Exhibition information

Sri Lanka Colombo International Textile Garment Surface Accessories and Yarn Exhibition

Time: 2024/8/7 to 2024/8/9

Exhibition city: Foreign Sri Lanka

Exhibition area:

Category: Home decoration

44 days from the opening of the exhibition

Organizer: organizing committee
Organizer: organizing committee
Exhibition Overview
INTEX SOUTH ASIA, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Exhibition time
August 7-9, 2024

Exhibition English: INTEX SOUTH ASIA Holding cycle: once a year Exhibition scale: 10000-20000
Exhibition hall: Colombo Convention Center, Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Exhibition & Convention Centre (SLECC)
Exhibition introduction
As the only international trade exhibition of fabrics, accessories and yarns in South Asia, Intex South Asia will continue to be held in Sri Lanka. The exhibition has set up a platform for manufacturers, exporters and traders in South Asia and international yarn, fabric and clothing suppliers. Last year, 285 exhibitors from more than 10 countries and regions, including Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, China, South Korea, Singapore, Myanmar, Turkey and Italy, participated in the exhibition. The visitors mainly include clothing manufacturers, international chain stores, department stores, fashion designers, fabric importers, etc.

At present, among the top ten countries and regions with the largest textile and clothing exports in the world, South Asia accounts for three, namely India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. According to customs export statistics, since 2012, China's textile exports to India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and other South Asian countries have continued to grow in total and export volume. In 2014, the export volume reached US $3.28 billion, US $2.7 billion, US $4.43 billion and US $920 million respectively.
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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