People's Video - Watch Xiong'an

Autumn Wind Paints "Abundant" Scenery and Shows New Beauty

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   Xiong'an, People's Daily Online, September 20 (Su Chundan, intern Tian Yiman) On September 22, China is about to usher in the seventh farmers' harvest festival. The vast fields of Xiong'an New Area are filled with joy and hope of harvest. The golden rice fields rise and fall with the wind, just like the golden ocean; In the corn field, rows of corncobs are full and big, indicating the arrival of another harvest year; Peanut fields are full of peanuts wrapped in soil, breaking out of the ground; In the orchard, pear trees and apple trees are covered with heavy fruits; The sparkling grapes are fragrant and attractive to pick. In this land of Xiong'an, which is gilded by the autumn color, the farmers use their hard sweat and hard hands to draw a refreshing harvest picture.

Xue Qing takes you to see the tenth issue of Xiong'an: "Who" is there in the new session?

   The People's Daily Online, in conjunction with the Publicity, Network and Information Bureau of Xiong'an New Area, launched a series of programs named "Xueqing Show You Xiong'an" to show the construction and development achievements of Xiong'an New Area and respond to the concerns of all sectors of society about Xiong'an New Area. The tenth issue is launched today: the new one, who is there?

Xiongxian County Held Cultural Performance of "Welcoming the National Day and Celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival"

 "Welcoming the National Day, Celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival" cultural benefit performance site. Photographed by Su Chundan on

   Xiong'an, People's Daily, September 16 (Su Chundan) In order to promote traditional culture, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of residents, and create a warm and festive, happy and peaceful festival atmosphere, the 2024 "Celebrating the National Day and Celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival" Cultural Performance for the benefit of the people, sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Xiongxian County Party Committee, hosted by the Xiongxian Culture Museum, and co organized by the Xiongxian Rong Media Center, was held in Xiongxian Packaging City on the evening of September 14. The theme of this performance is "The Birthday of a Prosperous Age, Joying the Mid Autumn Festival". The evening party starts with the song and dance "The Moon Rises". Ancient musical instruments, martial arts, dance, magic, opera and other programs are staged in turn. Each program has won bursts of applause and applause from the audience.

Xue Qing takes you to see the ninth issue of Xiong'an: Craftsmen Go Online! Initial experience of black pottery production

   The People's Daily Online, in conjunction with the Publicity, Network and Information Bureau of Xiong'an New Area, launched a series of programs named "Xueqing Show You Xiong'an" to show the construction and development achievements of Xiong'an New Area and respond to the concerns of all sectors of society about Xiong'an New Area. Today, the ninth issue is launched: Craftsmen go online! First experience in making black pottery.

Blueprint turns into reality and meets the "City of the Future"

   Xiong'an New Area, as the centralized carrier of Beijing's non capital function relief, is reported to have completed a total investment of 743.3 billion yuan in 383 key projects in the new area as of August, with a development area of 190 square kilometers, a total construction area of 44.76 million square meters, and 4180 buildings rising from the ground. The "four systems" of urban construction consisting of the peripheral road framework, the internal backbone road network, the ecological corridor and the water system around the city have basically taken shape, and a modern city is growing and thriving. Aerial photo of Xiong'an Yuerong Park.

Xiong'an Station FIBA Three player Basketball Challenge Successfully Concluded China Chongming Team Won the Championship

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   Xiong'an, People's Daily Online, September 2 (Su Chundan, intern He Ya) On the evening of August 31, the 2024 FIBA Trio Basketball Challenge Xiong'an stood in Xiong'an Country Park for the grand opening. This is the first time that the FIBA Trio Basketball Challenge has been held in China since the Paris Olympic Games. More than 60 athletes from 16 teams from nine countries, including China, Serbia, the United States, France, Lithuania, Mongolia, Latvia, Malaysia and Japan, participated in a basketball feast for the audience. The competition scale of the 16 teams is also the largest challenge for teams in China in 2024 so far.

2024 China Xiong'an High Value Patent Competition was launched in Xiong'an New Area


   Xiong'an, People's Daily Online, August 16 (Su Chundan, intern Liu Tianshuo) On August 16, the 2024 China Xiong'an High Value Patent Competition was launched in Xiong'an New Area, and the patent transformation roadshow center was unveiled on the same day. The competition was co sponsored by the Market Supervision Bureau of Hebei Province (Intellectual Property Office) in conjunction with Beijing Intellectual Property Office, Tianjin Intellectual Property Office and the Party Working Committee Management Committee of Xiong'an New Area, co organized by the education departments and relevant financial institutions in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and undertaken by Intellectual Property Publishing House Co., Ltd. The launching ceremony of Xiong'an High Value Patent Competition.

Xue Qing takes you to see the seventh issue of Xiong'an: Exclusive Disclosure! What does Xiong'an's university dormitory look like?

   The People's Daily Online, in conjunction with the Publicity, Network and Information Bureau of Xiong'an New Area, launched a series of programs named "Xueqing Show You Xiong'an" to show the construction and development achievements of Xiong'an New Area and respond to the concerns of all sectors of society about Xiong'an New Area. Today, we launch the seventh issue: Exclusive Disclosure! What does Xiong'an's university dormitory look like?

Xiong'an Central Green Valley: a new model of green ecology


   Xiong'an, People's Daily Online, August 15 (Su Chundan) August 15 is the second national ecological day, with the theme of "accelerating the overall green transformation of economic and social development", marking a new chapter in ecological civilization. The central green valley, the core green space of the start-up area of Xiong'an New Area, not only bears the important task of green development of Xiong'an New Area, but also is a microcosm of the construction of national ecological civilization. The Central Green Valley, located in the middle of the launch area, is the core blue and green skeleton of the ecological space in the launch area. Its planned area is 500 hectares, 7 kilometers long from north to south, and 3.2 kilometers long from east to west. It is an important ecological window for the launch area to the world.

Day and night of national fitness in Xiong'an New Area


   People's Daily Online, Xiong'an, August 8 (Su Chundan) Today is the 16th "National Fitness Day" in China. With the theme of "National Fitness and the Olympic Games", it not only highlights the deep integration of sports spirit and Olympic concept, but also stimulates the people's love and pursuit of sports in Xiong'an New Area. With the in-depth promotion of the concept of national fitness in Xiong'an New Area, both the sunshine in the day and the stars at night are full of enthusiasm and vitality of national fitness. Video production: intern Li Xinwen In the morning, Taijiquan enthusiasts wore uniform training uniforms, slowly rising in the melodious music, moving smoothly and powerfully, showing the beauty of Taijiquan's softness with hardness.

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