Exhibition information

2024 Chicago Furniture Fair

Time: 2024/6/10 to 2024/6/12

Exhibition city: Foreign America

Exhibition area:

Category: Home decoration


Organizer: Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc.
Organizer: Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc.
Exhibition Overview
Exhibition introduction
NeoCon 2024, exhibition time: June 10~June 12, 2024, exhibition location: Chicago 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, IL 60654 USA Chicago Commodity Market, USA, sponsored by Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc, Period: once a year, exhibition area: 12000 square meters, 52100 visitors, 456 exhibitors and brands.
NeoCon exhibition is held in Chicago, USA, attracting professionals from office furniture manufacturers, designers, architects, interior designers, commercial space planners and other professionals from all over the world every year. The exhibition provides them with an excellent opportunity to understand the latest trends, innovations and products in the industry.

Exhibitors will display various products related to office furniture and commercial space design at NeoCon Exhibition, including office chairs, desks, conference room furniture, partition systems, space layout solutions, etc. They attract potential customers by displaying creative designs and high-quality products, and establish contacts with professionals from all over the world to facilitate business cooperation.

Visitors can learn about the latest trends, innovations and market demands of commercial space design and office environment by visiting exhibitions, participating in lectures, lectures and workshops. NeoCon exhibition also provides a platform for visitors to learn and exchange, and visitors can interact with designers and industry experts to share experience and insights.

NeoCon exhibition provides an opportunity for professionals in the field of business design and office furniture to understand market development, promote products and establish business contacts. The exhibition not only provides an opportunity for exhibitors to display and promote, but also provides a platform for visitors to discover innovative design and explore the office environment. Whether looking for new office furniture, understanding the design trend of commercial space, or communicating with industry experts, NeoCon is a grand event that cannot be missed.

Scope of exhibits
Office furniture: office chairs and sofas, conference room chairs, public transport furniture, airport furniture, cinema, auditorium furniture, library furniture, hospital furniture, etc;

Office supplies: office partition, system furniture, office desk, computer desk, file cabinet, safe, etc

Office decoration: textiles, walls, wall decorations, lighting supplies, etc; Carpet flooring materials, ceiling, carpet, floor, floor materials, etc;

Office design accessories: decorative materials, interior decoration design, accessories, art design products, building materials services, etc;

Exhibition hall information
The Merchandise Mart

Venue area: 390193 square meters

Exhibition hall address: America Illinois Chicago 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, IL 60654 USA
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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