Air suspension blower - magnetic suspension blower - air suspension blower - magnetic suspension blower - Leitz Intelligent Equipment (Guangdong) Co., Ltd

 Leitz air suspension fan (EXPL series)

Leitz air suspension fan (EXPL series)

Retz three-dimensional flow turbine technology is an international frontier achievement in fluid mechanics

 Super efficiency Super efficiency High efficiency
 Low noise Low noise Low noise
 Low energy consumption Low energy consumption Low-energy
Product Introduction Product benefits Model Selection Table Related cases Related products
 Leitz air suspension fan (EXPL series)

Product Introduction

Product Introduction

Leitz air suspension fan is a new concept fan, which integrates the main core technologies such as "air suspension bearing", "permanent magnet ultra-high speed motor", "high-precision aviation impeller", and creates a new era of ultra-high efficiency, low noise, and low energy consumption. Because there is no physical friction, there is no need for long-term maintenance, and the service life can reach semi permanent. It has been certified as the "Energy Efficiency Star" equipment product by the state and won many honors.

working principle:

The air suspension fan is a centrifugal fan in which the air will produce a dynamic pressure effect between the rotor and the foil bearing surface when the blower rotor rotates at a high speed, forming a high-pressure air film and supporting the rotor. Because the passive oil-free air suspension bearing is adopted, no lubrication device is required, and the structure is simple and accurate.

Air suspension fan is a product extending from the technology of aircraft turbine engine. Its main core technologies are air suspension bearing technology, high-speed permanent magnet synchronous motor and its control technology. The air suspension bearing takes air as the working medium, elastic flat foil (top foil) as the supporting surface, and elastic wavy foil (wavy foil) as the supporting member.

Core technology:

1、 Ultra efficient permanent magnet high-speed motor technology: Retz permanent magnet synchronous motor It has a high efficiency of more than 95%, which is different from other motors in that it has a very good cooling effect. We have developed a more efficient permanent magnet high-speed motor technology in the world through 15 years of time and experience, and its working efficiency is as high as 95% - 96%. It has been verified by the calculation of several practical application case data, The calculation results prove that the Leitz air suspension centrifugal blower saves more energy than the Roots blower, and some enterprises can recover their investment costs within one year.

2、 Air suspension bearing technology: Suspension bearing, without lubricating oil and mechanical friction, has a semi permanent service life. There is no mechanical noise, no mechanical vibration, and only air is conveyed. Since 2000, it has been widely used in industrial machinery. Its structure is simple. Compared with oil bearing, it can operate stably at high temperature. It has better levitation capability in permanent magnet high-speed motors, and does not need complex sensor systems.

3、 Aviation aluminum alloy impeller: The Leitz air suspension fan adopts high-strength aviation aluminum alloy impeller to facilitate high-speed operation in the air suspension bearing. The design precision can reach 0.001mm to ensure the operation efficiency. The surface adopts hard anode and other treatment methods to maintain stable operation even in harsh environments.

4、 Motor cooling technology: Leitz air suspension motor adopts 2-section cooling structure system, which has more stable cooling effect. The first section is air cooled inside the motor, and the second section is effectively cooled in the air bearing assembly of the motor. This powerful 2-section cooling system structure does not need additional auxiliary cooling equipment in our motor (such as externally connected forced cooling fan, etc.)

5、 Level 2 compression technology: Level 1 air compression technology is used for pressure below 1.2kg, and level 2 air suspension bearing compression technology is used for pressure between 1.2kg and 4kg, which has high efficiency.

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(Six hard core technologies of Leitz air suspension fan, and some project data show that it can save more than 30% energy than traditional blower)

Product features:

1. Energy conservation and environmental protection: The Leitz air suspension fan is more energy-saving than the traditional fan, and has obvious energy-saving advantages compared with similar fans.

2. High efficiency: The permanent magnet synchronous motor is equipped with a three-way flow turbine, which makes the comprehensive efficiency up to 87%. It is a national second-class energy efficiency equipment product.  

3. Environmental protection and low noise: Small size, light weight, no mechanical friction, no mechanical vibration, no oil stain, noise lower than 85dB, and noise of traditional fan higher than 100dB.

4. Simple construction: Pure mechanized design, no bearing controller and proximity sensor, simple wiring; Direct drive, passive suspension, low failure rate, no mechanical noise and vibration, simple air delivery.

5. Ultra long life: Integrated design, modular management, simple structure, small size, high efficiency, unattended, maintenance free, and semi permanent service life under normal conditions.

6. Carbon reduction and cost reduction: One 37kW fan is used in an operation project, which saves about 190000 kilowatt hours of electricity annually, saves about 100000 yuan of electricity annually (recover the cost of the machine in one year), saves about 23 tons of standard coal for power generation, and reduces about 172 tons of carbon emissions.

Case sharing: Guangzhou Kangshifu Large Sewage Treatment Station

Project information: Master Kang Group, a leading enterprise in Taiwan's famous beverage industry, whose production plant in Guangzhou Luogang Development Zone is a beverage production center radiating the entire South China region. It has advanced filling production lines and the best production efficiency in the country. There is a large sewage treatment station in the plant. The oxygen consumption tank of the sewage station uses the traditional roots blower for aeration, To ensure the smooth progress of biological reaction in the tank and achieve the purpose of sewage treatment.

In recent years, with the change of national policies and the increasingly fierce market competition, energy conservation and emission reduction and reducing production costs have become important means for enterprises to improve market competition. In the early stage, the customer used Leitz's air knife drying system in the production line for code printing and package label drying processes, and achieved good energy saving results. It was learned that Leitz is also producing air suspension centrifugal blowers for sewage treatment, and hopes that Leitz can help customers achieve greater energy savings.

 Master Kang's case 2.jpg

(Live photos before and after reconstruction)

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(Leitz field survey and model selection)

Transformation effect: One Leitz air suspension blower is installed in the sewage station, one of the original fans is removed, and one is used and three are standby. After transformation, the Leitz air suspension blower can save 199788 yuan of electricity expense every year, which can be conservatively estimated. The investment cost can be fully recovered within 12 months, and a large amount of manual maintenance cost can be saved. The noise in the machine room is reduced to below 80 decibels, Comply with the latest noise emission standards required by the environmental protection department. It greatly reduces the operation cost of the factory and makes the enterprise gain greater advantages in the market competition.

 Master Kang's case 1.jpg

(Comparison chart of data before and after reconstruction)

Installation and maintenance:

When the equipment is running, there is almost no vibration, no need to use ground anchors or other additional operations. Place the equipment at the required place to connect the power supply and pipes, and then the horizontal feet can be adjusted under the blower to facilitate leveling and installation.

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Model Selection Table

Selection table

model Type Motor power flow pressure Outlet diameter Overall dimension EXPL (K)/EXPL Gross weight
HP KW m³/min kPa DN(mm) W( mm) L( mm) H( mm) (kg)
EXPL10-04K/04 single
ten seven point five nine forty one hundred and fifty 700/760 1600/1770 1600/1590 532/350
EXPL10-06K/06 seven sixty
EXPL10-08K/08 five eighty
EXPL20-04k/04 twenty fifteen sixteen forty 532/410
EXPL20-06K/06 fourteen sixty
EXPL20-08K/08 eleven eighty
EXPL30-04K/04 thirty twenty-two twenty-five forty 532/450
      EXPL30-06K/06 twenty sixty
EXPL30-08K/08 seventeen eighty
EXPL30-10K/10 twelve one hundred
EXPL50-04K/04 fifty thirty-seven forty forty 532/530
EXPL50-06K/06 thirty-four sixty
EXPL50-08K/08 twenty-eight eighty
EXPL50-10K/10 twenty-two one hundred
EXPL50-12K/12 nineteen one hundred and twenty
EXPL75-04K/04 seventy-five fifty-five sixty forty two hundred 800/860 1600/1770 1800/1590 654/736
EXPL75-06K/06 fifty-one sixty
EXPL75-08K/08 forty-two eighty
EXPL75-10K/10 thirty-three one hundred
EXPL75-12K/12 twenty-nine one hundred and twenty
EXPL100-04K/04 single
one hundred seventy-five eighty forty two hundred 800/860 1600/ 1770 1800/ 1590 654/736
EXPL100-06K/06 seventy sixty
EXPL100-08K/08 fifty-five eighty
EXPL100-10K/10 forty-five one hundred
EXPL100-12K/12 forty one hundred and twenty
EXPL125-04K/04 one hundred and twenty-five ninety-five one hundred forty two hundred and fifty 1000/ 1000 1700/ 1950 1950/ 1920 850/850
EXPL125-06K/06 eighty-two sixty
EXPL125-08K/08 seventy eighty
EXPL125-10K/10 fifty-eight one hundred
EXPL125-12K/12 fifty one hundred and twenty
EXPL150-04K/04 one hundred and fifty one hundred and ten one hundred and twenty forty 925/850
EXPL150-06K/06 one hundred and five sixty
EXPL150-08K/08 eighty-four eighty
EXPL150-10K/10 seventy one hundred
EXPL150-12K/12 fifty-eight one hundred and twenty
EXPL200-04K/04 two hundred one hundred and fifty one hundred forty three hundred 1100/ 1100 1800/2060 1950/ 1920 1060/ 1045
EXPL200-06K/06 one hundred and thirty-five sixty
EXPL200-08K/08 one hundred and ten eighty
EXPL200-10K/10 ninety-five one hundred
EXPL200-12K/12 eighty one hundred and twenty
EXPL250-04K/04 two hundred and fifty one hundred and eighty-five two hundred forty three hundred 1080/ 1080
EXPL250-06K/06 one hundred and sixty sixty
EXPL250-08K/08 one hundred and thirty-five eighty
EXPL250-10K/10 one hundred and fifteen one hundred
EXPL250-12K/12 ninety-eight one hundred and twenty
EXPL300T-04K/04 double
three hundred two hundred and twenty two hundred and sixty forty four hundred 1205/ 1226 2555/2600 2410/2660 1500/ 1600
EXPL300T-06K/06 two hundred and ten sixty
EXPL300T-08K/08 one hundred and sixty-four eighty
EXPL300T-10K/10 one hundred and thirty-three one hundred
EXPL300T-12K/12 one hundred and fifteen one hundred and twenty
EXPL400T-04K/04 four hundred three hundred three hundred and fifty forty five hundred
EXPL400T-06K/06 two hundred and seventy-two sixty
EXPL400T-08K/08 two hundred and sixteen eighty
EXPL400T-10K/10 one hundred and eighty-five one hundred
EXPL400T-12K/12 one hundred and sixty one hundred and twenty
EXPLC50-15K/15 two
fifty thirty-seven fifteen one hundred and fifty one hundred and twenty-five 700/760 1600/1770 1600/1590 532/530
EXPLC50-20K/20 twelve two hundred
EXPLC75-15K/15 seventy-five fifty-five twenty-one one hundred and fifty two hundred 850/860 1900/1770 1800/1590 654/736
EXPLC75-20K/20 eighteen two hundred
EXPLC100-15K/15 one hundred seventy-five thirty-two one hundred and fifty
EXPLC100-20K/20 twenty-eight point five two hundred
EXPLC150-15K/15 one hundred and fifty one hundred and ten fifty-one one hundred and fifty two hundred and fifty 1100/1100 2100/1950 1990/1920 1050/1040
EXPLC150-20K/20 forty-two two hundred
EXPLC200-15K/15 two hundred one hundred and fifty sixty-nine one hundred and fifty three hundred 1250/1100 2205/2060 2185/1920 1060/1040
EXPLC200-20K/20 fifty-eight two hundred
EXPLC250-15K two hundred and fifty one hundred and eighty-five eighty-two one hundred and fifty one thousand and forty two thousand two hundred and ten one thousand nine hundred and ninety one thousand and eight hundred
EXPLC250-20K seventy-two point five two hundred
EXPLC250-35K fifty three hundred and fifty
EXPLC300-15 three hundred two hundred and twenty ninety-six one hundred and fifty one thousand and one hundred two thousand and sixty one thousand nine hundred and twenty one thousand and six hundred
EXPLC300-20 eighty-eight two hundred
EXPLC400-15K/15 four hundred three hundred one hundred and forty one hundred and fifty 1305/1226 2505/2600 2385/2600 2200/2000
EXPLC400-20K/20 one hundred and twenty-one two hundred

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