Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone innovates and enlivens the idea of promoting emerging industries to "cluster in chains" - the planning network of the industrial park of the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering
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Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone innovates and enlivens the thinking to promote the "cluster of chains" of emerging industries

Source: Original Time: 2024-04-03 Click: 313
Recently, the ecological environment monitoring and digital agriculture innovation industrialization platform of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics was successfully put into operation in the Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone (Port Area) Harbor Pioneer Park. The platform will effectively revitalize the industrial resources of aerospace and smart monitoring in Lingang District, extend the industrial chain, further promote the integrated development of science and technology industry, and build a scientific and technological innovation industrial ecology for cluster development.

Recently, the ecological environment monitoring and digital agriculture innovation industrialization platform of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics was successfully put into operation in the Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone (Port Area) Harbor Pioneer Park. The platform will effectively revitalize the industrial resources of aerospace and smart monitoring in Lingang District, extend the industrial chain, further promote the integrated development of science and technology industry, and build a scientific and technological innovation industrial ecology for cluster development.

Give play to the industrial advantages of Beijing and Tianjin

Realize regional coordinated development

It is understood that the platform is invested and operated by Tianjin Digital Intelligence Cloud Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Digital Intelligence Cloud), which carries out research, development, production and promotion of Internet of Things intelligent ecological monitoring equipment and advanced unmanned aerial vehicles, focusing on key technology fields such as forest grass perception, forest grass carbon sink, intelligent agriculture low-power Internet of Things monitoring equipment, and big data mining, We will build an innovative cluster of space space information applications, and create "space space" integrated system solutions for land resources, ecological protection, digital agriculture, smart borders, forest and grass carbon sinks, disaster reduction and emergency response, water conservancy and water services and other fields.

The main team of Digital Intelligence Huayun was incubated in the Institute of Near Space Science and Technology of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, focusing on providing enterprises and scientific research institutions with a complete set of scientific and technological innovation and industrialization programs for ecological environment monitoring and digital agriculture. At present, Digital Intelligence Huayun has developed many sets of unique domestic products or domestic substitution schemes in the ecological field, and has entered the industrialization stage.

The Harbor Pioneer Park is located in the core area of Lingang Area of Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone, with a total area of 52000 square meters, and is operated and managed by Lingang Industry and City Group, a subsidiary of Lingang Holdings. Relying on the good industrial ecology, superior geographical advantages, transportation and policy advantages of the region, the park focuses on new quality productivity and regional headquarters, focusing on scientific research and development, commodity testing, headquarters office, pilot incubation and other industrial sectors, and has settled in Veolia Water Group, Air Liquide Group, Hong Kong Huaxia Lihong Testing Group Beijing Jirui Coffee Co., Ltd. and other high-quality domestic and foreign projects have played a positive role in the regional industrial chain, and formed a good atmosphere for large, small and medium-sized enterprises to coexist and promote benign development.

In the second half of last year, when the staff of Lingang Industry and City Group visited the park, they learned that an unmanned aerial vehicle enterprise was in urgent need of industrial technical partner support, so through proactive services, they learned about the clue information of related enterprises, coordinated and promoted the realization of business attraction, and facilitated the smooth settlement of Digital Intelligence Huayun in the Harbor Venture Park.

Focus on new quality productivity

Promote the layout of emerging industrial chains

"The ecological and environmental protection industry is a strategic emerging industry, which is an important starting point to comprehensively promote the new quality productivity and high-quality economic development. We hope to combine Beijing's software development resources and Tianjin's equipment manufacturing advantages, deeply cultivate the ecological environment field, and seize the development opportunity in the field of carbon monitoring and digital agriculture in the future." Gao Liyao, General Manager of Digital Intelligence Huayun, said that the next step, It is planned to expand the soil detection plate and UAV production line, establish a detection experimental workstation relying on scientific research resources of colleges and universities, improve the supporting facilities for ecological environment detection, gradually attract supporting enterprises and cooperative scientific research institutions to gather in the port area, and build an application scenario for ecological environment monitoring locally.

The relevant person in charge of the Administrative Committee of Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone said that this year, the Free Trade Zone will take multiple measures to constantly innovate and revitalize ideas and fully tap the energy efficiency of assets. At the same time, it will focus on new quality productivity in combination with its own resource endowment, industrial foundation, scientific research conditions, etc., and promote the "clustering" of emerging industries. Focusing on idle state-owned stock land, factory buildings, warehouses, office buildings and idle capacity, through measures such as "industrial introduction+equipment update+policy focus+asset revitalization", combined with targeted investment promotion, we will attract more projects to land and revitalize as soon as possible. Strengthen professional investment attraction, focus on the "4+2+3" key industrial chain and high-end service industry, grasp the key links, carry out industry targeted investment attraction, and use the stock to drive the increase, and use the increment to promote the stock. Promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, upgrade traditional industries with new technologies, and actively promote high-end, intelligent and green development of industries.

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