Exhibition information

Chicago International Interior Design and Office Furniture Exhibition

Time: 2024/6/10 to 2024/6/12

Exhibition city: Foreign America

Exhibition area:

Category: Building property


Exhibition hall: Chicago, USA
Organizer: organizing committee
Organizer: organizing committee
Exhibition Overview
Chicago International Interior Design and Office Furniture Exhibition

Exhibition time
June 10-12, 2024

Exhibition English: NEOCON Holding cycle: once a year Exhibition scale: more than 100000 First held: 1969
Exhibition introduction
Large and influential office furniture and interior decoration exhibition in North America

Chicago International Office and Furniture Fair is a large office furniture, commercial furniture and decoration material exhibition in the United States. It is one of the important exhibitions that all office furniture dealers, importers, wholesalers, retailers, chain stores, interior architects and designers in the Americas must visit every year. Founded in 1969, NeoCon International Office Furniture and Interior Decoration Exhibition in Chicago, USA, has been successfully held for more than 50 years. It is a large-scale and influential office furniture and interior decoration exhibition in North America.

Long history: Meigaodian Exhibition is a large-scale furniture and accessories supply base in the world, where thousands of funds are newly unveiled. From classic to new, you can find various and indispensable household products here. It is a well-known gathering place for furniture professionals. More than 100 years of history, more than 2200 exhibitors, more than 180 exhibition buildings, a total exhibition area of 100000 square meters, 75000 professional buyers from more than 100 countries and cities in the United States.

Great influence: NeoCon attracts more than 700 exhibitors and 50000 visitors from North America and around the world every year. The number of importers and exporters, distributors, designers, architects, retailers and wholesalers who came to purchase and visit reached 35000 person times. According to the statistics of professionals after the exhibition, the on-site transaction rate of the exhibition reached 60%, which is recognized as a professional office furniture exhibition in the United States and even in the Americas. NeoCon, a 46 year Chicago International Office and Commercial Furniture Exhibition, with a total exhibition area of 1.2 million square feet, is a large-scale and professional indoor commercial exhibition in North America. NeoCon has established cooperative relations with more than 20 industry associations and more than 50 media.

It covers a wide range: NeoCon covers various forms of interior decoration design and concepts in the commercial environment, such as office environment, home environment, health care environment and education environment. New products, fashionable design and advanced concepts lead NeoCon to develop into a display platform for various decoration designs.
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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