243 Chinese and foreign art galleries appeared at Art Basel Hong Kong

2024/3/29 10:58:00 Source: Global Architecture Exhibition Network

Introduction: Art Basel 2024 Hong Kong Exhibition will be held in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center on the 28th. There were 243 Chinese and foreign art galleries participating in this Hong Kong exhibition, which recovered to the scale before the epidemic.

Source: Xinhuanet

Xinhua News Agency, Hong Kong, March 28 The 2024 Art Basel Hong Kong Exhibition was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center on March 28. There were 243 Chinese and foreign art galleries participating in this Hong Kong exhibition, which recovered to the scale before the epidemic.

It is reported that this Hong Kong exhibition will be held from March 28 to 30, and will be divided into six exhibition areas, namely, "Art Gathering Space", "Art Gallery Gathering", "Asian Vision", "Art Exploration", "Light Scene" and "Curatorial Corner", to present a diversified art vision and bring new art experience to the audience.

The reporter saw at the scene that day that the atmosphere in the venue was warm. Many audiences, while understanding the story behind the works with the gallery staff, took out their mobile phones to take photos from time to time.

Many art galleries said that the first day sales were good. Pedro Gork, director of Spain's Sani Gallery, told reporters that the gallery had been participating in Hong Kong since 2016. "We think Hong Kong is a city with a very good artistic atmosphere. It not only has a large market, but also can attract collectors, art lovers and curators from all over the world. Everyone shows great interest in diversified art."

During the Hong Kong exhibition of Art Basel, Hong Kong also held an art event Art Central at the same time, which gathered new talents from Asian avant-garde galleries and works of internationally renowned artists. This Art Central is the largest since it was first held in 2015.

Art Basel was founded in Basel, Switzerland in 1970 and landed in Hong Kong in 2013. (Reporter Huang Qiantian, Liu Yinglun)

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