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How to effectively use four channel laser particle counter for detection

Updated on: April 17, 2024 Number of hits: ninety-seven
   Four channel laser particle counter It is an advanced particle detection instrument, which can accurately and quickly measure the particle concentration and size distribution in the air through the principle of laser scattering. In the field of modern industry, scientific research and environmental monitoring, this kind of equipment is more and more widely used. Next, we will discuss how to effectively use this instrument for testing.
1、 Select appropriate detection environment
When using the four channel laser particle counter, it is necessary to select a suitable detection environment. Since the accuracy of the particle counter is affected by environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity and airflow speed, it is necessary to ensure that the detection environment is relatively stable and meets the operating requirements of the instrument. At the same time, keep away from possible pollution sources, such as dust and smoke, to ensure the accuracy of measurement results.
2、 Set instrument parameters correctly
Before using the counter, the instrument parameters need to be set correctly according to the actual needs. This includes selecting appropriate measurement channels, setting appropriate sampling flow and time, etc. Different measurement channels correspond to different particle size ranges, and appropriate channels should be selected according to the characteristics of the sample to be measured. At the same time, the setting of sampling flow and time will also affect the measurement results, which should be adjusted reasonably according to the actual situation.


3、 Operate the instrument correctly
When operating the counter, follow the instructions of the instrument to ensure the correctness and safety of the operation. For example, before starting the instrument, check whether the power supply and connection lines are normal to avoid short circuit or damage to the instrument. During the measurement, the sampling flow shall be kept stable to avoid sudden change of flow or moving the instrument, so as not to affect the accuracy of the measurement results.
4、 Data processing and analysis
After the measurement, the data needs to be processed and analyzed. Four channel laser particle counter Detailed data such as particle concentration and size distribution are usually provided. Through the analysis of these data, we can understand the pollution status of particulate matter in the environment and provide basis for subsequent governance and decision-making. When processing data, attention should be paid to the integrity and accuracy of the data to avoid errors or omissions.
5、 Regular maintenance and calibration
In order to ensure the long-term stable operation and measurement accuracy of the counter, regular maintenance and calibration shall be carried out. Maintenance includes cleaning the instrument shell, checking the working state of light source, detector and other components. Calibration criteria can be used to calibrate the instrument by using a standard particle source to ensure the accuracy and reliability of its measurement results.
The effective use of the four channel laser particle counter for detection requires the selection of appropriate detection environment, the correct setting of instrument parameters, the correct operation of the instrument, data processing and analysis, and regular maintenance and calibration. Only in this way can we give full play to the advantages of the counter and provide accurate and reliable particle measurement data for scientific research, industry, environmental monitoring and other fields.