Don't let unsuitable people take the best of you

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Only you are willing to believe
To get what you want to believe
The right person will eventually meet
Just make yourself beautiful enough
Try to be independent and strong
Only in this way can I have the confidence to tell the person I love
I love him

 Don't let unsuitable people take the best of you - Qingxinfan (Qxfun. com)

"Do you suffer from" love hunger "?"

You want someone who can give you a full sense of security,
Heal your pain,
And resist all possible bacteria in the future.

Hunger is the most unbearable thing in the world. It will turn into a strong and irresistible desire. This is the truth of the so-called "no food without food".

Someone on the Internet said, "You obviously like to eat fried noodles, but because you are hungry, you put a packet of potato chips into it, but you are not satisfied, so you eat a few oranges, thinking that this will fill your stomach, but finally you want to eat a bowl of fried noodles.".

This is also known as: Improvised love

Hunger often affects people's judgment. The most obvious example is that people go to the supermarket to buy things when they are full and when they are hungry. The amount of consumption is very different.

So someone extended“ Love hunger ”This disease.

When people with this disease are looking for love, what they are looking for is actually a plaster.

The most important performance of the plaster is: safety, sterilization and protection. You hope to have someone who can give you a full sense of security, treat your pain, and resist all possible bacteria in the future.

Hunger blinds you. When you are extremely eager to satisfy the desire that is just filling up at the moment, you will choose to make do with love.

When you push the shopping cart through the supermarket of love, what kind of "food" will you choose to satisfy yourself temporarily?

In fact, when we are hungry, we should not let a bad steamed bun spoil our appetite, nor should we waste a good steamed bun because of hunger. No matter how hungry you are, you should be patient. Patience is a virtue, waiting for the one we really like. In many cases, there is a pleasure in impulse, while in other cases, it is a kind of ethics to stay away.


"How should we choose love?"

It's not so much that we're always looking for someone
It's better to look for the part that can make you complete
The incompatibility of loneliness when two people are together
Sometimes it's far better than being alone

In one's life, there are few and precious opportunities to get the unity of body and mind and the feelings that can be completed from beginning to end. Most people have never had a matching partner. We are not always looking for a person, but rather looking for the part that can make us complete.

Most people choose to try together, and then separate when it is inappropriate. In fact, this is also a kind of consumption. If it has not been appropriate, then whether you have been in constant parting in this life?

Others have been together for a long time, which has become a habit. But it has been in a state of misunderstanding, reluctance and hard work. They insist on falling in love with each other who is unreasonable. They think they are worthless, wrong, twisted, and bad, but they are still unforgettable.

When we find that it is not suitable, why should we split in reality and mechanically maintain such a distorted relationship? The incompatibility between two people is sometimes far better than being alone.

If there is no deep love, I would rather live alone.


"What is love?"

Love is an unquenchable flame
Should be delivered to the appropriate bearable person

It is easy for us to meet selfish or stupid people. They love others just to prove that others can love themselves. Everyone expects to be loved in their own way, and everyone hopes the other half can respond to their expectations.

He loves nothing and devotes himself to deep feelings every moment. ”Who will really understand the meaning of love.

When we talk about what love is, maybe we can't explain it.

Once a psychologist analyzed such a phenomenon: when two people are together, their characteristics will stimulate or suppress each other. This means that in front of some people, the flame in our hearts falls asleep. In front of others, it will be awakened.

In other words, some people make us feel bad and unacceptable. Some people make us better ourselves , and even a breakthrough.

Love is an unquenchable flame, which should be delivered to the right bearable person.

Mature feelings need to pay time to wait for its fruits, but we all lack patience. Who will spend ten years waiting for a person who has traveled far? Who will still want to look back and find that person after ten years of travel.


"The antonym of improvisation is: not make do"

In this world
Everyone is waiting for someone
If TA hasn't arrived yet
Maybe she's on her way

God told you to wait
In fact, it's to let you meet the right person
Don't let the unsuitable person take the best of you

Article: Alone


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Mm-hmm. Don't make do with it