Exhibition information

2025 German Essen Gardening Exhibition

Time: 2025/1/28 to 2025/1/31

Exhibition city: Germany abroad

Exhibition area:

Category: Building property

239 days from the opening of the exhibition

Exhibition hall: Essen Exhibitions
Organizer: Essen Convention Center
Organizer: Essen Convention Center
Exhibition Overview
Exhibition introduction
IPM Essen 2025, from January 28 to January 31, 2025, at Essen Nordstrasse D - 45131 Essen Essen Convention Center, Germany, sponsored by Essen Exhibition Company, held once a year, covering an area of 110000 square meters, with 54000 visitors, The number of exhibitors and brands reached 1564.
IPM Essen was held in Essen, Germany. As the largest horticultural exhibition in the world, IPM ESSEN is a paradise for horticultural plant producers and enthusiasts, providing the latest market trends and excellent project information every year.

IPM Essen is a professional exhibition covering the whole industry chain of flowers and plants, including the sales and retail of flowers, gardening and gardening materials. Exhibitors and professional visitors can enjoy the most comprehensive market products and various new things here! It attracted 1564 exhibitors from 50 countries to show the latest plants, new equipment and fashionable flowers at the exhibition.

Essen is the ninth largest city in Germany, located in the middle of Ruhr area in the north of Rhine Westphalia. Essen, once a famous coal and steel center in Germany, is more friendly to business than ever before.

Scope of exhibits
Plants: flowers, root plants, fruits and vegetables, potted plants, cut flowers, seed seedlings

Utensils: stainless steel, wooden, glass, ceramic, plastic

Greenhouse: shading net, film, flower cultivation and grafting technology;

Others: biological breeding system, biological planting and environmental protection

Exhibition hall information
Messe Essen

Venue area: 130000 square meters

Exhibition hall address: Germany Essen Norbertstrasse D - 45131 Essen
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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