How does Rabbit Show help enterprises solve marketing problems?
The rabbit exhibition product system, with all-round empowerment, helps enterprises solve problems such as difficulty in obtaining customers, difficulty in enabling front-line business personnel to manage and control, low activity of enterprises' own members, inability to communicate on multiple data platforms, and difficulty in insight into consumer needs, and opens up the path of enterprise growth marketing.
  • The flow dividend disappears and the offline passenger flow decreases

    It's more difficult to get guests

  • Weak empowerment of front-line business personnel

    High control cost

  • The enterprise has members

    Low activity, less repurchase

  • Multiple platform data within the enterprise

    Unable to communicate, with many barriers

  • Rapid changes in consumer demand

    Inability of timely insight and satisfaction

The omni channel management system of Rabbit Show helps enterprises activate online and offline, self owned channel traffic, make employees, customers, fans, etc. become the producers and disseminators of enterprise marketing content, and effectively reduce customer acquisition costs; By providing massive high-quality marketing content templates and activity plug-ins, enterprises can digitize contacts with low-cost content, connect customers in multiple dimensions, and establish a private domain traffic pool for enterprises

 The flow dividend disappears, and the offline passenger flow decreases, making it more difficult to obtain passengers

Rabbit Show provides enterprises with a marketing distribution system for all employees to achieve quick distribution of marketing content with one click, monitor data in real time, cooperate with the incentive mechanism, and motivate employees to share marketing content. At the same time, the business card of the rabbit show enables front-line personnel to contact customers without adding friends, and comprehensively improves the customer acquisition and transaction effect

 Weak empowerment of front-line business personnel, high cost of control

The marketing automation of Rabbit Show simplifies the process of marketing activities, automatically executes marketing actions in batches, and effectively reduces the operating costs of enterprises. Marketing automation supports automatic matching of appropriate marketing content and operation strategies for customers from different customer stages such as [exposure cognition customer acquisition retention conversion repurchase], to promote customer activity, improve customer repurchase rate and improve the overall transformation effect

 The existing members of the enterprise have low activity and few repurchase

Rabbit exhibition spreads big data analysis, integrates customer data of multiple platforms, breaks the isolated island of enterprise data, and continues to precipitate enterprise data assets. Provide a data visualization board for the whole marketing process, automatically generate a marketing effect report, and provide powerful assistance for enterprises to make business decisions quickly in a simple and understandable way

 The data of multiple platforms within the enterprise cannot be communicated, and there are many barriers

The user management system of Rabbit Show records the source and behavior of customers from different channels, identifies customers' interests, automatically labels customers, and generates customer portraits in a multi-dimensional way. Through timely insight into user needs, mining potential customers, helping to achieve various customer results

 Rapid changes in consumer demand can not be seen and met in time
Rabbit exhibition, providing one-stop service for enterprises
Marketing digital upgrading technology and resources
3000W enterprise users
Deep service for hundreds of medium and large enterprises
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Bank of China
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - China Merchants Bank
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition China Construction Bank
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Agricultural Bank of China
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Ping An, China
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - China Taiping
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - China Minsheng Bank
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - China Resources Bank
  •  Rabbits Exhibition Cooperation Brand Libai
  •  Cooperative brand of rabbit exhibition - Dong'e donkey hide gelatin
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Hailan Home
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Watsons
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Wal Mart
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Carrefour
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Shell
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Chenguang
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Tencent
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Wanda Group
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - China Telecom
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Mindray
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Shanghai Jiahua
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Yinger Fashion
  •  Cooperation brand of Rabbit Exhibition - Happy Pastry
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Lidu Wine
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Longze Runbao
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Xiandi Group
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Poseidon
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - everlasting
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Paris wedding dress
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - who to learn from
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Qumei Home
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Gujiajia
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Piano
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Jane Eyre
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Sidon Lighting
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Trina Solar
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Excellence Group
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Evergrande Real Estate
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Vanke
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Country Garden
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - CNOOC Real Estate
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Jindi Group
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Cannes Bay
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Zhenghe Island
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - golden arowana
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Guangdong Hongmian
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - INSUN
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Juxiangyuan
  •  Cooperative brand of rabbit exhibition - Hanjia Group
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Huaxia Insurance
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Panzhihua Commercial Bank
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Zhoushan Jianfu
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Xinjiang Guoyu
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition Beijing Guoyu
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - Xinjiang Dabaza
  •  Cooperation brand of rabbit exhibition - World Bond
  •  Cooperation brand of Rabbit Show - State Grid Yingda