Exhibition information

International Security, Safety and Fire Regional Trade Fair, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Time: 2024/10/1 to 2024/10/3

Exhibition city: Abroad Saudi Arabia

Exhibition area:

Category: Building property

99 days from the opening of the exhibition

Organizer: organizing committee
Organizer: organizing committee
Exhibition Overview

Exhibition time
October 1-3, 2024

Exhibition English: INTERSEC SAUDI ARABIA Holding cycle: once a year Exhibition scale: 10000-20000
Exhibition hall: Riyadh International Convention and Exhibition Center, Saudi Arabia
Exhibition introduction
Saudi Arabia's Big Fire, Safety and Security Trade Show

The fifth Intersec was successfully held in Riyadh International Convention and Exhibition Center (RICEC) for three days, with the participation of major government leaders, institutions and organization heads. It has outstanding world-class speakers, innovative products, technologies and solutions in all key areas.

Intersec Saudi Arabia gathered industry leaders from all over the world in security, emergency response and security in Riyadh. From breakthrough progress to revolutionary technology, the security industry has always been the center of innovation. Participate in important discussions on future prospects with world-renowned experts, explore bilateral cooperation, and experience the next generation of technologies. Connect with influential people and explore different exhibitors, all under the same roof.

Main reasons for visiting:

Unleashing global opportunities: Meet with exhibitors and distributors who can strengthen your security policy needs while optimizing to maximize cost savings to ensure that you get a return on investment.

Expand your business contacts: cooperate with existing customers, establish new contacts and networks, and promote new business growth and opportunities.

Gain competitive advantage: learn about new developments in the fire and emergency services, security and safety industries. Keep abreast of the latest trends and regulatory legislation so that you can maintain and hone your competitive advantage.

Embrace the world of innovation: launch products and solutions covering five important pillars: commercial and peripheral security, homeland security and police, cybersecurity, safety and health, and fire fighting and rescue

Accelerate your success: improve your knowledge and expertise in two world-class conferences, as it brings together regional and international government leaders, heads of institutions and organizations, and outstanding world-class speakers. Attend meetings and learn from the best people in the industry
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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