2023 Action Plan for Intelligent Manufacturing in Shanxi Province: 8 tasks to accelerate the development of intelligent manufacturing _ the planning network of the industrial park of the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering - the planning network of the industrial park of the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Industry and Information Technology of Shanxi Province recently issued the 2023 Action Plan for Intelligent Manufacturing in Shanxi Province (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan). Expand the application of intelligent manufacturing industry, build pilot and demonstration enterprises of intelligent manufacturing, select benchmark projects of intelligent manufacturing, carry out diagnosis and consultation of intelligent manufacturing experts, and cultivate system solution providers... Shanxi Province will focus on the implementation of eight tasks to accelerate the development of intelligent manufacturing.

 Shanxi Intelligent Manufacturing Action Plan, Shanxi Intelligent Manufacturing Development Plan

The Action Plan defines the work objectives: accelerating the intelligent upgrading of industrial enterprises in key fields such as energy equipment, coal machinery equipment, heavy machinery, chemical industry, metallurgy, etc., building intelligent mines, strengthening the layout advantages in key industrial clusters, and implementing intelligent transformation; We carried out intelligent manufacturing diagnostic services for 200 enterprises, identified 50 provincial intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration enterprises and selected 10 provincial intelligent manufacturing benchmark projects.

The Action Plan proposes to support enterprises to increase investment in technological transformation and continue to promote process innovation, equipment upgrading, management optimization and intelligent production process in accordance with the characteristics and pain points of equipment manufacturing, electronic information, raw materials, consumer goods and other industries; Support key enterprises to integrate and apply advanced sensing, control and information management systems on the basis of digital production and information management, and build intelligent factory demonstration through factory design, product design, process design and industrial data analysis based on digital models, as well as continuous optimization of the entire production process.

Shanxi Province will actively promote the construction of smart manufacturing benchmark projects, and regularly carry out project construction progress scheduling activities around the manufacturing industries such as steel, nonferrous metals, coal chemical industry, building materials, coking, equipment, new energy vehicles, electronic information consumer goods, tracking, guiding and coordinating the difficulties and problems in the process of project construction, Actively cultivate smart manufacturing benchmark projects with good growth; Focusing on new energy equipment, coal machinery equipment, heavy machinery, automobile, chemical industry, metallurgy, electronics and other key fields, we will promote the enterprises that have won the intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration and benchmark projects to further carry out high-end, intelligent and green upgrading activities, and select enterprises that basically meet the conditions to enter the "lighthouse factory" reserve.