Xinlong appeared at the 31st International Exhibition of Household Paper with a variety of new nonwoven materials

2024/5/16 10:18:00 Source: Global Architecture Exhibition Network

Introduction: From May 15 to 17, the 31st Tissue International Science and Technology Exhibition was held in Nanjing International Expo Center. Xinlong Holding Group made a wonderful appearance with a number of newly developed sustainable nonwoven materials. These innovative products have attracted extensive attention in the industry due to their super soft, hydrophilic, green, natural, antibacterial, environmental friendly, tasteless and other characteristics.

Source: China Textile News

From May 15 to 17, the 31st tissue international technology exhibition was held in Nanjing International Expo Center. Xinlong Holding Group made a wonderful appearance with a number of newly developed sustainable nonwoven materials. These innovative products have attracted extensive attention in the industry due to their super soft, hydrophilic, green, natural, antibacterial, environmental friendly, tasteless and other characteristics.

During the exhibition, the nonwoven business segment of Xinlong Holding Group, on the one hand, paid more attention to show the industry and customers the leading technical strength and innovative achievements, and also paid more attention to the communication and interaction with customers and partners, listened to the voice of the market, and constantly improved and improved products and services.

From a new starting point, Xinlong Holding Group, guided by the development orientation of "based on Hainan Free Trade Port, serving a healthy and beautiful life", focuses on the development of high-quality health protection and cleaning materials, medicine and health consumer goods business, and comprehensively practices the brand concept of "customers are the lifeline of enterprises" and "three products and one service" (that is, focusing on products, quality, personality and service). Adhere to the customer demand orientation, and provide customers with more high-quality products and more efficient and convenient services with strict quality control and efficiency through continuous R&D and innovation of products that lead the market trend.

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