Exhibition information

2024 Horticultural Exhibition in Cologne, Germany

Time: 2024/6/16 to 2024/6/18

Exhibition city: Germany abroad

Exhibition area:

Category: Building property


Organizer: Cologne Exhibition Co., Ltd
Organizer: Cologne Exhibition Co., Ltd
Exhibition Overview
Exhibition introduction
SPOGA&GAFA 2024, June 16~June 18, 2024, Germany - Cologne - Messepl 1. 50679 Cologne International Convention and Exhibition Center, sponsored by Cologne Exhibition Co., Ltd., Germany, once a year, with an exhibition area of 241000 square meters, 36800 visitors, and 2012 exhibitors and brands.
SPOGA&GAFA is one of the largest and most influential outdoor products and horticultural exhibitions in Europe. The exhibition aims to provide a platform for communication and exhibition for the global outdoor products and horticultural industry, attracting exhibitors and visitors from all over the world.

SPOGA&GAFA exhibition includes all kinds of outdoor products and gardening products, such as garden furniture, barbecue equipment, garden tools, lawn equipment, swimming pool and waterscape equipment, outdoor lighting and other fields. Exhibitors can show their products and services, and communicate and negotiate with professionals from outdoor products and horticulture industry around the world.

In addition, SPOGA&GAFA also provides a series of industry seminars, technical lectures and hot forums to let participants know the latest industry trends and developments, as well as opportunities and challenges.

In short, SPOGA&GAFA is an important event in the global outdoor products and horticulture industry, an ideal place to learn about the latest trends and trends in this field, and also provides opportunities for participants to expand their business and market. If you are a professional in outdoor products and horticulture industry, or are interested in this field, SPOGA&GAFA exhibition is an opportunity that cannot be missed.

Scope of exhibits
Garden life: garden furniture, decoration and equipment, sports and games, camping and leisure

Gardens and care: Landgard ordering and concept day, plants and flowers, biochemistry and soil, machines and accessories, tools and accessories, gardening equipment and sheds, water and lights

Garden barbecue: barbecue and barbecue, outdoor kitchen and accessories, outdoor kitchen world

Unique garden: exclusive display of outdoor living area

Outdoor: shotgun support, parts and processing, hunting and sports guns and ammunition, outdoor photoelectric equipment, knives, hunting clothing, outdoor supplies, shooting and sports supplies, hunting supplies, personal safety protection supplies, fishing gear products, etc

Exhibition hall information
Exhibition Centre Cologne

Venue area: 286000 square meters

Exhibition hall address: Germany - Cologne - Messepl 1, 50679
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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