The Third Chaoshan International Textile and Garment Expo Opens

2024/3/29 11:03:00 Source: Global Architecture Exhibition Network

Introduction: On March 28, the Third Chaoshan International Textile and Clothing Expo ("Chaoshan Clothing Expo" for short) opened in Guangdong Shantou Expo Center.

Client of China Youth Daily (reporter Lin Jie from Zhongqing Daily and Zhongqing. com) On March 28, the third Chaoshan International Textile and Clothing Expo (hereinafter referred to as "Chaoshan Clothing Expo") opened in Guangdong Shantou Expo Center. Shantou has built a model of "commerce and trade+industrial cluster" to promote regional economic development with "one piece of underwear". At the opening ceremony, 32 domestic and foreign enterprises and more than 20 enterprises and associations in Shantou reached the first batch of intent purchase contracts totaling 16.3 billion yuan.

Chaoshan Fashion Expo Opening Show. The organizer provided pictures of the opening show of Chaoshan Fashion Expo. Pictures provided by the sponsor

The 3rd Chaoshan Fashion Expo, themed "Three Generations and All Things", has an exhibition scale of nearly 100000 square meters, 12 pavilions and 21 exhibition areas, attracting nearly 800 enterprises to participate in the Expo, of which 55.2% are local exhibitors, 44.8% are foreign exhibitors, and more than 100000 new products and explosives are exhibited. The categories of exhibits include yarn, facial accessories, bras, underpants, home clothes, sweaters, body suits Thermal underwear, knitwear, suspenders, socks, maternity and infant clothing, sports underwear, yoga clothes, equipment, etc., to achieve one-stop, scene selection for buyers.

The opening ceremony. The organizer provided pictures for the opening ceremony. Pictures provided by the sponsor

Shantou is the largest production base of underwear, home clothes and sweaters in China, with a complete upstream and downstream industrial chain and design and development capabilities. Shuang De Hui, Deputy Director General of the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province, said that Chaoshan Garment Expo, from the first 30000 square meters to today's 100000 square meters, has a larger scale, higher specifications and more vitality. It has become the largest source exhibition in the field of personal clothing in China, and also a strong support for the high-quality development of the textile and clothing industry in the province.

From: China Youth Daily

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