Countermeasures, suggestions and problems for the development of intelligent manufacturing in Chongqing _ the planning network of the industrial park of the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering - the planning network of the industrial park of the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering

The iteration of new generation information technology promotes the rapid development of intelligent manufacturing. Through the analysis of many enterprises in Chongqing, it is concluded that intelligent manufacturing has achieved remarkable results in digitalization and networking, but there are problems such as incomplete popularization of digitalization, insufficient development of networking, insufficient level of intelligence, and talent shortage. On this basis, suggestions are put forward to promote digitalization and networking, build a support system, and enhance intelligent layout and construction.

As far as the development maturity of intelligent manufacturing is concerned, it is located in the economically developed Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta regions along the coast. Benefiting from industrial, talent and geographical advantages, it has developed rapidly in industrial Internet, intelligent equipment, intelligent production management and other fields. In recent years, Chongqing, an important industrial town in the southwest, has successively issued policies, plans and development to guide enterprises to implement development and introduce talents for growth and development. Taking Chongqing as an example, this paper summarizes the development status of intelligent manufacturing industry, and on this basis, puts forward suggestions for further development of intelligent manufacturing industry.

   1 Problems in the development of intelligent manufacturing in Chongqing

Chongqing has 31 of 41 major categories of manufacturing industries, forming a multi-point supporting industrial pattern dominated by electronics, automobiles, equipment, chemicals, materials, consumer goods and energy. In promoting the progress of intelligent manufacturing, in recent years, Chongqing has successively issued the Implementation Plan for the Development of Intelligent Manufacturing in Chongqing (2019-2022) and the Action Plan for the Innovation and Development of Industrial Internet in Chongqing (2021-2023) [4], promoting the upgrading of the manufacturing industry by industry and in a planned way, popularizing intelligent equipment, promoting the integrated application of information management systems, building and applying industrial Internet Detailed objectives and responsible administrative departments have been formulated in terms of fostering new modes of intelligent manufacturing, key technology innovation, development of related industries, construction of service support system, etc. By 2021, 105 intelligent factories, 574 digital workshops, and 197 industrial Internet service enterprises have been built. Digitization and networking have made great progress. The intelligent production mode has achieved remarkable results in cost reduction and efficiency increase. However, compared with developed countries and domestic economically developed regions, Chongqing has a large gap in intelligent manufacturing.

First of all, as shown in Figure 1, from the perspective of geographical distribution, the top 50 enterprises cover 14 provinces and cities across the country, of which Guangdong Province takes the first place with absolute advantages, with 9, Shanghai City 6, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Beijing and Hunan each 5, while Chongqing has no enterprises on the list.

 Research on Development Strategy of Intelligent Manufacturing in Chongqing

Figure 1 Regional Statistics of Top 50 National Intelligent Manufacturing Companies in 2021

Secondly, the industrial development will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the development of intelligent manufacturing. In particular, the gross industrial product of enterprises above designated size shows a certain correlation with the level of intelligent manufacturing in a region. The GDP of industrial enterprises above designated size in Chongqing in 2020 is compared with that of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, as shown in Table 1. It can be seen that Chongqing is the same size as Beijing and Guangzhou, but has a significant gap with Shanghai and Shenzhen. If we zoom into the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta, the gap will be further widened.

 Research on Development Strategy of Intelligent Manufacturing in Chongqing

Table 1 GDP of industrial enterprises above designated size in 2020 (unit: 100 million yuan)

   Finally, by comparing the current situation of intelligent manufacturing in domestic developed regions and Chongqing, the following problems of intelligent manufacturing in Chongqing at the emerging stage are summarized:

(1) Digital popularization is not comprehensive. Existing policies give priority to leading enterprises and their industrial chains to popularize digital workshops. In terms of policy preference and financial support, small and medium-sized parts manufacturing enterprises distributed around Chongqing have a low sense of gain. Most of these enterprises still use traditional production methods to work, and there are problems such as insufficient cognition, insufficient motivation and insufficient funds in the transformation of digital workshops.

(2) The network development is insufficient. The enterprise scale of "cloud platform" is not large enough, mainly for two reasons. First, industrial Internet technology is still in a rapid development stage, and has not yet formed a unified standard; Second, the diversity and heterogeneity of protocols and data types among industrial equipment in discrete manufacturing industry, the "information and data islands" in industrial sites, the lack of interconnection between equipment, the lack of real-time data collection and processing and other factors have brought great difficulties to networking.

(3) The level of intelligence is not high enough. At present, RFID, AGV, truss, robot and other advanced technologies have been introduced into vehicle manufacturing, pharmaceutical, electronic production line, logistics and transportation industries to realize automatic production that can be perceived, programmed and diagnosed in the production line. However, it is limited to local intelligence, lack of self adaptability, difficult to meet the requirements of customized production, and still far from the self-organization of the entire system.

(4) There is a shortage of intelligent manufacturing talents. First of all, the whole industrial chain of intelligent manufacturing in various industries has a large demand for cross-border talents and compound talents who can adapt to the deep integration of information technology and manufacturing technology. However, there are few universities in Chongqing that have opened intelligent and intelligent majors, leading to a large gap in the scale of trained talents; Secondly, enterprises are not motivated enough to train on the job talents, and they are not active in establishing industrial colleges with universities or scientific research institutions to cultivate talents; Third, the talent environment is not optimized. Compared with the developed coastal cities, there is a big gap in salary, development platform, incentive measures, security mechanism and other aspects, and high-end talents are not willing to work in Chongqing.

   2 Countermeasures and suggestions for the development of intelligent manufacturing in Chongqing

Intelligent manufacturing has deep connotation and wide extension. The "14th Five Year Plan" points out that we should thoroughly implement intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing projects, develop new service-oriented manufacturing models, promote high-end, intelligent and green manufacturing, build intelligent manufacturing demonstration plants, and improve the intelligent manufacturing standard system. The goal of intelligent manufacturing is to realize autonomous decision-making, autonomous control, autonomous management and automatic learning of the production process based on process data mining. The seamless connection between on-demand production and industrial chain is an important indicator of the level of intelligence. When the demand side provides the design parameters of products, the production line can produce finished products based on the requirements of on-demand production, reflecting the high standards of digitalization and intelligence; The seamless connection of the industrial chain requires the collaborative processing of resources in all production links, reflecting the high efficiency of digitalization, networking and intelligence. Based on the analysis of existing problems and combined with the goal of intelligent manufacturing, the following three development countermeasures are proposed:

2.1 Solid promotion of digitalization and networking

Digitization and networking are the starting point and foundation for traditional manufacturing to move towards intelligent manufacturing. The speed, breadth and depth of its realization are the key factors that directly affect the realization of intelligent manufacturing, and must be solidly promoted.

(1) We will intensify efforts to cultivate enterprises, vigorously support the technological innovation of leading enterprises such as Chang'an Automobile, Chongqing Lifan, Chongqing Iron and Steel, Southwest Aluminum, etc., play a leading role as a model enterprise, and drive enterprises on relevant industrial chains to achieve full digitalization and networking. Encourage the building of clusters into a circle, interconnection, and efficient collaboration, and organically integrate demand, production, products, and services with the help of new generation information technology to improve production efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

(2) We will continue to promote the construction of intelligent manufacturing industrial parks, provide a new generation of information technology platform by the parks, and move small and medium-sized enterprises to settle in, so that they can enjoy the benefits of technology empowerment. Give full play to the aggregation and service functions of the park platform, guide the collaborative innovation of enterprises of different sizes, and encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to enter the head enterprise supply chain.

(3) Continue to promote IPV6 network backbone nodes, accelerate the construction of industrial Internet application standards before products, eliminate information islands, and speed up network transmission capacity. Make full use of the intellectual advantages of the Western Science City, promote enterprises to deepen cooperation with universities and scientific research institutes, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, build a network software platform, and support the landing application of large-scale networked implementation.

2.2 Complete support system

Build a supporting system to accelerate the development of intelligent manufacturing by building a service-oriented government, accelerating the construction of talent system, strengthening industry organizations, optimizing communication platforms and other measures.

(1) Build a modern and intelligent service-oriented government, put government affairs on the cloud, simplify processes, change management into service, strengthen process management, fiscal and tax incentives, government enterprise coordination, and do a good job in consulting services, policy services, and publicity services; Build a group of high-level professional service companies to provide standard system services, financial and tax services, legal services, intellectual property services, etc.

(2) Continue to promote the strategy of strengthening the city with talents. Talents are the key to intelligent manufacturing. Powerful intelligent manufacturing requires not only compound high-end talents, but also highly skilled talents skilled in operating new equipment to execute intelligent manufacturing process. In view of the demand for high and sophisticated talents urgently needed in intelligent manufacturing, we should "attract, retain and use them smoothly", and guide local governments to attract talents on demand and precisely by formulating the demand plan and introduction directory for high-end talents in intelligent manufacturing. The employment demand of enterprises can be guaranteed by absorbing the establishment of branches of scientific research institutes, in-depth cooperation between production, teaching, research and application, and the plan of millions of talents. We will raise the funding standards for the introduction of high-end talents, such as scientific research fees and home relocation fees, provide high-quality services such as supporting children's enrollment, and even implement one person, one policy. Corresponding rewards or financial subsidies will be given to employers or third-party organizations that successfully introduce high-end talents.

For the highly skilled talents urgently needed in the intelligent manufacturing process, on the one hand, we should revitalize the stock of talents, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises, guide enterprises to actively cooperate with universities or scientific research institutions, and upgrade enterprise talents with industry experience to intelligent manufacturing talents by jointly building technology centers, implementing major projects, special training actions and other ways; On the other hand, we should strengthen talent training, promote the integration of industry and education, highlight the industrial demand orientation, and focus on cross-border integration.

(3) Strengthen industry organizations. At present, there are about 10 industrial organizations involved in intelligent manufacturing in Chongqing, including the Municipal Association of Artificial Intelligence, the Municipal Association of Electronics and the Municipal Association of Robotics, which are not enough to coordinate and promote the whole industry. Enterprises, scientific research institutes, colleges and universities should be encouraged to take the lead in setting up industrial organizations such as associations, trade associations, chambers of commerce, and so on, to build communication platforms between government and enterprises, between industry, university, and research, and between upstream and downstream of the intelligent manufacturing industry chain. Support industry organizations to unite with leading enterprises, universities, etc. to establish training institutions such as intelligent manufacturing vocational education groups.

(4) Optimize the exchange platform, use professional exhibitions, academic conferences, professional forums and other forms of promotion such as "Smart Expo" to expand domestic and international exchanges, promote domestic and international double circulation [6], make good use of the "Belt and Road", "Yangtze River Economic Belt", and "Chengdu Chongqing Double City Economic Circle" to enhance influence. Rely on the Chongqing Science City under planning and construction to build a demonstration base for scientific innovation in intelligent manufacturing.

2.3 Strengthen intelligent layout and construction

Chongqing's "14th Five Year Plan" puts forward the idea of "optimizing and improving the whole industrial chain of" core screen device nuclear network "and the whole element group of" cloud connected digital computing "[7], which can take this opportunity to comprehensively strengthen the iterative upgrading of intelligent manufacturing.

(1) Increase investment attraction in big data, cloud computing, sensors, chips and other fields, make rational layout and focus on construction. Formulate preferential policies, actively undertake technology transfer in advanced regions, attract international advanced technology enterprises to settle in Xiantao Data Valley and other parks, and invest special funds to reward the successful application of new generation information technology in the intelligent manufacturing industry.

(2) Accelerate the development of intelligent algorithms and software in manufacturing. Digitization, networking and intellectualization need the support of industrial software. In the digital phase, product informatization, R&D informatization and process informatization have enabled enterprises to process information. On this basis, software needs to be able to make independent judgments, so that machines can be equipped with higher intelligence and achieve mutual coordination and cooperation between people and machines.

(3) Promote the pilot demonstration project of intelligent manufacturing in depth. Establish an industrial Internet factory intranet to realize the interconnection of production equipment, sensors, control systems and management systems. Realize automatic uploading of production site data such as production progress, field operation, quality inspection, equipment status, material transmission, etc. Realize the transformation from providing products only to providing products and services at the same time, from mass production to personalized customization production, and promote the integration of manufacturing and service industries.

   3 Conclusion

Chongqing has made remarkable achievements in intelligent manufacturing due to its large scale of industries, complete categories, and policy support. However, it needs to overcome the problems of incomplete digital popularization, insufficient network development, insufficient intelligence level, and insufficient talent, continue to promote the implementation of relevant policies, strengthen the priority implementation of big data intelligence, and build a sound support system, Expand domestic and international exchanges, and accelerate the construction of "smart manufacturing town". (Author: Pu Yun)