Exhibition information

Morocco Casablanca International Design Exhibition

Time: 2024/6/4 to 2024/6/6

Exhibition city: Morocco abroad

Exhibition area:

Category: Building property


Exhibition hall: Casablanca, Morocco
Organizer: organizing committee
Organizer: organizing committee
Exhibition Overview
Morocco Casablanca International Design Exhibition

Exhibition time
June 4-6, 2024

Exhibition English: INDEX NORTH AFRICA Period: Exhibition scale: less than 10000
Exhibition introduction

The total population and GDP representing more than 3.4 million people exceed 3 billion US dollars. North America, Central Africa and West Africa are still relatively undeveloped markets. The successful MaDecor, based on the exhibition, will open the door to expert design and decoration in these markets.

In the past 26 years, INDEX design series has made reference in design, so that the UAE can consolidate its position as a hub of international design. Injuries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa are close to the Yilong Electronic Expo. One of the leading exhibition organizations in developing countries, the design of a new event brand index series based on awareness and Madecor has produced the most comprehensive events, and designed the most dynamic events in North America, Central America and West Africa
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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