Highlights of the industry event - Beijing Construction Expo kicked off

2019/3/9 11:22:00 Source: Global Architecture Exhibition Network

Introduction: On March 8, the 28th China (Beijing) International Building Decoration and Materials Fair and China International Auto Door Electric Door High Performance Door and Window Exhibition were grandly opened in the new and old halls of China International Exhibition Center in Beijing!

On March 8, the 28th China (Beijing) International Building Decoration and Materials Expo and China International High Performance Automatic Door and Electric Door Exhibition, which were approved by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, hosted by China International Exhibition Center Group and organized by China Exhibition Zhonghe (Beijing) International Exhibition Co., Ltd., were grandly opened in the new and old halls of China International Exhibition Center in Beijing! Tian Wanliang, Vice President of China Interior Decoration Association, Chairman of China Exhibition Zhonghe Beijing International Exhibition Co., Ltd., Liu Zhe, Secretary General of China Building Metal Structure Association, and others attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.


Founded in 2002, Beijing Construction Expo has become a well-known professional exhibition of comprehensive building materials in China with its grand scale and wide influence after more than 20 years of development, attracting many domestic and foreign professionals to visit and participate. The new and old pavilions of this exhibition are linked. The exhibition area is more than 160000 square meters, the number of exhibitors is more than 3000, and more than 250000 visitors are expected to attend the exhibition.
In order to facilitate visitors to visit and purchase, Beijing Construction Expo will display the exhibits in different categories and zones. Sanyuanqiao Old World Expo mainly displays automatic doors, electric doors, high-performance doors and windows, hardware accessories, coatings, background walls, new building materials and other series of products; The New China International Exhibition will focus on the display of integrated ceiling, boutique whole house customized furniture, cabinets, wall cabinets and accessories, kitchen and bathroom appliances, woodworking machinery, soft and hard wrapped background walls, diatom mud and other series of products; It gathers an integrated, chained and industrialized display platform for the upstream and downstream of the industry, leads the industry development trend, and is the best trade platform for industry exchanges, releasing new products, and improving brand image.


Guided by leading the advanced technology of the industry, the exhibition focuses on serving the building materials industry, and aims to create a professional exhibition with high quality, high specification and wide influence, which will become a splendid and colorful industry event.

Top wall brands blossom
As an important exhibition platform for suspended ceiling and integrated wall enterprises, the Beijing Construction Expo brought together more than 400 well-known brands including Dingmei, Dingshang, Qili, Cloud Age, Bardis, Aohua, Rongsheng, Meierya, Oulante, Youge, Dingshanmei, Baroque, Ximeilun, Oupai, intelligent and innovative ceiling and wall integrated products, Internet of Things, anion The comprehensive application of diversified scenes presents consumers and dealers with wonderful product events and on-site experiences.

The whole house is equipped with "wisdom" to lead the audience
With the improvement of people's living standards and the continuous expansion of personalized needs, the concepts of "whole house customization" and "whole house decoration" are increasingly accepted by people. Environmental protection, individuality and quickness are the characteristics of the whole house. Wardrobes, wooden doors, cabinets, bathroom cabinets, bamboo wood fiber integrated walls, floors and other whole house packaged products are not only consumption upgrading and personality regression, but also the upgrading of the entire business model and industrial chain. In the 2019 Beijing Construction Expo, the exhibition area of customized home furnishings in the whole house increased from the original 40000 square meters to 50000 square meters, and more than 300 customized home furnishings enterprises, such as Aiige, Weiyi and Oupai, participated in the exhibition.


High performance doors and windows for exhibition expansion
In 2019, Zhongzhan Zhonghe and the Automatic Door and Electric Door Branch of China Building Metal Structure Association will continue their strong cooperation. In particular, an international automatic door and electric door high-performance door and window exhibition area will be set up in the old hall of China International Exhibition Center, with an exhibition area of 50000 square meters, which will focus on the display of revolving automatic doors, sliding automatic doors, retractable doors, rolling shutter doors and windows, aircraft hangar doors, and road gates (electric fence) , door opener, electrical control, hardware and other products. The exhibition attracted more than 300 famous brands in the industry to participate in the exhibition, and Duya, Haiyu, Pioneer, Arande, Nanbei Door Industry, Anlin, etc. all brought new products to the exhibition.

Integrating "full" exhibition and "special", easy to visit
As the annual event of the architectural decoration industry, Beijing Construction Expo has moved from the building materials industry exhibition to the big home furnishing, realizing the real "big integration" of all aspects of the industry, such as champion brands, industry professionals, production areas, cross-border categories, high-quality resources, etc. The strategic idea of setting up special product areas at this exhibition also makes each theme exhibition area unique, Become a professional boutique display. In order to facilitate the visitors' visit and purchase, the organizing committee has realized the information integration service of early registration, receiving two-dimensional codes, no queuing on site, and direct scanning of codes through WeChat, web pages and other intelligent terminals, which simplifies the visit procedure.

Various supporting activities
The series of supporting activities of this exhibition are rich and colorful, such as the annual meeting of the national automatic door and electric door industry and a number of professional and technical exchanges, which provide exchange opportunities for domestic and foreign exhibitors, dealers, purchasers and professional and technical personnel, build cooperation platforms, and look for wealth and business opportunities.

The 28th China (Beijing) International Building Decoration and Materials Fair and China International High Performance Automatic Door and Electric Door and Window Exhibition will be closed on March 11. Beijing Construction Expo provides the best trade platform for promoting industry development and leading industry leaders. In the four-day exhibition, I believe that both the visitors and exhibitors can gain something!

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