Highlights of 2024 China (Wenzhou) International Hardware and Smart Lock Exhibition

2024/5/16 10:20:00 Source: Global Architecture Exhibition Network

Introduction:?? From May 28 to 30, 2024 China (Wenzhou) International Hardware and Smart Lock Exhibition will be held in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province.

?? From May 28 to 30, 2024 China (Wenzhou) International Hardware and Smart Lock Exhibition will be held in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province.

?? It is understood that locks are a traditional industry in China's hardware industry. Wenzhou, as the "Lock Capital of China", "China's Intelligent Lock Industry Base", "China's Lock Export Base" and "(Lock) National Foreign Trade Transformation and Upgrading Base", now has more than 600 lock enterprises, with an annual output of more than 700 million locks of all types, and is exported to more than 160 countries and regions.

?? Information Map of 2023 China (Wenzhou) International Hardware and Smart Lock Exhibition. Picture provided by Organizing Committee of China (Wenzhou) International Hardware and Smart Lock Exhibition

?? It is reported that the exhibition relies on the industrial highland advantages of Wenzhou, such as many national brands and golden business cards, and integrates the upstream and downstream resources of the industrial chain, aiming to promote the external exchange and innovative development of the hardware and intelligent lock industry. What are the highlights of this exhibition? On May 15, the organizing committee of the exhibition held a press conference to make the announcement.

?? Highlight 1: The "circle of friends" has expanded to welcome many new faces

?? This year's exhibition has a total exhibition area of 50000 square meters, with five major exhibition halls, an increase of about 20% over the previous one, setting a new high in the past. At that time, there will be nearly 700 enterprises from all over the country participating in the exhibition, with a total number of exhibitions exceeding 1500.

?? According to the relevant person in charge of the organizing committee, in addition to the participation of all well-known enterprises in the industry, many well-known enterprises in the domestic customized hardware and smart lock industry chain, listed companies and relevant lock associations organized a group to participate for the first time. Among them, the exhibition area of some exhibition groups increased by more than 100% year on year.

?? Highlight 2: Global high-quality purchasers gather at the "gate" to meet new business opportunities

?? It was reported that this exhibition focused on industrial customers and continued to increase relevant investment. During the exhibition, international high-quality purchasers from Canada, Russia, Pakistan, Turkey, the Philippines and other places, as well as industry business associations and institutions in relevant production areas around China will organize purchasing groups to visit the exhibition.

?? The relevant person in charge of the organizing committee said that the gathering of high-quality buyers at home and abroad is expected to promote the in-depth cooperation and exchange between the exhibition and downstream enterprises of the industrial chain, boost the hardware and lock industries to the global market, and create more business opportunities. It is worth noting that this exhibition also invited relevant national associations to participate in the exhibition, further improving the influence and attention of the exhibition.

?? Information Map of 2023 China (Wenzhou) International Hardware and Smart Lock Exhibition. Picture provided by Organizing Committee of China (Wenzhou) International Hardware and Smart Lock Exhibition

?? Highlight 3: Upgrade the supporting activities to show the "digital model"

?? During this exhibition, a series of events will be held, including "2024 China Doors and Windows and Home Furnishing Supply Chain Value Forum and 20-year Tour of Quality and Service Commitment Brands (Wenzhou)", "2024 Third Smart Lock Industry Chain (Wenzhou) Forum", "2024 China (Wenzhou) Home Furnishing Aesthetics and Industrial Development Forum", "2024 China (Wenzhou) Hardware and Lock Cross border E-commerce Forum", covering doors and windows, home furnishing Multiple activities of smart lock and cross-border e-commerce industry.

?? At that time, experts from domestic and foreign industry institutions, procurement giants, leaders of leading enterprises, etc. will carry out exchanges and discussions on technology upgrading, transformation and upgrading, international development, etc. of the hardware lock industry, and strengthen in-depth cooperation in the industrial chain. In addition, there is "Cloud based exhibition viewing and live exhibition broadcasting". Exhibitors can break the space barrier and condense global business opportunities into one mobile phone through live online platform promotion.

?? Highlight 4: Enterprises gather together to show up and help push "Wenzhou Intelligent Manufacturing" to a larger stage

?? "This exhibition is an important window to promote regional brand building. Many enterprises of" China Lock City "have made a collective appearance at their home again, fully demonstrating Wenzhou's manufacturing level and industrial chain advantages, and boosting" Wenzhou Smart Manufacturing "to a larger stage," said the relevant responsible person of the organizing committee.

?? At the same time, the exhibition will build a broader exchange and cooperation platform for the hardware and intelligent lock industry chain, and boost the high-quality development of the intelligent door lock industry. During this period, people from the industry at home and abroad gathered together, covering many hardware and lock manufacturing enterprises, listed enterprises, as well as downstream high-quality purchasing groups in the door industry and custom home furnishing industry, providing new opportunities and possibilities for the smart lock industry to attract investment, strengthen the chain and supplement the chain, and transform and upgrade. (Huang Jiajia)

Source: Organizing Committee of China (Wenzhou) International Hardware and Intelligent Lock Exhibition

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