Exhibition information

Clean Products and Services Australia 2024

Time: 2024/9/11 to 2024/9/12

Exhibition city: Overseas Australia

Exhibition area:

Category: Home decoration

79 days from the opening of the exhibition

Organizer: Interpoint Events Pty Ltd
Organizer: Interpoint Events Pty Ltd
Exhibition Overview
Exhibition introduction
ISSA 2024, from September 11 to September 12, 2024, at - 14 Darling Dr, Australia - New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2000 Sydney International Convention and Exhibition Center, sponsored by Interpoint Events Pty Ltd, held once a year, with an exhibition area of 18000 square meters, 17500 visitors and 350 exhibitors and brands.
ISSA Clean Australia is a leading activity focusing on cleaning and hygiene in Australia. It is jointly organized by ISSA International Clean and Hygiene Industry Association and Interpoint Events. The exhibition is held once a year and it travels in Sydney and Melbourne. This year, the exhibition will be held in Melbourne.

The two-day event attracted key decision-makers including construction service contractors, commercial and industrial cleaning service providers, carpet repairers, facility&building managers, manufacturers, purchasers, cleaning retailers&suppliers, government&education facility representatives, hospitals, healthcare&elderly care representatives, hotel&retail management, glass cleaning&indoor cleaning Buyers and important people.

In 2022, more than 80 enterprises participated in the exhibition and attracted visitors from more than 20 countries all over the world, including France, Germany, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, etc. The number of visitors increased by 25%. According to the position division, CEO/director/business owner accounts for 25%, senior executives account for 43%, and end users/others account for 32%. The Melbourne exhibition in 2023 is expected to attract 2000-3000 professional visitors.

Scope of exhibits
Scope of exhibits: detergents, cleaning tools and supplies, equipment&accessories, facility management&safety supplies, floor&carpet care, toilet care&supplies, epidemic prevention and killing, deodorization products, education&training, paper products&dispensers, high-pressure cleaning equipment and accessories, repair equipment and supplies, toilet care and services, services and technology, and other categories;

Exhibition hall information
International Convention CenterICC Sydney

Venue area: 35000 square meters

Exhibition hall address: Australia - New South Wales - 14 Darling Dr, Sydney NSW 2000
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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