[Archive] [HBO high score game adaptation of American TV series] [The Last of Us] [2023] [1-9 episodes] [English audio track. Chinese English subtitles] [No deletion] 720P+1080P+2160P (4K) Baidu Cloud Download

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three hundred and thirty-one

HBO's highly rated American drama The Last Survivor is adapted from the action game of the same name developed by the Naughty Dog Studio. This play is starred by Pedro Pascal and Isabella May Ramsey. The game itself is famous for its brilliant and sincere feelings. The story tells that the world will fall into an apocalyptic zombie hell after the outbreak of fungal infection, As a smuggler, Joel was entrusted by the rebel group Firefly to smuggle a 14-year-old girl, Allie. But in the process, Joel also accidentally found that Allie was hiding a major secret. In order to complete the task, they set out on the journey together.

 [HBO High Score Game Adapted from American TV Drama] [The Last of Us] [2023] [All 1-9 episodes] [English audio track. Chinese English subtitles] [No abridged version] 720P+1080P+2160P (4K) Baidu Cloud Download
[HBO High Score Game Adapted from American TV Drama] [The Last of Us] [2023] [All 1-9 episodes] [English audio track. Chinese English subtitles] [No abridged version] 720P+1080P+2160P (4K) Baidu Cloud Download( Check the original poster of The Last of Us )

Brief Introduction to the Story of the Last Survivor

The American drama The Last of Us (also known as The Last of Us) is adapted from the video game masterpiece of the same name developed by Naughty Dog. Jointly founded by Craig Maxin and Neil Drakman, Sony Pictures TV PlayStation Productions、 Produced jointly by Puppy Dog Studio, The Mighty Mint and Word Games. The story tells that in 2003, the fungus invaded human body and broke out a large number of infections. The infected people would attack others violently and infect fungal filaments. On the day of the outbreak, Joel, the hero, lost his beloved daughter Sarah in chaos. Twenty years later, Joel, who is still deeply involved in the pain of losing her daughter, is engaged in smuggling in 2023, Unexpectedly, the rebel group asked him to smuggle a mysterious girl, Ellie. What's more surprising is that Ellie has been infected but is safe. In order to produce a vaccine, Joel must take Ellie across half of the United States, and the two also embarked on a distant journey.

Introduction to the roles of American TV series The Last Survivor

Pedro Pascal as Joel
Joel is a strong survivor. To escort the young girl Ellie out of the quarantine zone, she began to cross the United States. In the video game, Troy Baker completes motion capture and dubbing of the character.

Bella Ramsey as Ellie
Allie, a 14-year-old young girl, became a key figure in vaccine development because of her immunity to Cordyceps sinensis. Craig Maxin, the chief creator, revealed that in order to follow the role setting in the game, Ellie is also a lesbian in the series. In the video game, Ashley Johnson (actress) completes motion capture and dubbing of the character.

Gabriel Luna as Tommy
Tommy is Joel's brother, a retired soldier. In the video game, the role is captured and dubbed by Jeffrey Pierce.

Merle Dandridge as Marlene
Ma Lin is the leader of the underground organization Firefly, which is committed to fighting against the government and the army. Mel Dandrich also completed motion capture and dubbing for the character in the video game.

Jeffrey Pierce as Perry
Perry is a member of the rebel forces in the quarantine area. In the video game, Jeffrey Pierce completes motion capture and dubbing for Tommy. Perry is the original character of the TV series, but he will have a great impact on the events in the original game.

Anna Torv as Tess
Tess is a strong survivor and Joel's partner. In the first video game, Annie Wersching completed motion capture and dubbing of the character.

play a part in a professional performance
Nico Parker as Sarah
Sarah is Joel's daughter. In the first video game, the character was captured and dubbed by Hana Hayes.

Murray Bartlett as Frank
Frank is a survivalist who lives in seclusion with Bill in a remote town. Frank briefly appeared in the first video game.

Con O'Neill (actor) plays Bill
Bill is a survivalist who lives in seclusion with Frank in a remote town. In the first video game, the character was captured and dubbed by W. Earl Brown.

Drama of American TV series The Last Survivor

Episode 1 of American TV series The Last Survivor
In 2003, Sarah got up and stole her father Joel's watch. She wanted to make birthday muffins for breakfast, but the muffin powder was exhausted. The next door neighbor invited Sarah to bake cookies at their house after class, but she didn't expect to go to the clock shop after school. She was almost thrown out before the watch was repaired. Sarah, who went to visit her neighbor's house, borrowed Joel's favorite movie DVD.

Joel was very happy to receive Sarah's gift when he returned at night. They watched the action movie together, and then fell asleep after watching Sarah. When they woke up, they found Joel was missing. They went to the neighbor's house and surprised the old lady who could not walk. They attacked their son and daughter-in-law. The scene was full of fresh blood, which frightened Sarah. Joel rushed out of the door just in time to be saved by Joel.

However, it was difficult to escape in the chaos. The plane crashed, and the whole city was in flames. In the chaos, Joel held Sarah, who was injured in her ankle. When he met armed soldiers, he did not expect that the other side would shoot them all. Sarah was shot to death, and Joel could only hold Sarah and cry helplessly.

Twenty years later, in Boston in 2023, Joel's secret identity here is as a smuggler, working with his partner Tess. However, in order to find a car battery that can be used for long-distance travel, he accidentally met the firefly who was attacked for a round. The firefly leader Ma Lin asked them to take a 14-year-old girl out of the infection area. After reaching an agreement, Joel had to leave the control area with Tess and young girl Allie.

However, as soon as she left the control area, she met the soldiers on duty. In order not to be found the secret, Allie had to attack. Although the soldiers were defeated by Joel's iron fist attack, her secret was still found by Tess, who found that she was an infected person, but it was amazing that her wound had been healed, even the scar was bitten three weeks ago. However, under the pursuit of the Countermeasures Bureau, Tess and Joel had to carry the fierce girl forward.

Episode 2 of American TV series The Last Survivor
After getting rid of the pursuit of the Federal Disaster Response Bureau, Eli, who spent the night in the control area on Enron, still had to face the challenge of Joel and Tess. After temporarily confirming that Eli was not dangerous, Tess intended to complete the transaction, so she continued to go to the Parliament. However, the process was not very smooth, mainly because the infected city had experienced bombing and buildings were upside down.

In order to walk a safer way, they passed the hotel and saw a pool like pool in the hall. Ellie blurted out that she could not swim. Joel went straight down to let Ellie know that the pool could be walked through.

During the process, she even accidentally found a group of infected people lying down on the street. Tess said that when she came last time, the infected people were all in the building, not enough to leave the building. Now they are scattered on the street. The sun sweeps, and they react to each other in a continuous way. Tess explains that their consciousness is connected, Just stepping on the hyphae at a distance may attract groups of infected people nearby.

Then the group came to the museum. The door of the museum was full of cordyceps mycelium, but it was dry and flat. Joel poked it with the butt of a gun to confirm that it was dead. The group was willing to enter the museum, but the museum was full of dead cordyceps mycelium and dead infected people. Ellie found a human who had just died in the corner and was seriously injured, It can be seen that the attack is very fierce.

Joel asked them not to make any noise from now on. As they continued to move forward, they encountered the collapse of the building, and the whistlers who made a rattle appeared, which could not avoid a fierce battle. Ellie had no weapons and had to flee everywhere. Joel used the statue to pull the whistlers away, and finally killed three whistlers to get out of the trap.

The three people left the roof, looked at the whole city, and arrived at the parliament as expected, only to find that all members of Firefly were dead. Joel found out the reason why one member was infected, which caused such a tragedy. However, Tess, who came to deliver the goods, was unwilling to give up, and still wanted to hand Allie to Firefly.

Tess is so abnormal that Allie finds that Tess is infected. Tess wants to grasp the miracle of Allie and hopes that there will still be hope in the end of life. She asks Joel to send Allie to Firefly. However, they killed the infected firefly, so a large number of infected people just passed by. Tess sacrificed herself in order to let the two people escape successfully.

Episode 3 of American TV series The Last Survivor
After Tess's sacrifice, Joel heaped stones like a funeral to commemorate Tess. Joel decided to take Ellie to find Bill and Frank, who had worked with them for many years, in order to find Joel's brother. Along the way, they entered an old shop. Ellie was very excited when she saw the video game console. She said that she had a friend who was talking about the game. Joel was looking for the materials they had hidden more than ten years ago. Ellie was searching for resources by herself. She accidentally found a tampon underground and the infected person stuck in the collapsed building. Ellie cut him down.

Back in 2003, Bill himself was a survivalist, so he was happy in the face of the current outbreak of infection. After people evacuated, he was more active in building a home, building his own town, and even building a complete fence around the town. Through the surveillance system, he saw the infected people stepping on the trap.

In 2007, Bill, who had lived alone for four years, heard the voice triggered by the trap again. He did not expect that the trap was a living adult man. He was going to Boston with nine other people, but now he is alone. The man introduced himself as Frank and asked Bill to give him a meal. Bill was very alert and hesitated to lay down his arms to Frank, But in front of the weak and dirty man, Bill still gave him hot water and food.

After a full meal, I didn't expect that Frank was very interested in the antique piano in the next room and played Linda Lonsday's song. As a result, Frank could not stand singing. Frank asked Bill to sing a song, Long Long Time. Frank wanted to know who the girl was singing in it. Bill only said that there were no girls. Frank kissed Bill, Deeply moved, Frank has the idea of living with Bill. Bill, who has put down his guard, also takes off his clothes and meets Frank frankly.

In 2010, Frank and Bill had a dispute because they wanted to repair the surrounding environment. Frank admitted that Tess and Joel would visit because of a friend's visit, which was the first time they met. Friendly Frank took Tess to see the home Bill had built. Bill was very defensive and always held a pistol. Bill refused Joel's resource exchange proposal, However, before leaving, Joel warned Bill that someone would rob him sooner or later.

In 2013, Frank took Bill on a morning run together. Frank took Bill to see the surprise he had prepared. It was difficult to grow strawberries. Bill was very happy about this and said to Frank:

Before you appeared, I never felt afraid.

However, Joel is right. There are always people coveting this town full of resources. Bill is injured because he holds a gun to defend against outsiders. Frank anxiously takes Bill back to his house. Fortunately, the fire trap set by Bill is quite useful, and the town spent this dangerous night safely.

In 2023, Frank will sit in a wheelchair, his limbs and joints will not be as flexible as before, even the drawing will be a little crooked, and he will have to use a straw to drink water. Aging and disease afflict Frank, who is always taken care of by Bill, but this will be even more painful for Frank. When Bill gets up in the morning, he finds that Frank, who is difficult to move, should sit in a wheelchair by himself, Frank told Bill that he was going to spend the last day.

Although Bill was hard to accept, Frank, whom he loved deeply, had asked for such a request. They went to the boutique together. Bill put on the suit required by Frank, held their wedding in front of the piano he had kissed, put on rings for each other, and enjoyed Bill's carefully cooked dinner at night. Finally, Bill brought a bottle of red wine and dumped the powder in front of Frank, The two drank red wine together. Frank understood from Bill's eyes that Bill wanted to go with him. He wanted to understand Bill romantically when he should be angry, so they spent the last night together.

Joel came to Bill's town and found that his room was locked, and Ellie saw Bill's suicide note. They took some resources and took a hot bath. Finally, they relied on Bill's car and battery to go to Tommy's location.

Episode 4 of American TV series The Last Survivor
Joel used siphon phenomenon to collect gasoline, which took a bit of time, so Ellie told a strange cold joke, which can feel that Ellie tried to get close to Joel. On the bus, Allie takes out a strong man magazine and pretends not to understand why the pages stick together, which embarrasses Joel. Allie has mastered how to tease uncle.

At night, although the fungal infected person is not smart enough to follow the smoke, human beings can, so Joel can't make a fire for Allie. Interestingly, Allie took out a sleeping bag, which she thought was very fragrant. Joel said it should be Frank's (sneaking stinky Bill). Before going to bed, Allie told another joke, but Joel had heard it for a long time, but the corners of his mouth still slightly rose.

Joel drank his favorite coffee and drove. Allie thought it smelled like shit. They started talking about Joel's brother Tommy. It turned out that the desert storm veterans' sticker in the first episode was Tommy's. After the outbreak of fungus, Tommy and Joel joined a group. Joel would participate just to protect Tommy.

Later, Tommy met Marlene, the firefly queen, and Marlene persuaded Tommy to join the firefly. But as far as Joel knew, now Tommy has also left the firefly. Joel felt that Tommy's behavior was very stupid. Ellie understood that Joel lived to protect his family, but Ellie was not a family but a commodity. He would be here now because he regarded Tess as a family member, Give it to him.

When the two entered the city, a young man appeared pretending to be injured. Joel stepped on the accelerator and rushed over, but the car tire was punctured, which made the car crash into a laundry. After a gunfight, Joel thought it was safe, but unexpectedly a young man suddenly appeared at the back door. In order to protect Joel, Allie took out a pistol that had been hiding and shot the other person in the leg, At last Joel ended the man's life.

But Joel was sorry to let Allie face the feeling of "hurting others", but Allie said this was not her first time. However, Allie finally got Joel's consent to use weapons to protect herself.

In a camp, a woman named Kathleen asked the doctor where Henry was. In the past, Kathleen's younger brother was also betrayed by the doctor. The doctor said that he had no choice but to do so. There was a noise outside. When he found that his own people had been killed in the camp, even if there were doctors, he could not do anything. Kathleen killed the doctor in a rage.

For these dead people, the whole camp sent a team to find out the man named Henry. Kathleen tracks Henry in a house, saying that Henry can't make Sam hungry, so she asks the camp to guard the food more closely.

However, there is a more frightening existence hidden in the building. The broken floor suddenly bulges. It can be expected that there is a monster with infinite force below. However, Kathleen has no intention of causing fear in the camp, so she conceals it temporarily.

Joel and Allie are in a tall building and temporarily find a place to live. Joel also scatters broken glass at the door for safety reasons. Allie perseveres in telling another joke. Joel finally smiles, but when he wakes up again, he is pointed at by the muzzle of a gun.

Episode 5 of American TV series The Last Survivor
The people in Kansas City rallied against the countermeasure bureau. However, Henry and Sam, who had helped the bureau, hid. Kathleen, as the leader, gathered the people who used to be informers and planned to ask about Henry's hiding place. One of the informers said something, but it was useless. Kathleen changed her words in a flash and executed all the informers.

Henry took Henry into a building and met the doctors who were killed in the last concentration. It showed that Joel came to Kansas City earlier than that. The two brothers hid in the attic with the doctor and lived with little food for some time.

Ten days later, Henry could not wait for the doctor to return. Henry decided to open the small attic with Sam to avoid the two brothers being caught together. But he did not expect to be attacked by Joel when he left. He saw Joel deal with the enemy perfectly, so he followed Joel into the building. Although the two groups met at gunpoint, after Henry explained his intentions, he shared food and reached an alliance.

Sam soon became friends with Allie, and Henry quickly explained that their fastest way was to enter the maintenance tunnel, because in the past the infected people were driven underground by the countermeasure bureau. However, an informed soldier once told Henry that the following was empty. Joel didn't believe it, so he was very cautious.

When I entered the maintenance aisle, I didn't see half of the infected people. Henry said optimistically, "Look! I'm right." It showed Henry's optimism, and I didn't expect that the more I went inside, the more I could see the traces of people living here. Only people were empty, not only people but also infected people. In order to wait for darkness, Allie and Sam had a good time.

In this underground fortress, Henry confessed to Joel that he had to exchange information with the Countermeasure Bureau for medical resources because of Sam's medicine, so Henry betrayed the leader of the rebels, namely Kathleen's brother.

Kathleen returns to the place where their family used to live, where Kathleen and her deputy talked about Michael, Kathleen's brother. Here Kathleen remembered the memory of Michael. In Kathleen's mind, Michael was a holy existence, and said that Michael had hoped that she would let go of hatred, but Kathleen could not, so she still insisted on killing Henry.

The four of Joel finally left the tunnel and walked on the street, but they were attacked by gunfire. Joel deliberately went around the back of each other. Joel killed the gunman between lightning and firestones, but he also found that the other had already informed the rebels. Kathleen soon came with a group of people.

Joel successfully shot and drove, causing the car to crash into the house and explode soon after. Henry and his party fled everywhere, and Kathleen approached step by step. Just when Henry was about to raise his hand to surrender to death, the car that had just exploded was completely vertical, and many infected people climbed out of the ground, causing chaos at the scene.

Joel, who was far away in the house, used many snipers to attack the infected person of Allie, and Allie even saved Henry and Sam. The deputy died to save Kathleen, but she didn't expect Kathleen to revenge, so she was attacked by the infected person. Sam, Henry and Allie escaped successfully.

At night Sam confessed to Ellie that he was infected and wanted to save Sam's Ellie. He cut his hand and covered Sam's wound with blood. Sam was afraid to hope that Ellie could accompany him. However, when Sam woke up in the morning, he turned his head to attack Ellie. In the chaos, Henry could only shoot Sam. In grief, Henry made an extreme choice.

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[HBO High Score Game Adapts American TV Series] [The Last Survivor. The End of America. The Last of Us] [2023] [Episode 1] [720p. WEB. H264. DDP5.1. Atmos] [English track. Inside English characters, etc.] [Pure version] Download
[HBO High Score Game Adapts American TV Series] [The Last Survivor. The End of America. The Last of Us] [2023] [Episode 2] [720p. WEB. H264. DDP5.1. Atmos] [English track. Inside English characters, etc.] [Pure version] Download
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[HBO High Score Game Adapts American TV Series] [The Last Survivor. The End of America. The Last of Us] [2023] [Episode 4] [720p. WEB. H264. DDP5.1. Atmos] [English track. Inside English characters, etc.] [Pure version] Download
[HBO High Score Game Adapts American TV Series] [The Last Survivor. The End of America. The Last of Us] [2023] [Episode 5] [720p. WEB. H264. DDP5.1. Atmos] [English track. Inside English characters, etc.] [Pure version] Download
[HBO High Score Game Adapts American TV Series] [The Last Survivor. The End of America. The Last of Us] [2023] [Episode 6] [720p. WEB. H264. DDP5.1. Atmos] [English track. Inside English characters, etc.] [Pure version] Download
[HBO High Score Game Adapts American TV Series] [The Last Survivor. The End of America. The Last of Us] [2023] [Episode 7] [720p. WEB. H264. DDP5.1. Atmos] [English track. Inside English characters, etc.] [Pure version] Download
[HBO High Score Game Adapts American TV Series] [The Last Survivor. The End of America. The Last of Us] [2023] [Episode 8] [720p. WEB. H264. DDP5.1. Atmos] [English track. Inside English characters, etc.] [Pure version] Download
[HBO High Score Game Adapts American TV Series] [The Last Survivor. The End of America. The Last of Us] [2023] [Episode 9] [720p. WEB. H264. DDP5.1. Atmos] [English track. Inside English characters, etc.] [Pure version] Download

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[HBO High Score Game Adapted from American TV Series] [The Last Survivor. The End of America. The Last of Us] [2023] [All 1-9 Episodes] [1080p. WEBRIp. x265. AAC5.1] [English Audio Track. External Yingxi, etc.] [Pure Version] [8.14GB] Download

The Last of Us (2023) Official Simplified Chinese subtitles
[HBO High Score Game Adapts American TV Series] [The Last Survivor. The End of America. The Last of Us] [2023] [Episode 1] [WEB Version] [Official Simplified Chinese Subtitles] Download
[HBO High Score Game Adapts American TV Series] [The Last Survivor. The End of America. The Last of Us] [2023] [Episode 2] [WEB Version] [Official Simplified Chinese Subtitles] Download
[HBO High Score Game Adapts American TV Series] [The Last Survivor. The End of America. The Last of Us] [2023] [Episode 3] [WEB Version] [Official Simplified Chinese Subtitles] Download
[HBO High Score Game Adapts American TV Series] [The Last Survivor. The End of America. The Last of Us] [2023] [Episode 4] [WEB Version] [Official Simplified Chinese Subtitles] Download
[HBO High Score Game Adapts American TV Series] [The Last Survivor. The End of America. The Last of Us] [2023] [Episode 5] [WEB Version] [Official Simplified Chinese Subtitles] Download
[HBO High Score Game Adapts American TV Series] [The Last Survivor. The End of America. The Last of Us] [2023] [Episode 6] [WEB Version] [Official Simplified Chinese Subtitles] Download
[HBO High Score Game Adapts American TV Series] [The Last Survivor. The End of America. The Last of Us] [2023] [Episode 7] [WEB Version] [Official Simplified Chinese Subtitles] Download
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[HBO High Score Game Adapts American TV Series] [The Last Survivor. The End of America. The Last of Us] [2023] [Episode 9] [WEB Version] [Official Simplified Chinese Subtitles] Download


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