Authoritative release of 2018 China Wallpaper and Wallcovering Industry White Paper

2019/3/4 13:15:00 Source: Global Architecture Exhibition Network

Introduction: On March 1, 2019, the 2018 China Wallpaper and Wallcovering Industry White Paper was officially released in the W201 conference room of the South Landing Hall of Beijing New International Exhibition.

On March 1, 2019, the 2018 China Wallpaper and Wallcovering Industry White Paper was officially released in the W201 conference room of the South Landing Hall of Beijing New International Exhibition. Mr. Tian Wanliang, Vice President of China Interior Decoration Association, Ms. Zhang Jihong, Secretary General of Wallpaper and Wallcloth Branch of China Building Decoration Materials Association, Mr. Shao Xinghua, Secretary General of Wallpaper and Wallcloth Professional Committee of China Interior Decoration Association, Mr. Chen Wei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Zhongzhan Zhonghe (Beijing) International Exhibition Co., Ltd., Mr. He Xin, General Manager of Sina Home Wallcloth Media Business Department Mr. Qin Jinjiang, General Manager of Huiya Media, Mr. Xiao Mingchao, a well-known domestic trend marketing expert, founder of Zhimeng Consulting, and heads of several wallpaper and wallpaper enterprises attended the conference.

At the beginning of the conference, Tian Wanliang, Vice President of China Interior Decoration Association, delivered a speech. China Interior Decoration Association has always been committed to promoting the healthy and rapid development of the home furnishing industry, and Vice President Tian has always been concerned about the Chinese wallpaper and wallpaper enterprises and all the wallpaper and wallpaper people. Today is the opening day of the 27th Wallpaper, Wallcloth, Curtain and Soft Decoration Exhibition, and the exhibition hall is crowded with people. Under the trend of economic downturn, the majority of enterprises are still struggling bravely and have achieved good results. Vice President Tian said that this fully demonstrated that the home furnishing industry is the pillar industry of the domestic demand economy. Although the economic environment is not optimistic, he still has full confidence in the industry and believes that China's home furnishing industry will be evergreen. The exhibition company is a great help to promote the development of the industry, and also a platform for scientific and technological innovation. Zhongzhan Zhonghe plays an important role in the development of China's wallpaper and wallpaper industry.

Today's release of the white paper of China's wallpaper and wallpaper industry is the first time in the industry. Vice President Tian expressed his gratitude to Sina Home and Zhongzhan Zhonghe, as well as to Yulan, Lingxiu and Yakino, three mainstream enterprises, and industry colleagues who have made great contributions to this release. The white paper studies the industry trend and development direction, and hopes to be released year by year in the future, and expects to make the white paper more and more detailed, presenting the most real industry status. Today's conference, many enterprise leaders are present in person, which is also an opportunity to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between enterprises, turn competition into opportunity, and promote common development. In the future, it is also hoped that the two associations can strengthen cooperation to promote the development of the industry together.

Sina Home is one of the main publishing units of the 2018 China Wallpaper and Wallcovering Industry White Paper. Mr. He Xin, General Manager of Sina Home Wallcovering Media Business Department, delivered a speech on behalf of the sponsor. Since officially entering the field of China's seamless wall cloth in 2017, Sina Home has seen a thriving scene and felt the "craziness" of the industry to a certain extent, so it decided to do the right thing for the industry. The preparation process for the first release of the industry white paper was very difficult. It took more than half a year from August last year to September to start the research. We are willing to try to do a difficult but meaningful thing. President He, on behalf of Sina, expressed his sincere thanks to everyone and hoped that Sina would always help the industry develop better in the future.

Later, Mr. Tian Wanliang, Vice President of China Interior Decoration Association, Ms. Zhang Jihong, Secretary General of Wallpaper and Wallcloth Branch of China Building Decoration Materials Association, Mr. Shao Xinghua, Secretary General of Wallpaper and Wallcloth Professional Committee of China Interior Decoration Association, Mr. Chen Wei, Chairman of Zhongzhan Zhonghe (Beijing) International Exhibition Co., Ltd., Mr. He Xin, General Manager of Sina Home Wallcloth Media Business Department Mr. Qin Jinjiang, the general manager of Huiya Media, Mr. Xiao Mingchao, the founder of Zhimeng Consulting, and Mr. Wan Qingtang, the chairman of Yulan, Mr. Bu Xiaohua, the chairman of Lingxiu, and Mr. Wang Qi, the chairman of Yakino, the joint publishing unit of this industry white paper, came to the stage to launch the white paper publishing ceremony.


Then came the important part of this conference, and Mr. Xiao Mingchao, the founder of Zhimeng, interpreted the white paper on the spot. In the early stage of the preparation of the white paper, a comprehensive and comprehensive professional survey was conducted on the Chinese wallpaper and wallpaper industry. The data collection covered in-depth interviews with 50 industry experts, questionnaires from 800 enterprises, in-depth interviews with 300 elite consumer groups and 10000 consumer questionnaires. It was the first report to comprehensively interpret the trend of the wallpaper and wallpaper industry. At the scene, President Xiao interpreted the white paper from the perspectives of "wall power coming, wall power unlimited, wall power blooming, and wall war in the future" with the theme of "wall power" breaking out. Nowadays, consumption upgrading drives the development of the industry, and the demand for stock renovation has brought opportunities to the household industry. The Chinese wallpaper and wallpaper industry has undergone tremendous changes in the past two or three years and has taken on a new look. The rapid rise of wallpaper is amazing, but it is still necessary to pay attention to the current problems of the industry. At present, the market concentration of the industry is low, and it is in the stage of decentralized competition; A large number of "low, small and scattered" have damaged the interests of many large-scale enterprises; Brand marketing and promotion channels are relatively single, and the market coverage is narrow. These problems limit the development speed of the industry to a certain extent. At the same time, it can be seen that the standardization of the wallpaper and wallpaper industry has gradually improved in the past two years, and most enterprises are full of confidence in the future development of the industry. According to the survey data, there is still a lot of room for growth in the annual sales of the industry. It is also believed that enterprises will work together in different ports in the future to promote the sustainable and stable development of the industry.

The release of the 2018 White Paper on China's Wallpaper and Wallcovering Industry is a new attempt on the industry. It is the first time to visually present the industry through rigorous data survey and analysis, to show the overall picture of China's wallpaper and wallcovering industry to the outside world in a quantitative form, and to systematically define the new pattern of China's wallpaper and wallcovering industry for the first time, It will definitely leave a deep impression on the development history of the industry. The responsibility lies in the body. Do the right thing even though it is difficult!

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