks to serve the relief units of non capital functions in Beijing, so as to solve all kinds of demands of relief objects in a timely and efficient manner and promote the relief work effectively, orderly and effectively. The staff of Xiong'an Government Affairs Service Center is handling relevant business for the masses. Photographed by Zhao Yonghui Two weekly sessions, two hours each, to ease the "face to face" communication between the unit and the department of the New Area, not to talk about cliches, but to go straight to the theme, with the goal of "doing one thing efficiently" and "doing everything well without obstacles".

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