2024 The 7th China Hai'an Furniture Expo Opens

2024/3/28 10:42:00 Source: Global Architecture Exhibition Network

Introduction: On March 26, 2024, the 7th China Hai'an Furniture Expo and the first furniture ordering conference of China's origin were opened in Hai'an, Jiangsu, and the "National Furniture Quality Inspection and Testing Center NQI 'one-stop' service platform" was unveiled together.

Source: People's Daily Online - Jiangsu Channel

On March 26, 2024, the 7th China Hai'an Furniture Expo and the first furniture ordering conference of China's origin were opened in Hai'an, Jiangsu, and the "National Furniture Quality Inspection and Testing Center NQI 'one-stop' service platform" was unveiled together. This is not only a vivid demonstration of the style of Hai'an furniture industry, but also an important event to launch the brand of "Hai'an furniture" and achieve the goal of "buying and selling all over the country".

The exhibition lasts for three days and covers an area of 50000 square meters. It is divided into seven theme exhibition areas, including furniture selection exhibition area, "three high" brand exhibition area (customization, software, solid wood), e-commerce hotel engineering exhibition area, explosive products exhibition area in the source area, and furniture raw and auxiliary materials exhibition area, with more than 1000 furniture brands appearing. The exhibition gathers the whole industrial chain of furniture industry such as design, production, wholesale and logistics, provides a one-stop furniture ordering platform for furniture dealers, and builds an efficient, comprehensive and reliable trade cooperation channel for furniture in the source area.

At present, Hai'an is accelerating the introduction of high-quality projects such as high-quality furniture, high-end customization, package integration, software intelligence, and so on. It continues to enrich the scale and categories of the origin of Hai'an furniture, launch more distinctive and differentiated furniture products, continue to consolidate and expand the industry influence of "coming to Hai'an for customization", accelerate the integration of industrial chains, and fully promote the upgrading of the household industry and consumption. (Liu Wenqi)

(Editor in charge: Zhang Cheng, Zhang Xin)

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