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Label: fairy tale

 30 heartwarming micro stories - Qingxinfan (Qxfun. com)

30 warm micro stories

Life is not like a fairy tale, but people in love want to be as beautiful as a fairy tale. The above tear jerking micro stories suddenly drop when your feelings rise and fall! You will feel very warm, very warm.

Innocence of Having Children Forever The Little Prince Chapters 26-27 (End)

There is a broken stone wall beside the well. The next night when I came back from work, I saw the little prince sitting on the wall with his legs drooped in the distance. I heard him talking: "Why don't you remember?" he said. "It's not here."

Innocence of Having Children Forever The Little Prince Chapter 24-25

This is the eighth day of my accident in the desert. I listened to the story about the merchant and drank the last drop of water I had reserved. "Ah!" I said to the little prince, "the stories you recalled are beautiful. But I haven't repaired my plane yet. I have no drink. If I could walk leisurely to the water spring, I would be very happy!"

Innocence of Having Children Forever The Little Prince Chapters 21-23

Just then, a fox came running. "Hello," said the fox. "Hello," the little prince replied politely. He turned around, but saw nothing.

Innocence of Always Having Children Chapters 16-20 of The Little Prince

The seventh planet is the Earth. The earth is not an ordinary planet! There are 111 kings (of course, there are no black kings left out), 7000 geographers, 900000 industrialists, 7.5 million drunkards, 311 million vanity people, that is, about 2 billion adults.

Innocence of Having Children Forever The Little Prince Chapters 13-15

The fourth planet is a planet of industrialists. The man was so busy that when the little prince arrived, he didn't even look up. The little prince said to him, "Hello, your cigarette is out."

Innocence of Always Having Children Chapters 10-12 of The Little Prince

In the nearby universe, there are 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330 and other asteroids. He began to visit these planets to find something to do and learn.

Innocence of Always Having Children Chapters 7-9 of The Little Prince

On the fifth day, it was the sheep that revealed the secret of the little prince's life to me. As if he had thought about the result after a long time in silence, he suddenly asked me: "Sheep, if they eat small shrubs, they will also eat flowers?"

Innocence of Always Having Children Chapters 4-6 of The Little Prince

Another important thing I learned is that the planet where his hometown is located is not much bigger than a house.

Innocence of Always Having Children Chapters 1-3 of The Little Prince

Fairy tale, no matter how old you are, you need it. Fairy tales will accompany us all our lives and make our hearts as pure as children forever.

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