China Tourism Industry Expo Held in Tianjin

2023/8/18 12:11:00 Source: Global Architecture Exhibition Network

Introduction: The 13th China Tourism Industry Expo will be held in the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Tianjin) from September 1 to 3.

Author: Gong Xiangjuan Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition

Tianjin (reporter Gong Xiangjuan) The 13th China Tourism Industry Expo will be held in the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Tianjin) from September 1 to 3. This Travel Expo is hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Tianjin Municipal People's Government, and hosted by Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Beijing Xinglv International Media Co., Ltd. to show the latest progress in the tourism industry, gather to discuss cutting-edge ideas, focus on promoting negotiations and transactions, and actively help upgrade consumption.

The 13th China Tourism Industry Expo will be held at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Tianjin) for the first time, covering an exhibition area of 120000 square meters, which is the largest ever. A series of activities will be held, including exhibitions, special forums, negotiations, and scene experiences.

It is reported that compared with previous Travel Expo, this Travel Expo will highlight four characteristics.

First, highlight tourism equipment. In combination with Tianjin's urban positioning of "one base and three zones" and "national advanced manufacturing and research and development base", it will focus on the display of motorhome camping equipment, scenic area equipment, hotel equipment, special tourism equipment and other contents, and combine Tianjin's marine tourism resources to present marine tourism equipment, cruise yachts and other contents.

The second is to emphasize industry leadership. The main forum is a high-quality development forum for the tourism industry, which will invite tourism experts and heads of tourism enterprises to discuss and provide new ideas and plans for the integrated development and innovation of Chinese culture and tourism industry.

Third, highlight scientific and technological elements. This Travel Expo highlights "science and technology+tourism". By demonstrating the latest applications of digital services, tourism intelligent equipment, tourism intelligent management, etc., it comprehensively presents the achievements and latest technologies of intelligent tourism development, and empowers tourism intelligence.

Fourth, strengthen procurement transactions. During this Travel Expo, 2023 Beijing Tianjin Hebei Tourism Project Investment and Financing Fair, Tourism Product Promotion Conference, Project Signing Ceremony and other activities will be organized to integrate the resources of the sponsor and sponsor, invite thousands of domestic professional buyers to Tianjin for trade talks, explore ways to solve the problems of difficult, expensive and slow financing of cultural and tourism enterprises, and improve the effectiveness of the exhibition, Make more deals.

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