Exhibition information

2024 Japan Life Office Furniture Exhibition

Time: 2024/5/29 to 2024/5/31

Exhibition city: Overseas Japan

Exhibition area:

Category: Home decoration


Organizer: Japan Office and Institutional Furniture Association
Organizer: Japan Office and Institutional Furniture Association
Exhibition Overview
Exhibition introduction
ORGANIC TOKYO 2024, May 29~May 31, 2024, at 3-21-1 Ariake, Koto ku, Tokyo 135-0063, Japan Tokyo Youming International Convention and Exhibition Center, Japan Office and Institutional Furniture Association, Koelnmesse, Period: once a year, exhibition area: 10000 square meters, 22000 visitors, 300 exhibitors and brands.
Cologne Exhibition Company is the world's top trade exhibition organizer in the fields of living and office furniture. In Cologne Trade Exhibition Center, leading international exhibitions such as imm cologne, LivingKitchen, interzum, ORGANEC, spoga+gafa, FSB and aquale are among the internationally renowned and mature industry conference venues. These exhibitions comprehensively represent the supply department, offices and facilities, garden lifestyle, urban living environment and sauna, swimming pool and atmosphere of the interior and design fields, kitchen world, furniture and interior construction industry.

In the past few years, Cologne Exhibitions has specifically added international expositions to its portfolio in the most important rapidly expanding markets. These include interzum guangzhou, interzum bogot á and ORGANEC TOKYO.

The theme of ORGANEC TOKYO is "Transforming Design". It discusses how good design affects the changing society, work style and lifestyle, and makes them better. Visitors can experience this theme in the ORGATEC Tokyo Experience Area.
There is an ecological garden, highlighting the work, design and nature. The experience area is also the stage for top to show Itoki, Okamura, Kokuyo and other brands' prospects for future work. We hope to improve the comfort and creativity of all staff and will become a catalyst for creating new value for society in the future. "
Scope of exhibits
Office space: office facilities planning, construction, expansion and management, office and office facilities and equipment, acoustics, floor, lighting, audio-visual technology, office and facilities furniture, organization system, information technology, telecommunications, software and services, and others.

Office furniture: Interzum office furniture, the market segment of office components, accessories, accessories and technology, including textiles and floor, wall and ceiling materials.

Exhibition hall information
Tokyo Big Sight International Exhibition Center

Venue area: 17000 square meters

Exhibition hall address: 3-21-1 Ariake, Tokyo, Japan, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0063, Japan
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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