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Nan'an Guanqiao: Creating a "Strong Magnetic Field" for Rural Talents

http://www.qzce.com 【 Quanzhou Economic Network 】 2024-06-22

Talents are the key to rural revitalization. In recent years, Guanqiao Town of Nan'an City has continued to make efforts in attracting, educating and using talents, striving to build a rural talent team that is capable of sinking, staying and working, and providing strong talent support for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization.

School village pairing

Introducing Talents to the Countryside to Promote Revitalization

Hongling Village was selected as a national forest village, Jiuxi Village was rated as a typical model village for rural revitalization at the provincial level, and Hepu Village was rated as a provincial civilized village... A batch of demonstration villages with different characteristics and "beauty of each kind" rose, spelling out a new picture of rural revitalization in Guanqiao Town of "beauty and common".

In recent years, the rural revitalization of Guanqiao Town is in the ascendant, and many villages have lit up their own rural revitalization road in the blueprint of overall planning. For example, commercial Jinzhuang, Red Lingdou, Drunken Beauty Jiuxi, Sweet Dawn, Zen Cultivation Zhukou and other demonstration brands have more clear ideas for creation, more regional characteristics for theme refining, and truly realize that every village has a plan and the project has a theme. Behind the blueprint of rural revitalization is the insistence on "gathering talents from all over the world and using them".

Last year, Guanqiao Town focused on introducing talents to promote revitalization, took the lead in comprehensive cooperation with colleges and universities at the township level, and opened a new mode of direct connection between academic research of colleges and universities and the grass-roots line in villages and towns. In March 2023, an agreement with Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University officially sounded the charge for Guanqiao Town to carry out the construction of a demonstration site for rural revitalization. The two sides carried out cooperation and co construction in village planning guidance, industrial revitalization, cultural tourism promotion, brand building, rural construction, talent cooperation and other aspects. Since then, there has been a blueprint for the development of the whole town. The village planning has formed a good situation of "one village, one feature, and each village has projects", helping Guanqiao Town to create a number of demonstration cases of rural revitalization.

To attract talents and talents, we should employ and retain talents. Guanqiao Town deeply implemented the talent "introduction, cultivation and retention" project, took the lead in establishing the township level university expert workstation - Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University Guanqiao Workstation, flexibly introduced 23 rural revitalization experts, 2 stationing personnel, and promoted 16 team experts to participate in the evaluation of high-level talents in Quanzhou. Through the establishment of a communication platform between the town and village planning and design teams of the Agricultural University, 278 annual demonstration projects were planned and generated, 198 of which were designed and accompanied by expert teams of the Agricultural University. The construction of the project is very hot. By the end of May, 145 projects had been launched.

At the same time, Guanqiao Town implements nanny style accompanying service, organizes village residents to carry out rural revitalization roadshow activities in conjunction with expert teams, and creates a new mode of deep integration of college and grass-roots township talents.

Touyan Pilots

"Good Fengjing" for industrial revitalization

The post-90s Yang Jiaxiong is the new secretary of the General Party Branch of Xinxu Village, Guanqiao Town, and the head of the national fruit and vegetable plantation. Under the guidance and support of the township party committee and government, Yang Jiaxiong, with the production and marketing one-stop model of "becoming rich leader+farm+farmer+primary processing", transferred and revitalized more than 400 mu of abandoned land in three surrounding villages, including Xinxu Village, which has led 204 surrounding villagers to increase their income by more than 400000 yuan every year.

However, Yang Jiaxiong, an expert in getting rich in rural areas, accounted for more than half of the village's two committees, with 121 people. The village level "two committees" of the whole town show a new atmosphere of "more energetic and more capable". This is a moving epitome of the innovative talent use mechanism of Guanqiao Town, which has stimulated the rural revitalization.

In recent years, Guanqiao Town has focused on "election". Select the best among the current village cadres to stay, select the best among the leaders to become rich, and select the best among the migrant workers and businessmen to forge high-quality village "two committees" team, and give play to the "head goose effect" to drive industrial revitalization.

In 2023, there will be 29 villages with collective operating income of more than 200000 yuan in Guanqiao Town, accounting for 100%, 16 villages with collective operating income of more than 500000 yuan, accounting for 55.17%, and 7 villages with collective operating income of more than 1 million yuan, accounting for 24.14%. The leading role of "Touyan" is indispensable.

In order to carry out cadre assessment more accurately, Guanqiao Town has held a number of town level rural revitalization promotion meetings, conferences and chambers of commerce, roadshows, retreats, etc. to let each village live in the sun and compete, and stimulate the village (community) to strive for excellence and catch up with the momentum of learning. At the same time, a working mechanism of "daily tracking, weekly consultation, monthly notification, quarterly evaluation, and annual collection" has been formed to promote cadres to compete in the "big challenge arena" of rural revitalization, and the atmosphere of learning and catching up has become increasingly strong.

Guanqiao Town doesn't stick to the same pattern in the use of talents, making them useful in the countryside. More and more outstanding talents have taken root in the countryside and created their own world.

Editor in charge: Su Huimin
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