Exhibition information

2024 (Shanghai) General Merchandise Trade Exhibition

Time: 2024/7/18 to 2024/7/20

Exhibition city: Shanghai, a municipality directly under the Central Government of China

Exhibition area:

Category: other

24 days from the opening of the exhibition

Organizer: Reed Huabai Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Organizer: Reed Huabai Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Exhibition Overview
Exhibition introduction
The 2024 (Shanghai) General Merchandise Trade Fair (CCAGM) will be held from July 18 to July 20, 2024, at Shanghai New International Expo Center, 2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area, China, organized by Reed Exhibitions (Beijing) Co., Ltd., once a year, with an area of 180000 square meters and 90000 visitors, The number of exhibitors and brands reached 3000.
After more than 60 years of accumulation of resources and reputation, the China Daily Necessity Fair (hereinafter referred to as "the Fair") has become a flagship trade fair in the industry renowned in Asia for its high quality and omni channel. "Department Store", based on the household department store industry, is a comprehensive business platform integrating new product release, brand communication, procurement trade and industry exchange. With the core demand of personalized consumption experience and the rapid upgrading of digital applications, the change trend of China's home furnishing department stores will continue to cause significant changes in the market and product competition pattern in the industry in the coming years.

Scope of exhibits
Kitchen supplies: pots, knives, cups, pots, water tools, tableware, cooking utensils

Cleaning bathroom: cleaning supplies, bathroom supplies, toiletries, drying supplies, gloves

Household products: storage products, outdoor products, aromatherapy, disposable products, slippers

Home textiles: towels, carpets/mats, other home textiles

Smart appliances: small appliances

Fashion products: bags

Exhibition hall information
Shanghai New International Expo Centre

Venue area: 300000 square meters

Exhibition hall address: 2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China
contact information

Tel: 84600937, 84600936

Mobile: 13661314152, 13520548763, 19919912981, 15810646598

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