Exhibition information

Indian Industry and Automation Exhibition 2024

Time: 2024/8/21 to 2024/8/24

Exhibition city: India Abroad

Exhibition area:

Category: other

79 days from the opening of the exhibition

Organizer: India Exhibition Company
Organizer: India Exhibition Company
Exhibition Overview
Exhibition introduction
AUTOMATION EXPO 2024, from August 21 to August 24, 2024, at India Mumbai next to Western Express Highway, NESCO, Goregaon, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400063 - Mumbai Exhibition Center, sponsored by India Exhibition Company, once a year, exhibition area: 50000 square meters, audience: 47004, number of exhibitors and brands reached 1005.
AUTOMATION EXPO is one of the largest industrial automation technology, equipment and service exhibitions in India. It aims to provide a platform to promote exchanges and cooperation between industrial automation manufacturers, suppliers, industry professionals and relevant institutions around the world. The exhibition is usually held once a year in Mumbai, India.

The products and services displayed in AUTOMATION EXPO include industrial automation equipment and technology, robots and robot systems, sensors and control systems, measuring and testing equipment, industrial software, automation solutions, etc. In addition, the exhibition also provides a communication platform for exhibitors and visitors to share best practices, explore the latest trends and establish business contacts.

At AUTOMATION EXPO, exhibitors can show various types of industrial automation equipment and technologies, such as PLC SCADA、DCS、HMI、 Sensors, controllers, actuators, etc. In addition, the exhibition also includes various types of robots and robot systems, measuring and testing equipment, industrial software, automation solutions, etc.

AUTOMATION EXPO is an important opportunity to understand the Indian and global industrial automation market, and also a platform for exhibitors and buyers to establish business relations.

Scope of exhibits
Industrial automation: assembly and handling system, factory automation transmission system, linear positioning system, control system, PLC, SCADA Sensors and actuators, embedded systems, measurement and testing systems, communication, network and fieldbus systems, industrial image processing systems, industrial computers, industrial automation data acquisition and identification systems, laser technology, automation services, automated production lines, assembly and handling systems, linear positioning systems, etc

Robot and machine vision: industrial robot, robot integration equipment, handling robot, robot hand, FA factory automation parts, human-machine interface, service robot, robot and vision system, related machine vision, devices and parts, etc

Industry: subcontracting and subcontracting: casting and forging, fasteners, screws, finished metal parts, solid forming, non cutting technology parts, machine cutting metal parts, auto parts, component assembly and metal structure, tools and mold making, standard parts, molds, locks and accessories, plastic parts and rubber processing, production and assembly services, contract services, engineering services; Production, assembly, packaging equipment, bearings, chains. Materials: steel, aluminum and other metals, ceramics, polymers (engineering materials), composites and other different industries

Exhibition hall information
Bombay Exhibition Center

Venue area: 45000 square meters

Exhibition hall address: India Mumbai next to Western Express Highway, NESCO, Goregaon, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400063
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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