Preparation of the Tenth Five Year Plan _ preliminary study of the Tenth Five Year Plan _ special plan for the Tenth Five Year Plan _ preparation of the Tenth Five Year Plan outline - research on major topics of the Tenth Five Year Plan of the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering

Professional consulting agency for the preparation of the "Tenth Five Year Plan"

Preparation of the Tenth Five Year Plan, preliminary study of the Tenth Five Year Plan, special plan for the Tenth Five Year Plan, preparation of the outline of the Tenth Five Year Plan, research on major topics for the Tenth Five Year Plan, the Tenth Five Year Plan for state-owned enterprises, and the overall plan of provinces, cities, districts and counties for the Tenth Five Year Plan

Thoughts on the preparation of the 14th Five Year Plan

With the end of the 14th Five Year Plan, the preparation of the 15th Five Year Plan has been put on the agenda. From December 17 to 18, 2023, the National Development and Reform Working Conference was held in Beijing, clearly proposing to further play the guiding role of medium - and long-term plans and annual plans, and effectively promote the effective implementation of major national strategic deployment. The meeting also proposed that the implementation of the "14th Five Year Plan" should be promoted, and the basic ideas for the economic and social development of the "15th Five Year Plan" should be studied and put forward.

As the 15th Five Year Plan, the "15th Five Year Plan" is the outline of the national economic and social development plan to be implemented from 2026 to 2030. It will continue the fundamental issues of the "14th Five Year Plan", such as adhering to innovative development, respecting laws, and adhering to practical goals. Promote the coordinated development of economy, society, resources and environment, and scientifically put forward the basic ideas, strategic priorities, goals and tasks, and implementation guarantees for the region to comprehensively start the socialist modernization drive during the "15th Five Year Plan" period. The Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering will deeply study the overall, forward-looking and key issues related to long-term development, and will do a good job in the preliminary research work of the "Tenth Five Year Plan".

On January 5, the official website of the Development Strategy and Planning Department of the National Development and Reform Commission released the Announcement of the First Batch of Research Topics in 2024 of the Development Strategy and Planning Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, which proposed 26 research topics and key points, See more>>

Main tasks

The "Tenth Five Year Plan" (2026-2030) is a critical period for consolidating and improving the level of well-off society in all respects and opening a new journey of socialist modernization in all respects. It is of great significance to scientifically formulate and implement the "Tenth Five Year Plan", which mainly includes the following three tasks

Carry out major research projects
Strengthen the analysis of development environment, fully absorb a series of major decisions and research achievements issued by the state, province and city in recent years, and focus on the regional development environment, ideas and objectives, structural adjustment and optimization, industrial cultivation and layout, urban and rural coordinated development, infrastructure construction, ecological civilization construction, social development, people's livelihood improvement Carry out forward-looking research on major issues such as reform in key areas to provide basic support for planning.
Preparation of the Outline of the Tenth Five Year Plan
The Outline of the Fifteenth Five Year Plan for Regional National Economic and Social Development is a comprehensive, programmatic and strategic plan, which is the basis for the preparation of special plans and various economic development measures and annual plans. The preparation of the planning outline shall meet the overall requirements of the "Tenth Five Year Plan" of the government at the next higher level, and shall be connected with the key special projects and other plans. Before the plan outline is examined and approved by the government at the same level, it shall be connected with the competent department of the relevant industry on the relevant pillar industries, major cross regional infrastructure projects and layout, important resource development projects and other planning contents that have an important impact on regional economic and social development.
Prepare the support project of the 15th Five Year Plan
Attach great importance to the fundamental supporting role of projects in the implementation of the "Tenth Five Year Plan", and do a good job in planning and connecting major projects in advance. Closely follow the national and provincial policy guidance, deeply study the development trend of the field and industry, carefully plan major projects, and provide strong support for the preparation and implementation of the plan.
Workflow and progress

According to the work requirements and task arrangement of the national and provincial "Tenth Five Year Plan", the preparation of the "Tenth Five Year Plan" is mainly divided into the following three stages:

01 Preliminary research and preparation stage
Establish a working organization, propose to prepare the work plan for the "Tenth Five Year Plan", mobilize and deploy the planning work, and carry out preliminary research on major topics.
02 Basic idea research stage
To study and put forward the overall planning ideas of the "Tenth Five Year Plan", solicit opinions and suggestions from various departments on the basic planning ideas, organize experts to demonstrate the basic ideas, improve the basic ideas, listen to the opinions and suggestions of the National People's Congress and the CPPCC on the overall planning ideas, and form a draft outline for comments.
03 Stage of formulation, approval and release of the draft outline
We improved the opinion draft, submitted it to the Standing Committee of the Government and the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee for research and deliberation, and formed the draft outline of the Tenth Five Year Plan. Extensive solicitation of opinions from all sectors of society, connection with relevant departments at the next higher level, and improvement of the draft. It shall be submitted to the National People's Congress for deliberation and approval, and issued and implemented by the local government at that level.
Preparation process of the "Tenth Five Year Plan"

According to the general five-year planning experience of national economic and social development, the whole planning process is divided into six stages, and the corresponding results of each stage are planned to form a rigorous and controllable promotion plan. The specific implementation process will be jointly agreed by the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the local leading group after the official start of the work.

  • 01 Comprehensive investigation

    Carry out comprehensive and systematic research on economic and social development

  • 02 Preliminary study

    To carry out research on major economic and social topics and prepare special plans for the "Tenth Five Year Plan"

  • 03 Determine ideas

    Form the basic ideas for economic and social development during the "Tenth Five Year Plan" and report to higher authorities

  • 04 Outline preparation

    Prepare the outline of the "Tenth Five Year Plan" in combination with the national and superior planning ideas and requirements

  • 05 Planning Demonstration

    Demonstrating the Outline of the Economic and Social Development Plan during the Tenth Five Year Plan Period

  • 06 Planning submission

    The Outline of the "Fifteenth Five Year Plan" for Economic and Social Development shall be submitted to the National People's Congress for approval

  • Service scope of the "Tenth Five Year Plan" project of the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering

    The "14th Five Year Plan" will end at the end of 2025, and China's economic and social development will enter the "15th Five Year Plan" stage in 2026. According to the practice, the preliminary research work of the "Tenth Five Year Plan" will be carried out in 2024, including the basic ideas, major reforms, major tasks, and major strategies during the "Tenth Five Year Plan" period. In 2025, the preparation of the Outline of the Tenth Five Year Plan will be carried out.

    As an institution that first proposed the planning concept of "industry city integration" and practiced the "full chain consulting service for regional economic planning and operation" in China, the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering has outstanding advantages in government policy resources, planning research strength and planning related cases. In addition to professional industrial planning services, it can provide local governments at all levels with planning research and consulting services for the "15th Five Year Plan", Specific services are as follows:

    Evaluation of the implementation of the 14th Five Year Plan
    Comprehensively evaluate the progress of the goals and tasks of the "14th Five Year Plan", objectively evaluate the progress and effectiveness of the implementation of the plan, deeply analyze the new situations and problems in the implementation of the plan, and study and put forward practical countermeasures and suggestions.
    Research on the early stage of the "Tenth Five Year Plan"
    Assist local governments in screening major projects and providing project research services, solve key and difficult problems in economic and social development, and lay the foundation for the preparation of the Outline of the Tenth Five Year Plan.
    Preparation of the Outline of the Tenth Five Year Plan
    Combining the latest national and provincial ideas on the preparation of the "Fifteenth Five Year Plan", grasp the local conditions through field research, and scientifically prepare the outline of the "Fifteenth Five Year Plan".
    Overall Planning of Provinces, Municipalities, Districts and Counties during the Tenth Five Year Plan Period
    In combination with relevant research results, the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering can provide governments at all levels with "the 15th Five Year Plan" national economic and social development planning services, including research on ideas, positioning, goals, strategies, main tasks and development paths.
    Special Plan for the "Tenth Five Year Plan"
    Special research has been carried out in various key areas of economic and social development. Based on the requirements of the higher authorities and in combination with local conditions, the service areas are: featured agriculture, modern service industry, industry, cultural tourism, strategic emerging industries, new urbanization, rural revitalization, energy, health care, scientific and technological innovation, etc.
    The Tenth Five Year Plan of the Enterprise
    In the planning process, fully consider the impact of the actual situation of the enterprise, changes in the external environment and market environment, industry fields, industrial characteristics, enterprise characteristics and other factors, and formulate a scientific, reasonable and practical planning scheme.

    The Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering provides local governments (including functional zones, development zones, etc.) with early research strategic topics of the "15th Five Year Plan", such as development orientation, development strategy, industry, investment and financing, private economy and governance.

  • Topic of development orientation

    Based on its own development status, the development orientation of the "15th Five Year Plan" is determined by combing and diagnosing the development orientation of previous five-year plans, combining the deployment of the central and superior governments and changes in the surrounding environment.

  • Industrial topics

    Based on the promotion process of the national unified market and the strategic opportunity of developing new quality productivity, study the factor guarantee, competitiveness and weakness of local major industries, and determine the development direction, promotion path, key industries that need to be supported and fostered, and the list of key enterprises during the "Tenth Five Year Plan" period.

  • Special Topics on Private Economy

    Based on the strategic deployment of the central government on building a high-level socialist market economy system and the basis for the development of local private economy, this paper analyzes the environment, stage characteristics, and overall trend of the development of local private economy. Focusing on the development of new quality productivity, it proposes the development ideas, target index system, and major projects, platforms Major policies and reforms.

  • Special Topics of Development Strategy

    Based on its own main development advantages and development weaknesses, study strategies to give play to advantages, remedy weaknesses and promote the development of new quality productivity, including (but not limited to) applying for superior policies and project support; Broaden the space for independent reform and innovation; Improve the business environment; Activate the vitality of private enterprises; Optimize investment promotion strategy, etc.

  • Investment and financing topics

    Based on the policy of super long-term government bonds and special bonds, provide industrial planning, project planning, project declaration Feasibility demonstration and other services.

  • Governance topic

    Based on the current situation of local public services and social governance, study the path to improve the modernization level of local governance capacity, including (but not limited to) broadening the financing channels for infrastructure construction and public service provision, optimizing the use efficiency of public services, improving administrative efficiency and reducing administrative costs, and strengthening the relationship between cadres and the masses.

  • Consultation planning results and some cases

    Entrusted by the local government, CAAMS has given full play to the advantages of professional institutions and has successively carried out the preliminary research work of the "Tenth Five Year Plan" of relevant regions and departments. By studying and judging the international and domestic development situation, benchmarking the overall goal of China's development in 2035 and the middle of this century, implementing the new development concept, building a new development pattern, focusing on solving the key and difficult problems of economic and social development, planning major projects, creating a new quality productivity system, and laying a solid foundation for the preparation of the "Tenth Five Year Plan".

    • Management Process for Preparation of the Tenth Five Year Plan
    • Special Catalogue of "the Tenth Five Year Plan" Research
    • Early Research Report of the Tenth Five Year Plan
    • Special Research Report on the Early Stage of the Tenth Five Year Plan
    • "Tenth Five Year Plan Support Project Planning Report"
    • Development Ideas of the Tenth Five Year Plan
    • Outline Framework of the Tenth Five Year Plan
    • Outline of the Tenth Five Year Plan
    Some planning cases in the past five years

    The 14th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Nanpi County, Cangzhou, Hebei Province

    A Preliminary Study on the 14th Five Year Plan of Handan City

    Meizhou carried out the research on business environment during the "14th Five Year Plan"

    The 14th Five Year Plan Outline, Special Plan and Special Research of Kunming Airport Economic Zone

    Outline of the 14th Five Year Plan for Chemical Industry Development in Puguang Economic Development Zone

     The 13th Five Year Plan for the Development of Lanzhou New Area Comprehensive Bonded Zone

    The 13th Five Year Plan for the Development of Lanzhou New Area Comprehensive Bonded Zone

    "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" of Big Data in Pingfang District

    The 14th Five Year Plan of Changdu Economic Development Zone in Tibet

    Outline of the 14th Five Year Development Plan of Puguang Economic Development Zone

    Research on nine special projects of Anning during the "14th Five Year Plan"

    Planning for the Development of Modern Agriculture in Anning's "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" Plateau Featured Cities
    Anning "14th Five Year Plan" Modern Logistics Industry Development Plan
    Anning "14th Five Year Plan" Civil Affairs Development Plan
    Anning "14th Five Year Plan" Modern Service Industry Development Plan
    A Study on the Countermeasures to Promote the Sustainable and Healthy Development of Private Economy and Stimulate the Market Vitality of Private Enterprises in Anning during the 14th Five Year Plan Period
    Research on the Thoughts and Countermeasures of Anning City's "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" to Promote High level Opening up
    Anning's "14th Five Year Plan" Population Development Plan
    Research on the path and measures to promote supply side structural reform and accelerate the continuous transformation of new and old drivers during the "14th Five Year Plan" period of Anning City
    Anning "14th Five Year Plan" Renewable Resources Industry Development Plan

    Preliminary Research Project of Taizhou Pharmaceutical High tech Zone during the 14th Five Year Plan

    Research on the main objectives and indicator system of high-quality development of medical high-tech zones during the "14th Five Year Plan" period
    Measures for high-quality development of industrial economy in the pharmaceutical high-tech zone during the "14th Five Year Plan" period
    Thoughts on the development of modern service industry in the medical high-tech zone during the "14th Five Year Plan" period
    Measures for healthy development of financial industry in medical high-tech zone during the "14th Five Year Plan" period
    Research on the Development of New Economic Industry in the Pharmaceutical High tech Zone during the 14th Five Year Plan Period
    Research on Promoting High Water Level Opening up of High tech Pharmaceutical Zone during the 14th Five Year Plan Period
    Research on the Integration and Development of the Yangtze River Delta Region of the Pharmaceutical High tech Zone during the "14th Five Year Plan" Period

     The 13th Five Year Development Plan of Chengde Development Zone

    The 13th Five Year Development Plan of Chengde Development Zone

    Build a strong industrial cluster to provide guidance and guarantee for the sustainable development of Chengde Development Zone.

    See more>>

     The 13th Five Year Plan for Linfen Circular Economy and Low Carbon Development

    The 13th Five Year Plan for Linfen Circular Economy and Low Carbon Development

    Improve the security level and comprehensive utilization efficiency of Linfen's resources, and give play to the leading role of the market in resource allocation

    See more>>

     The 13th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Hejian City

    The 13th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Hejian City

    In line with the reality of Hejian and the overall requirements of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, on the basis of improving the balance, inclusiveness and sustainability of development

    See more>>

     "13th Five Year Plan" Development Plan of Guiyang Development Zone, Guizhou Province (2016-2020)

    The 13th Five Year Plan of Guiyang Development Zone, Guizhou Province

    Clarify the development orientation, objectives and key tasks, optimize resource allocation, lead the development of industrial clusters, and promote the transformation and upgrading of development zones

    See more>>

     Research project of Fangshan District of Beijing in the early stage of the 13th Five Year Plan

    Research project of Fangshan District of Beijing in the early stage of the 13th Five Year Plan

    Relying on the advantageous resources in the main urban area of Beijing, we will comprehensively undertake the high-end industry and population transfer in the main urban area, and focus on playing an important node and radiating outward the function of "one area, one city" with the area around the capital as the hinterland.

    See more>>

     Tianjin Hongqiao District "13th Five Year Plan" Research Project Series "13th Five Year Plan" Hongqiao District Research on Promoting the Coordinated Development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei

    Tianjin Hongqiao District "13th Five Year Plan" Research Project Series "13th Five Year Plan" Hongqiao District Research on Promoting the Coordinated Development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei

    Connecting Beijing Tianjin Hebei, focusing on the development of scientific and technological services, information services, e-commerce, finance, etc

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     The 13th Five Year Plan for the Development of Pharmaceutical Industry in Taizhou National Pharmaceutical High tech Zone

    The 13th Five Year Plan for the Development of Pharmaceutical Industry in Taizhou National Pharmaceutical High tech Zone

    Focusing on the existing industrial chain of Taizhou Pharmaceutical High tech Zone, we will "supplement, extend, increase and strengthen the chain", focus on guiding industrial technological innovation and integrating into the international industrial chain, and create a new market space.

    See more>>

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    Local policy developments in the 15th Five Year Plan