Exhibition information

2024 Tokyo Aquatic Fisheries Exhibition

Time: 2024/8/21 to 2024/8/23

Exhibition city: Overseas Japan

Exhibition area:

Category: Home decoration

55 days from the opening of the exhibition

Organizer: Japan Fisheries Association
Organizer: Japan Fisheries Association
Exhibition Overview
Exhibition introduction
FISH NEXT 2024, August 21~August 23, 2024, Japan - Tokyo - 3-21-1 Ariake, Koto ku, Tokyo 135-0063, Japan Tokyo Youming International Convention and Exhibition Center, sponsored by the Japan Fisheries Association, held once a year, with an exhibition area of 35000 square meters, 32000 visitors, 701 exhibitors and brands.
FISH NEXT is an annual aquaculture and fishery exhibition in Japan, which aims to provide a platform for professionals in aquaculture and fishery to exchange and display the latest products and technologies. The exhibition brings together aquatic products and fishery suppliers, producers, distributors and professionals from all over the world, providing an opportunity for exhibitors and visitors to understand the latest market trends and technological innovation.

The exhibition range of FISH NEXT covers various types of aquatic products and fishery products, including fish, shellfish, shrimp, kelp, seaweed, seafood processing equipment, etc. Exhibitors can show their latest products and technologies at the exhibition, establish contacts with potential customers and partners, understand market needs and trends, and explore new business opportunities.

FISH NEXT is held once a year in Tokyo, attracting exhibitors and visitors from all over the world. The exhibition has brought many new business opportunities to the aquaculture and fishery industry, promoted the development and innovation of this industry, and also promoted exchanges and cooperation between domestic and foreign enterprises. In addition, the exhibition also provides a platform for professionals in the aquaculture and fishery industry to understand the latest technologies and trends, and promotes the continuous progress and development of this industry.

Scope of exhibits
Seafood: fresh fish, fish eggs, shellfish, crab, lobster, shrimp, prawn, sea urchin, seaweed, freshwater fish, etc

Processed products: boiled, cut, baked products, smoked products, canned products, dried products, kelp products, nutritional health products, etc

Seasonings and food additives: curry, soy sauce, fish sauce, salt, mustard, vinegar and other seasonings and food additives

Food processing and related equipment: cutting machines, mixers, barbecue machines, food adding devices, aquatic product cleaning machines, refrigeration and freezing machines, chopping boards, kitchen knives, gas appliances, kitchen sinks and other kitchen equipment and conditioning appliances

Fishery: intelligent breeding system, oxygen generator, air pump and other breeding equipment, screening machine, peeling machine, packaging machine and other processing machinery, intelligent fishing boats, engines, LED fishing lights and other fishing boats or fishing boat equipment, fishing boat supplies, fishing cages and other fishing gear products

Exhibition hall information
Tokyo Big Sight International Exhibition Center

Venue area: 17000 square meters

Exhibition hall address: 3-21-1 Ariake, Tokyo, Japan, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0063, Japan
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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